
閱讀時間約 32 分鐘


Gemba Kouichiro, Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs, wrote an open letter to the editor of the International Harald Tribune on November 21 to explain Japanese position on the Senakakus.  Beijing blasted it on the next day.
They both upheld the international law and post-war order; however, they referred to different views.  While Japan highlighted the San Francisco Peace Treaty (SFPT) in 1951 as the ultimate legal arrangement, Beijing insisted that the war-time Potsdam Declaration in 1945 and the Cairo Press Communiqué in 1943 be the base documents.  Beijing especially emphasized the position that she has no obligation to honor the SFPT for not having been invited to attend the Peace Conference of 1951.
Beijing was arbitrarily assertive, as she always is.
It is a basic principle of international laws that the war ends with the treaty of peace, which is the ultimate legal document with binding force to both sides.  The views and political positions presented in war-time should become voluntary options, not legal obligations, to the related countries, if they were not in breach of the said treaty.
What is more, the Republic of China, the legitimate government of China under the rule of Chiang Kai-shek on Taiwan, already concluded the Taipei Treaty with Japan in 1952 as a part of SFPT, which meant CHINA has concluded the treaty of peace and formally ended the war with Japan under the principle of the succession of government. 
In short, it is unlawful for PRC, the successive government of ROC, to enjoy all the rights of the legitimate government of China on the one hand, but refuse to honor her legal obligations on the other.    revised on 20121125

Japan-China Relations at a Crossroads◎日本外務大臣玄葉光一郎(2012.1121)

Over the past decade or more, global security concerns have focused on developments in the Middle East, and the situation there remains worryingly volatile.

Recently, however, the security environment in the Asia-Pacific region has also become increasingly unstable and is causing growing concern, as is evident from the U.S. strategic rebalancing toward the region.  As a democracy in Asia, Japan has been contributing to peace and prosperity of the entire world, founding on our alliance with the United States.

Following the presidential election in the United States, new leadership has now taken helm of China.  Japan’s relationship with neighboring China represents one of Japan’s most important bilateral relationships.  The government of Japan hopes to enhance its relations with China’s new leadership.

On the other hand, it is a fact that tension exists between the two countries over the Senkaku Islands. As seen in media reports, large-scale anti-Japan demonstrations have taken place throughout China, and Japanese companies that were attacked are now suffering well over $100 million in total damages and losses.

Nevertheless, Japan has been consistently dealing with the situation with composure.

We will continue to promote the “mutually beneficial relationship based on common strategic interests” between Japan and China from a broad perspective.  Japan has been reiterating that China’s development is an opportunity for the global community, including Japan. This position will remain unchanged.

For countries in the Asia-Pacific region, the cause for concern is the trend of China’s maritime activities.  In a report to the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party by Hu Jintao, China explicitly outlined its policy to “resolutely safeguard China’s maritime rights and interests, and build China into a maritime power.”

Japan is clearly not alone in hoping that this policy will be achieved in accordance with international law and in harmony with neighboring nations.  What we are seeing in the South China Sea and around the Senkaku Islands, however, raises concern.  China appears to be attempting to make the practice of dispatching government vessels to these areas an everyday affair, and change the status quo through coercion.

At the party congress, President Hu also stated, “China opposes hegemonism and power politics in all their forms and will never seek hegemony or engage in expansion.”

Japan welcomes this stance and strongly hopes that China will demonstrate this policy through real actions to reassure its neighbors. In this context, it becomes clear that the situation surrounding the Senkaku Islands raises questions not about the past of a country but about the future of our region.

I would like to take this opportunity to respond to some of the questions that frequently arise among those concerned about the current situation.

First, why did Japan purchase three of the Senkaku Islands in September?

The objective was to minimize any adverse impact on the Japan-China relationship.

There is no doubt that the Senkaku Islands are an inherent part of Japan, as evidenced by both historical facts and international law.  Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara announced his intention in April to buy and develop facilities on the islands.

Purchasing the islands instead was the only viable and best option available to the government of Japan to protect bilateral relations.

