How To Care For Pink Princess Philodendron

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The Pink Princess Philodendron is a stunning indoor plant that's coveted for its vibrant pink-variegated foliage. Apart from its aesthetic appeal, it's relatively easy to care for, making it a favorite among both novice and seasoned plant enthusiasts. Here's a guide on how to grow and nurture this beautiful specimen.


What is Pink Princess Philodendron?

Pink Princess Philodendron is a rare variegated variety of the Philodendron genus. With leaves splashed in shades of pink, white, and green, it offers a delightful visual display. Native to Central and South America, this plant grows at a moderate pace and can live for many years under the right conditions.

Where to buy Pink Princess Philodendron?

If you're looking to buy a Pink Princess Philodendron, you can visit succulents for sale. This website offers a wide variety of succulent plants, such as aeonium for sale cacti and succulents. In addition to retail options, Succulentstore also provides the opportunity to purchase at lower wholesale succulents prices, making it a great choice for those looking to buy plants in bulk or share their gardening hobby with friends. Whether you're a novice or an experienced gardening enthusiast, Succulentstore offers a diverse selection to help you start or expand your Pink Princess Philodendron collection. On this website, you can find high-quality plants to ensure the success of your gardening projects.

Growing Conditions for Pink Princess Philodendron

The Pink Princess Philodendron thrives in a variety of indoor environments, but certain conditions can help it flourish and display its vibrant hues to their fullest extent.

Light for Pink Princess Philodendron

Pink Princess Philodendrons prefer indirect, bright light. While they can tolerate lower light conditions, their vibrant pink variegation might become less pronounced. Direct sunlight can scorch and damage the leaves, so a spot with filtered sunlight is ideal. If natural light is insufficient, especially during winter months, you may consider using a grow light. On the other hand, if the plant receives too much direct sunlight, you should provide some shade to prevent leaf burn.

Soil for Pink Princess Philodendron

A well-draining soil mix is crucial for the Pink Princess. A typical mix can consist of:

  • 60% potting soil
  • 20% perlite
  • 20% orchid bark or coconut coir

This combination ensures proper drainage, preventing root rot while providing the plant with adequate nutrients.

Temperature and Humidity for Pink Princess Philodendron

This plant prefers temperatures between 65°F to 75°F (18°C to 24°C). It can tolerate temperatures as low as 50°F (10°C), but prolonged exposure can harm the plant. As a tropical plant, it loves high humidity levels. A humidity level of 60% or higher is ideal. During drier months, consider using a humidifier or placing the plant on a humidity tray. Extreme temperature fluctuations and cold drafts should be avoided.



How to grow Pink Princess Philodendron?

Watering the Pink Princess Philodendron

The Pink Princess Philodendron has specific watering needs to ensure optimal growth. It's best to water the plant when the top 1-2 inches of its soil feels dry to the touch. Avoid letting the plant sit in water, as this can lead to root rot. Instead, provide a deep watering until water flows from the drainage holes, then allow any excess to drain away. Using room temperature water can help prevent shocking the plant. During the cooler months, or when the plant is not actively growing, reduce the frequency of watering to prevent over-saturating the soil.

Fertilizing of Pink Princess Philodendron

Fertilize every 6-8 weeks during the growing season (spring and summer) with a balanced liquid fertilizer. A formula like 10-10-10 (N-P-K) is ideal. Reduce fertilizing in the fall and winter when the plant's growth slows.

Repotting of Pink Princess Philodendron

Repot the Pink Princess when it becomes root-bound or if the soil appears exhausted. This typically happens every 2-3 years. When repotting, choose a container that's 1-2 inches larger in diameter than the current one and ensure it has drainage holes.

Pruning of Pink Princess Philodendron

Prune the Pink Princess to maintain its shape or remove dead or yellowing leaves. Regularly removing old leaves can encourage new growth and maintain the plant's vibrant appearance. Always use sterilized pruning tools to avoid transmitting diseases.

How to propagate Pink Princess Philodendron?

