Inktober2023 Day13-15

閱讀時間約 4 分鐘

Day13. RISE (13/31)
Inktober's thirteenth word is RISE 升起

What time is it? Why haven't you gotten out of bed yet? Are you doing it to be playful? I can't really control you; you're just like a child. What's that? You say you'll only get up if there's a reward? You really like that, huh? I'll just let you take a peek... Now, somewhere else seems to be rising!


Day14. CASTLE (14/31)
Inktober's fourteenth word is CASTLE 城堡

Time passed as they journeyed through the forest, and they hadn't realized it was getting so late. Bathed in the pure moonlight, before the girls stood an ancient castle. It was said that only those who were overly heartbroken could enter. To pass through the castle, they were advised not to make a single sound. They had to walk quietly, even stealthily, as any noise could be heard by the king who had been hungry for a long time.


Day15. DAGGER (15/31)
Inktober's fifteenth word is DAGGER 匕首

Pea had just bid goodnight to the two moons and slipped into a brief dream. Although her mind was asleep, her body reacted instinctively, and she sat up in bed, clutching the dagger by her pillow. Despite having a clear conscience, the darkness still held its secrets. Who could be knocking at this hour? Pea considered various possible enemies. Even though she wasn't accustomed to late-night snacks, revenge is a dish best served cold.


如果要從側面的角度去看待生活的話,也會發現每天其實都有不同的進展,某個時間點認識了某個人、某一日巧遇了誰、某天晚上誰坦承了些什麼、某一秒我們無話可說似乎封鎖了彼此,雖然變化之大就像曇花的開落,但其實也只是匆匆一瞥而已。 無足輕重的,and time goes by.
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