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Park Geun-hye, new President of South Korea, visited the US.  While replying to the questions from the south Korea journalist, President Park made no mention of Japan in the joint press conference with President Obama on the recent crisis of Korean peninsula. 
She said, apparently on purpose:

With regard to China and Russia’s stance, I believe that China and Russia -- not to mention the international community, of course -- share the need for a denuclearized Korean Peninsula and are cooperating closely to induce North Korea to take the right path;And with regard to Russia, Russia is also firmly committed to the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula;Such constructive efforts on the part of China and Russia are vital to sending a unified message to North Korea that their nuclear weapons will not stand, and encouraging and urging North Korea to make the right decision.

Obama did his job, as an alliance both to South Korea and Japan, by emphasizing the status of Japan in terms of Korean Peninsula, “And I think that China and Russia and Japan and other key players that have been participants in Six-Party talks have made that clear.[1]
Yun Byung-se , Korean Minister of Foreign Affairs, added that Japan has to acknowledge correct history to maintain the peace of Northeast Asia, in his press conference later.
It looks that the US is facing the dilemma to pacify both her alliances Korea and Japan to meet the ever-expanding enemy-to-be.    Revised at 1635




対日配慮で温度差 朴氏は連携国に加えず「正しい歴史認識」要求◎產經新聞(2013.05.08)






[1]  http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2013/05/07/remarks-president-obama-and-president-park-south-korea-joint-press-confe    accessed on 2013/05/08


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