Protest on 3rd August: Ma keeps ignoring people’s rages

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Protest on August 3rd: Ma keeps ignoring people’s rages 

Following the notice on July 18th, we now recommend you to have another close eye on the protest on August 3rd before the Presidential Hall in Taipei. 

The protest is for the case of Guantanamo-like torture, a college graduated young Taiwanese corporal was tortured to death on early July, three days before he was set to complete his one-year compulsory military service.   

On July 23rd, the US Congressional Research Service issued “U.S.-Taiwan Relationship: Overview of Policy Issues” by Shirley A. Kan, the Specialist in Asian Security Affairs, in which she tracked the protest of a tragic case which happened three days before.  She wrote, “On July 20, 2013, an estimated 30,000 demonstrators protested at the MND, after the death of a corporal on July 3 reportedly from heatstroke while in detention. Even before the incident that could harm recruitment and retention, MND reached only 10.6% of its goal for the year, signing 1,847 out of 17,447 recruits.” 

After a series of slow and pointless investigations, the military prosecutor delivered an abridged indictment and prosecuted some 18 personnel while giving no solid evidence or motivation.  People who believe in “no truth no justice,” do not buy it.

The people have decided to gather a larger protest on August 3rd

The serial ridiculous and careless moves that the military prosecutors and the Ministry of National Defense took in the past month have demonstrated nothing but the fact that Taiwanese military have no professionalism at all.  They keep irritating tax payers.  People started to worry: Do the island defense scenarios work? Can we count on the government?  In short, distrust prevails. 

As MND insists on performing meaningless moves at the cost of people’s trust in the government, rumor has it that the possible massive corruptions in the Brigades 269, of which the main mission is to defend Taipei, will eventually endanger the security of Taiwan.   

Yet, the worst scenario might be political.  The bullying case has sparked the long-fermented dissatisfaction.  Other people, who have suffered from the inept governance of Ma’s administration since 2008, might join the August 3rd protest.  Seeing what happened in the Jasmine Revolutions, we may anticipate that the hostile power and its intelligence personnel will utilize the incident to its advantage. 


Pressure, of course, lies on the political department, i.e. the President MYJ, who keeps ignoring the rages of Taiwanese.    revised at 20130803


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