The measure taken by the government of Japan was just a transfer of title under Japanese domestic law and just means that the ownership of the islands — held by the government until 1932 — was returned from a private citizen to the government.

It is regrettable that China has not fully understood how the relationship between Japanese central and local governments functions, nor how private property is secured, due to the differences between the two countries.

Second, is the government of Japan trying to deny the international order established after World War II?

Absolutely not.  Japan is a peace-loving nation and has greatly and consistently contributed to peace and prosperity throughout Asia in the post-war period.  This policy, strongly supported by our citizens, is a hallmark of Japan and will never change.  An annual BBC World Service poll measuring perceptions of different countries’ influence on the world consistently ranks Japan highly, finding that Japan is seen as having a positive impact on the world.

In a joint statement between China and Japan issued when President Hu visited Japan in 2008, China itself stated that, “The Chinese side expressed its positive evaluation of Japan’s consistent pursuit of the path of a peaceful country and Japan’s contribution to the peace and stability of the world through peaceful means over more than 60 years since World War II.”

As a first step after the war, Japan concluded the San Francisco Peace Treaty, which was signed by 48 other countries, including the United States.  The treaty constitutes an important element of the postwar international order, but the Chinese government considers the treaty “illegal and void.”  In addition, China enacted a Law on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone in 1992 that treats the Senkaku Islands as belonging to China, thus trying to unilaterally change the status of the islands defined by the San Francisco Peace Treaty.  Which country, Japan or China, negates the postwar international order?

Third, why does not Japan refer the issue to the International Court of Justice?

This is a question that is often wrongly directed toward Japan. It is Japan that has valid control over the Senkaku Islands under international law, and it is China that is seeking to challenge the status quo.  The question should be posed to China.

Japan has accepted the jurisdiction of the I.C.J. as compulsory. Since China is undertaking various campaigns to promote their assertions in international forums, it seems to make sense for China to seek a solution based on international law.  Why don’t they show any signs of accepting the jurisdiction of the I.C.J. as compulsory and taking their arguments to the I.C.J.?

Japan-China relations now stand at a major crossroads.  We must more than ever remind ourselves of the tremendous efforts made by the leaders of our two countries as they devoted themselves to normalizing relations, and decided to establish a “mutually beneficial relationship based on common strategic interests” thereby taking the bilateral relationship to a higher level.  Because we share strategic interests not only in terms of bilateral relations but in a variety of fields, Japan and China have committed to building win-win ties through cooperation in each field.

We cannot make any concessions where sovereignty is concerned.  At the same time, Japan, as a responsible member of the international community, stands ready to stabilize relations with China.  We hope the new leadership in China will also take a positive approach.


岐路に立つ日中関係(Japan-China Relations at a Crossroads)◎玄葉光一郎(2012.1122)

●「岐路に立つ日中関係(Japan-China Relations at a Crossroads)」(21日付インターナショナル・ヘラルド・トリビューン紙第8面)(記事は別添)

この10 数年間,安全保障面での国際社会の関心は,中東地域に向けられており,その状況は悩ましいことに依然不安定なままである。しかし,米国のアジア太平洋地域への戦略的な回帰から明らかなとおり,最近になり同地域における安全保障環境が厳しく不安定な状況になってきている。日本は,米国との同盟関係を基礎として,アジアにおける民主主義国として,世界の平和と繁栄に貢献してきている。
