Propagating the Pink Princess Philodendron is an exciting endeavor, as it allows plant enthusiasts to multiply their beautiful specimens. Here's a step-by-step guide to propagate this plant using stem cuttings:

  1. Select a Healthy Stem: Choose a healthy-looking stem with at least two or three leaves. Ensure the stem also has a few nodes (the small bumps or nubs from which roots will grow).
  2. Prepare Your Tools: Make sure your pruning shears or sharp scissors are clean and sterilized. This can prevent potential infections and diseases during propagation.
  3. Take the Cutting: Make a clean cut below a node, ensuring your cutting is around 4-6 inches long. Having a couple of nodes on the cutting can increase the chances of successful rooting.
  4. Remove Lower Leaves: Carefully remove the bottom leaf, leaving at least one or two leaves at the top of the cutting. This will focus the plant's energy on root development.
  5. Let it Callus: Allow the cut end of the stem to dry out for a few hours or overnight. This helps prevent rot when placed in water or soil.
  6. Rooting Process: Water Propagation: Place the cutting in a jar of water, ensuring the node is submerged but the remaining leaves are not touching the water. Change the water every few days to keep it fresh. In a few weeks, you should see roots starting to form. Soil Propagation: Alternatively, you can plant the cutting directly into a pot with well-draining potting mix. Keep the soil consistently moist but not soggy. Using a rooting hormone can increase the chances of success, though it's not necessary.
  7. Monitor Growth: Whether in water or soil, keep the cutting in a location with bright, indirect light. Over a few weeks, you should notice roots forming if in water, or new growth emerging from the soil.
  8. Transplant (for Water Propagation): Once the roots in the water are a few inches long, you can transplant the cutting into a pot with a well-draining potting mix.
  9. Care for the New Plant: Treat your newly rooted Pink Princess Philodendron just like a mature plant. Ensure it gets the right light, water, and nutrients to grow and thrive.

Propagation is not only a way to expand your plant collection but also an excellent method to rejuvenate older plants or save a plant that may be deteriorating by giving it a fresh start.

How big does a Pink Princess Philodendron get?

Natural Habitat: 

In their natural habitat, Philodendron erubescens can climb up trees and reach significant heights, often several meters tall.

Household/Garden: In household settings or gardens:

  • Height: A well-cared-for Pink Princess philodendron can reach a height of 2-4 feet (0.6-1.2 meters) or even more, especially if given a support or pole to climb.
  • Spread: The spread or width can be 2-3 feet (0.6-0.9 meters) or wider depending on pruning and care.

It's essential to keep in mind that the size can vary depending on the specific growing conditions, including light, humidity, soil quality, and care provided. Regular pruning can help maintain a more compact size if desired. If you give it ideal conditions and proper care, it might grow more vigorously and attain larger dimensions.

Pink Princess how to get pink leaves?

To ensure that the "Pink Princess" plant's pink variegation is more pronounced, it requires bright but indirect light. Insufficient light may cause the leaves to turn pure green, while excessive direct sunlight can scorch the leaves. If the plant grows pure green leaves or excessive variegation, it is advisable to trim them to promote the growth of new leaves. Also, avoid over-fertilization, as it may lead to the loss of the distinctive pink variegation of the leaves.


In conclusion, cultivating a Pink Princess Philodendron can be a rewarding experience for any plant enthusiast. By following the guidelines outlined in this article on "How to grow Pink Princess Philodendron," you can watch this stunning plant thrive and flourish in your indoor garden. For an added touch of botanical beauty, consider planting it alongside succulents or other indoor plants. This combination not only enhances the overall aesthetics of your space but also creates a harmonious environment that's conducive to healthy growth. Remember to provide the right lighting, proper care, and occasional pruning to maintain those captivating pink variegated leaves. With a little love and attention, your Pink Princess will continue to reign supreme in your botanical kingdom. Happy gardening!


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學名 : Pelargonium 科別 : 牻牛兒苗科天竺葵屬 分類 : 有多年生草本、亞灌木或灌木型態 🌿天竺葵原產於非洲南部,種類繁多大約有200多種,全株都帶有特別的香氣,是頗受喜愛的庭園或盆栽植物。依不同的種類,天竺葵植株高度約為10~50公分,葉子互生呈現波浪狀,會開色彩繽紛的可愛花朵。
福祿考(Phlox drummondii)是花園裡清新可愛的植物,花朵開放成球,有著小繡球的美稱,它們在花園中以其豐富多彩的花朵而備受喜愛。
說到不怕熱不怕冷,一年開花300天的多年生草本花卉,美女櫻(Glandularia)可算是最好的選擇。 美女櫻開花非常好看,而且花量巨大,地栽可匍匐生長,開成一片,也可盆栽,非常容易爆盆,就算是新手,也完全不用擔心養不好,因為非常好養,是一款回報率很高的花。