D4@18 May 2021 Plain Covid Diary in Taiwan

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added 437 local cases, 2 deaths. 18 May 2021 (Tue)
Many insurance companies provide insurances that cover all fee just for COVID, they indemnify if you're hospitalised after getting vaccinated as well as indemnify if you're quarantined officially. Not to mention if you're diagnosed as catching COVID. As the surge now, it's been a must to citizens to buy one, I bought the insurance even though I already have had medical insurances, just in case.
When do people who live in other countries get used to seeing the numbers of getting infected and the death toll? When do they see the numbers just numbers, not the real humans anymore?
Things have been out of control only within four days, it's super crazy.
The government has finally closed the schools nationally. The infection number slightly decreased today, two died.
Some teachers still stay in schools in case some parents can't take care of their children. Many businesses and the government released resources for remote learning. Most citizens follow the measures and even more strict, I think we'll soon be fine if we take these as seriously as now for two weeks.
Testing resources have been running out at hospitals and planning to set testing stations. Some people said we should sell test kits at stores… But… I don't think it's a good idea. The operation of using these testing kits must be professional, what if people get a fake negative result but they reckon they are fine then go outside? Wouldn't it be worse?
People are discussing medical services to home and remote medical services. Some people are worried that might add extra burdens to medical staff.
I feel like we've been speeding up all the stages as other countries have been suffering. For example, other countries spent six months accepting the situation, we only spent like less than 24 hours. We were shocked but also accepted it in a very short time. Then we suffered depression, then motivated, then took measures, then run out of resources. All have happened within five days.
Vsy的沙龍 的其他內容
The local government's measures suck. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow are two of my kids' midterm exams.
I've been struggling for three days if my daughters need to ask for personal leave to school before the schools are closed.
The number of COVID local cases drastically increased to 180 for the first time since the outbreak in Jan 2020. I can't tell how anxious I am.
The local government's measures suck. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow are two of my kids' midterm exams.
I've been struggling for three days if my daughters need to ask for personal leave to school before the schools are closed.
The number of COVID local cases drastically increased to 180 for the first time since the outbreak in Jan 2020. I can't tell how anxious I am.
Google News 追蹤
這個秋,Chill 嗨嗨!穿搭美美去賞楓,裝備款款去露營⋯⋯你的秋天怎麼過?秋日 To Do List 等你分享! 秋季全站徵文,我們準備了五個創作主題,參賽還有機會獲得「火烤兩用鍋」,一起來看看如何參加吧~
有時候人生的 驚喜 就是 來的這麼突然 有時候 這驚喜就在某一個轉角等你 特別是當你的電動自行車 電量剩30%,車上有兩份顧客的餐點 導航卻還帶你一路爬坡,毫不猶豫衝進公墓 然後在裡面迷路 鬼打牆 這過程簡直   像極了 愛情  像極了 人生  像極了 你 我 昨天發生的事 你只有 一分鐘 去體會
D4 你是公司中的老油條嗎? 老油條是形容人很滑頭,做事情自認為駕輕就熟,態度消極牴觸,軟硬不吃。千萬不要以為只有老年員工才會出現這種情況,即使再年輕的員工也有可能成為公司的老油條,而且是不分男女。 老油條到底有那些特徵呢?一起來看看以下這些特徵是不是你的寫照?
D4 原諒與放下 「了結,不是遺忘,因為你不可能遺忘,而是要在身體上、情緒上和精神上,把「失落」發生當時來不及表示的,做個結束。」 約翰.詹姆斯 人生路上不同階段會遇上不一樣的人 有些時候你會成為加害者 有些時候你會成為受害者 這些傷痛可以是來自伴侶,同事,上司或.................
02.07 科學單元和美術單元都看得很過癮,老師很會講;體育單元(1-4集小朋友以及女生摔跤選手)是紀錄片的即視感;洪真慶周圍朋友美食探訪,訪問環節很有趣。
照片是家門口的晨光 今天早上8:45起床,其實早上7點鬧鐘就響了,結果賴到8:45才起來 但昨天是晚上11:15就睡了,能夠這麼早睡的主因是我昨天吃完晚餐休息一下就去洗澡,也沒有開電腦。 下次試著晚上吃完飯就不要碰電腦了,隔天早上再做晚上的事就可以早起了。
靠著一張表就期望能追蹤所有的需求,就好像吃了臭豆腐,還覺得很香一樣。是真的,但也是一種幻覺。 身為一個 BA,最重要的職責真的不在於挖掘需求,因為你怎麼挖都一定會歪掉,因為你再怎麼挖,需求一定還會有變化。
這個秋,Chill 嗨嗨!穿搭美美去賞楓,裝備款款去露營⋯⋯你的秋天怎麼過?秋日 To Do List 等你分享! 秋季全站徵文,我們準備了五個創作主題,參賽還有機會獲得「火烤兩用鍋」,一起來看看如何參加吧~
有時候人生的 驚喜 就是 來的這麼突然 有時候 這驚喜就在某一個轉角等你 特別是當你的電動自行車 電量剩30%,車上有兩份顧客的餐點 導航卻還帶你一路爬坡,毫不猶豫衝進公墓 然後在裡面迷路 鬼打牆 這過程簡直   像極了 愛情  像極了 人生  像極了 你 我 昨天發生的事 你只有 一分鐘 去體會
D4 你是公司中的老油條嗎? 老油條是形容人很滑頭,做事情自認為駕輕就熟,態度消極牴觸,軟硬不吃。千萬不要以為只有老年員工才會出現這種情況,即使再年輕的員工也有可能成為公司的老油條,而且是不分男女。 老油條到底有那些特徵呢?一起來看看以下這些特徵是不是你的寫照?
D4 原諒與放下 「了結,不是遺忘,因為你不可能遺忘,而是要在身體上、情緒上和精神上,把「失落」發生當時來不及表示的,做個結束。」 約翰.詹姆斯 人生路上不同階段會遇上不一樣的人 有些時候你會成為加害者 有些時候你會成為受害者 這些傷痛可以是來自伴侶,同事,上司或.................
02.07 科學單元和美術單元都看得很過癮,老師很會講;體育單元(1-4集小朋友以及女生摔跤選手)是紀錄片的即視感;洪真慶周圍朋友美食探訪,訪問環節很有趣。
照片是家門口的晨光 今天早上8:45起床,其實早上7點鬧鐘就響了,結果賴到8:45才起來 但昨天是晚上11:15就睡了,能夠這麼早睡的主因是我昨天吃完晚餐休息一下就去洗澡,也沒有開電腦。 下次試著晚上吃完飯就不要碰電腦了,隔天早上再做晚上的事就可以早起了。
靠著一張表就期望能追蹤所有的需求,就好像吃了臭豆腐,還覺得很香一樣。是真的,但也是一種幻覺。 身為一個 BA,最重要的職責真的不在於挖掘需求,因為你怎麼挖都一定會歪掉,因為你再怎麼挖,需求一定還會有變化。