  問:據報道,21日日本外相玄葉光一郎在美《國際先驅論壇報》發表文章稱,《舊金山和約》是戰後國際秩序重要組成部分,中國政府卻不承認《和約》,因此不是日本否認戰後國際格局,而是中國不接受戰後國際秩序。“日本為什麼沒有將釣魚島問題提交國際法院仲裁”這個問題應由正在挑戰現狀的中國來回答。中方對此有何評論?  答:日本外相有關言論是極其錯誤和不負責任的。釣魚島及其附屬島嶼是中國固有領土,中國對釣魚島主權擁有充分歷史和法理依據。中方已在不同場合多次、全面、詳細闡述了中方嚴正立場。  《開羅宣言》和《波茨坦公告》是同盟國與日本之間結束戰爭狀態、構建亞太戰後國際秩序的法律基礎,是中日之間解決戰後領土歸屬問題的法律基礎。而日方依據所謂的“舊金山和約”主張對釣魚島主權,在法理上是完全站不住腳的。中國被排除在舊金山和會之外,不是《舊金山和約》的締約國,因此,《舊金山和約》對中國沒有約束力,根本不是中日雙方解決戰後領土歸屬問題的法律基礎。  當前日本在釣魚島問題上不斷採取挑釁行動,本質上是日本企圖否認《開羅宣言》和《波茨坦公告》的效力,挑戰戰後國際秩序。  關于日方所謂的“挑戰現狀”,我想強調兩點,第一,要談現狀,首先要搞清楚釣魚島的原狀。釣魚島是中國固有領土,原本就屬於中國。正是日方在甲午戰爭和美國“歸還”沖繩之後,竊取和霸佔了中國領土。第二,如果日方所謂的“現狀”就是日方對釣魚島的非法佔據和所謂“實際管控”,我要強調,中方對此從來不予承認、不予接受。中方一直強調日方在釣魚島附近海域的所謂“存在”和“管控”是非法、無效的,中方絕不會接受。  必須強調指出,造成目前態勢的根源在於日本沒有徹底反省和清算日本軍國主義侵略歷史。我們要求日方必須放棄幻想,正視現實,深刻反省,拿出誠意和實際行動,為妥善解決當前事態和問題做出切實努力。




  問:日本自民黨昨天公佈競選綱領,提出增加軍事支出,在釣魚島問題上對華持強硬立場,中方對此有何評論?  答:釣魚島及其附屬島嶼是中國的固有領土,任何外來壓力都絲毫不能動搖中國政府和人民維護國家領土主權的堅定意志和決心。  關於日本自民黨競選綱領提到的涉軍事內容,我想強調,由於歷史的原因,日本在軍事安全領域的動向對亞洲戰爭受害國人民始終是一個高度敏感的問題。我們希望日本反省歷史,堅持走和平發展道路,為本地區的和平穩定與發展發揮建設性作用。  問:日本政府今天正式任命木寺昌人為新一任駐華大使,中方對此有何評論?  答:中方正根據國際慣例和相關程式處理日本駐華大使輪換事宜。我想指出,當前中日關係面臨嚴重困難。日方應以實際行動為妥善處理和解決有關問題,改善兩國關係作出應有努力。希望日本新任駐華大使能為此發揮積極作用。



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    薛丁格的小說 現代人的消費習慣價格浮動範圍非常廣,我相信這是因為資訊快速的更迭,以及選擇多樣化所致。除了自己所信仰價值的東西以外,其他被選擇的機會變得更少。可能一旦相信某一個品牌之後,除非這個品牌遲遲不提供更好的服務環境,否則不會輕易地轉眼看看身邊的類似性產品。
    書名:玄學大師是天后 作者:一杯豆漿 版區:原創言情 世界背景【自分類】:現代 主題分類【自分類】:娛樂圈 關鍵字【自分類】:重生、玄學、直播系統、情有獨鍾 評分【滿分5顆星】:4顆星 心得: 文中的系統,除了小Q系統,我不喜歡狗蛋系統和系統總公司,狗蛋系統不知道是個性問題還是設定問題,常常不自覺的
    不曉得你是否會看到這篇文章,但我還是想將心情完整地告訴你。  我必須先自己承認,自己是個很喜歡好聽聲音的人,你說話的聲音,還有你的笑聲,很纖細、溫和,不帶有任何粗曠感,卻又能明顯聽出是男生的低沉嗓音,真的很好聽,我是真的很喜歡。 那眼神是缺愛的眼神,充滿悲傷、不安,以及孤獨。 我哭了好久好久。