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Facing the seemingly endless self-immolation of Tibetan Monks since 2009, Chinese Supreme People’s Court, a division of the administration branch, together with two divisions of the judicial branch, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate and the Ministry of Public Security, proclaimed an “opinion,” in which they defined the self-immolation in Tibetan territory as a crime.
It is unacceptable for most of the people who live in democratic societies, in which the legislative branch preserves the exclusive power to make the rights and obligations referring to the people through law.  Yet the communist regimes, who regard themselves as God or saints that never make mistakes, think the opposite way.  Power talks in China.
The report highlighted what Chinese communist government cared most: premeditation, establishing contact, provocation, motivation, Chinese unity, and the rule by law.  The “opinion” was irrelevant to the philosophical or theological debate on the question: who is mandated to take away other people’s life, which was granted by God too?  Chinese authorities are concerned about their powers only: I decide, I do, I judge.
Who dares to challenge the communist “opinion”?  Not even the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature.    revised at 1500




自焚與助自焚者 陸頒新規論罪◎中央社(2012.12.09)


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