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數萬民眾示威中傳聞穆氏死亡 埃及緊張升◎中央社(2012.06.20)

  5萬名示威群眾19日湧入開羅解放廣場(Tahrir Square),抗議軍方試圖奪權,就在此時傳出埃及前總統穆巴拉克(Hosni Mubarak)逝世的消息,使緊張情勢進一步升高。  埃及人民正在等待當局宣布那位候選人贏得後穆巴拉克時代首次總統選舉。穆斯林兄弟會(Muslim Brotherhood)堅稱,他們的候選人穆希(Mohammed Mursi)勝選,對手前總理夏費克(Ahmed Shafiq)也宣稱當選。  大選正式開票結果預定要到21日才會公布,但無論當局宣布誰當選,都可能引起對方質疑做假,尤其是如果夏費克勝選,更可能引起穆斯林兄弟會爆炸性反彈。  穆斯林兄弟會是埃及最強大的政治團體,針對執政軍方本週攬奪大權,權力凌駕總統之上,這個團體正擴大對執政將領的挑戰。  約5萬人,大多是伊斯蘭激進人士,19日晚上聚集解放廣場,他們高呼支持穆希的口號,並譴責執政將領奪權。就在此時,傳出穆巴拉克已臨床死亡,更增添埃及情勢的不確定性。  國營「中東新聞社」(MENA)稍早報導,穆巴拉克19日中風,在從監獄轉送醫院後,已宣告臨床死亡。  中東新聞社報導說:「穆巴拉克已臨床死亡。他的心臟停止跳動,對於去顫電擊沒有反應。」  國營電視台也報導這個消息,並播放穆巴拉克生平的檔案畫面。  不過消息人士說,穆巴拉克目前僅是昏迷,靠人工呼吸器維生,  兩名安全消息人士告訴路透社,穆巴拉克目前不省人事,靠人工呼吸器維生,但是尚未臨床死亡。  一名軍方消息人士告訴路透社:「他完全不省人事,目前使用人工呼吸器。」  另一名安全消息人士也表示:「目前說穆巴拉克臨床死亡仍言之過早。」  一名醫療消息人士也告訴法新社,穆巴拉克「昏迷,醫生正嘗試讓他蘇醒過來,他已戴上人工呼吸器」。


Conflicting reports over Mubarak's health◎Al Jazeera(2012.06.20)

Hosni Mubarak, the deposed Egyptian leader, has been revived and is on an artificial respirator after he suffered stroke, sources in the interior ministry and from his family told Al Jazeera.

A lawyer for Mubarak's family told Al Jazeera he was actually unconscious and on a respirator after he was rushed to Maadi Hospital near Cairo from Tora prison hospital.

Mubarak's wife Suzanne has reportedly arrived at the hospital.

"We do understand from family sources that Hosni Mubarak is improving," Al Jazeera's Mike Hanna, reporting from Cairo, said.  "We believe he is still in a coma."

"The state TV has now formally reported that he is in an intensive care unit in Maadi military hospital," he said.

Al Jazeera's Hanna said that earlier there were reports that his heart had stopped and attempts to resuscitate failed.

Earlier on Tuesday the state news agency, MENA, quoted medical sources as saying that the former president, aged 84, was "clinically dead".

'Nonsense' cited

General Said Abbas, a member of the ruling military council, told Reuters that Mubarak had suffered a stroke but added, "Any talk of him being clinically dead is nonsense."

According to an interior ministry spokesman, he suffered a stroke and his condition rapidly worsened on Tuesday.

State news agency, MENA, had earlier reported Mubarak's transfer to hospital from prison, where it said he had experienced a stroke and been defibrillated.

State TV earlier said Mubarak was in a "critical" condition and had been placed on a respirator.

The prison official said doctors reported that he had fallen unconscious, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorised to speak to the media.

Tahrir protests

The confusion over the state of health of the former leader came as thousands of Egyptians returned to Cairo's Tahrir Square hoping to reignite the revolution.

Mubarak was sentenced to a life in prison on June 2 for failing to stop the killing of protesters during last year's uprising against him.

He was transferred to prison after spending months in a military facility in detention.  Officials have since repeatedly reported his health is deteriorating.

Since his arrival at the prison directly after his sentencing, Mubarak has been suffering from high blood pressure and breathing difficulties and deep depression, according to prison officials.


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