What Type of Expert Is He?

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On April 3, 2008, a solemn and dignified book-launching ceremony was held at the Library of Congress of the United States; on occasion of the first release of a fact-recording book entitled H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, jointly published by the World Buddhism Publishing LLC and the World Dharma Voice, Inc. At the same time, the book was formally accepted into the collection of the Library of Congress of the United States. From then on, people came to know that the widely respected Master Wan Ko Yee, the one who has been recognized and corroborated through official written documents issued by top leaders, regent dharma kings, and great rinpoches of major Buddhist sects throughout the world; actually, is the third incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha, the primordial Buddha. Ever since, people address the Buddha by the name Dorje Chang Buddha III. This is similar to the precedent regarding the name of Sakyamuni Buddha—before Sakyamuni Buddha attained Buddhahood, His name was Prince Siddhartha Gotama. Once Prince Siddhartha Gotama attained Buddhahood, He was thereafter addressed as “Namo Sakyamuni Buddha.”
On December 12, 2012, in the Senate Resolution No. 614 of the United States Congress, the title “His Holiness” was officially used with the name Dorje Chang Buddha III; the Buddha was addressed as “H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.” Since then, the title H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III was definitively affirmed.
“Dorje Chang Buddha III” is a statutory name; used in all official documents issued by the United States Government; such as passport, identity card, and social security documents. The previous name “Wan Ko Yee” is no longer valid, with no legal-binding effect, and no longer recognized by governments. “Dorje Chang Buddha III” is the only name in use.

An Asian Journal Publication




2  May 31, 2000                                                 News

ASIAN JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS                   http://www.asianjournal.com


What Type of Expert Is He?

The Selling Price of His Painting

“Majesty” Has Shocked the World

       Some people say that Master Wan Ko Yee is an expert in Buddhism. Some say that he is a great painter or a great singer. There are those who say that he is a great medical expert or a great ethicist. There are also those who say that he is a scientist. On May 28th, Unique Art Collections International Co., Ltd. auctioned Master Wan Ko Yee’s painting entitled “Majesty.” An art collector purchased this painting by way of competitive bid for a price of NT$64,950,000 (this equals U.S.$2,125,327.) People all over the world were shocked to hear of this purchase price.

       Some people think that the paintings of Master Wan Ko Yee are Buddhist paintings and for this reason command such an extraordinarily high price. This viewpoint, which has been expressed to the media by certain people who do not understand art, is totally erroneous. In fact, Mr. Wan Ko Yee is a great artist whose paintings cannot be matched by anyone in this day and age. Eleven of his paintings were exhibited by China in an international art exhibition which took place in Philadelphia in 1978. The mainland Chinese government even built a huge art museum, the first of its kind in the history of China, in order to display more than two hundred of his paintings.

       Master Wan Ko Yee is not only a famous and great artist, he is also a leader in the world of art. When he was twenty years old, he was the head of the Chinese Painting Research Division of the China Education, Science and Culture Organization. This is a high level organization within art circles in China and its leaders include people such as Chou Ying-Nan, Wu Zhang-Shu, Qian Jun-Tao, Xie Zhi-Liao, Liang Shu-Ming, Wan Lai-Ming and Cang Ke-Jia.

       In the entire history of Chinese painting, no other painter was able to master the amount of artistic skills, the variety of different styles and the diversity of subject matter which Master Wan Ko Yee has mastered. Other painters could only exhibit two or three different artistic skills at the most. For example, Zhang, Da-Qian exhibited three different artistic skills: line painting, traditional painting and splash ink painting. However, Master Wan Ko Yee has completely mastered a few dozen different artistic skills. Master Wan Ko Yee can paint landscapes, people and other objects, animals, flowers, birds, fish and insects by using the meticulous brushwork style or by using the freehand brushword style. Whichever style he uses, his paintings are always elegant, grand, and full of life. One can get a glimpse of his artistic skills by looking through the huge book which contains a collection of his paintings.

       In 1995, the Sichuan Daily News and the Chengdu Evening News each printed an advertisement on behalf of an auction house. This auction house wanted to buy the Master’s paintings for a price of R.M.B. 1,700 yuan per square inch. Master Wan Ko Yee’s skills have reached the highest level in the world when it comes to ink and wash paintings. Thus, in 1991, the World Poets and Culture Congress conferred upon him the title of “The world’s only Distinguished International Master.” This is the highest position possible and is on the same level of honor as a head of state.

       Of course, the Master is also an ethicist. His books included Selected Philosophical Saying of Master Wan Ko Yee. He is a singer. There are fourteen tapes and CD’s containing his songs. The famous singer Zhang Huw-You is his student. He is a scientist. He developed two green teas called “Ba Wang Chun” and “Bi Yu Chun.” These are the best quality teas in the world. He is a medical expert who has cured countless people of a variety of different diseases. There were times when in one day, more than three hundred people had appointments to see the Master for treatment. The Master invented many new treatments for diseases, such as an extremely effective different experts? Why is it that this one person Master Wan Ko Yee, has combined skills of several different experts? The main reason is that he is a Great Dharma King Master of Buddhism. He has truly mastered the Five Knowledges spoken if in Buddhism. All of his skills mentioned above cover only part of the Five Knowledges which he has mastered. Instead of trying to describe what type of the expert he is, it would be better simply to say that he surpasses the word “expert.” He is a precious treasure who is a benefit to humanity. He is a Dharma King Master who is a rare gem in this world.


cultivator的沙龍 的其他內容
In 1991, the World Poets and Culture Congress conferred upon Master Wan Ko Yee the title of “The world’s only Distinguished International Master.”
世界唯一達到全方位最高成就之大師—義雲高大師,為表揚其至高的成就及對整個世界的多方面之貢獻,於西元二OOO年三月八日加州州長格瑞戴維斯(GRAYDAVIS) 及舊金山市長威利布朗(WILLIE L. BROWN, JR)特代表州府及市府將此日定為義雲高大師日。
In 1991, the World Poets and Culture Congress conferred upon Master Wan Ko Yee the title of “The world’s only Distinguished International Master.”
世界唯一達到全方位最高成就之大師—義雲高大師,為表揚其至高的成就及對整個世界的多方面之貢獻,於西元二OOO年三月八日加州州長格瑞戴維斯(GRAYDAVIS) 及舊金山市長威利布朗(WILLIE L. BROWN, JR)特代表州府及市府將此日定為義雲高大師日。
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楊雲,字大宇。江蘇人,前國立臺灣體育學院教授,已謝世多年。喜詩藝、好書畫。藝苑之傑人也。 楊公樂道體壇芳,化育英才燦瑞光。 雲義如星懸碧漢,高情似桂植蘭房。 大章小令從容撰,楮素苔箋傳寫詳。 宇內宗師題句贈,鏘金振玉美名揚。
龍德上師珍貴法語:必須經過學習、實踐,方能體悟佛法的殊勝與必需。Lung Du Yung Jing Rinpoche
11/16/2014 藝術家   教授,是個藝術家。   他是我一生中,第一次遇過並相處的藝術家。 我才知道,雖然藝術家這個名詞在我們生活中無所不再。 但你想遇到一個真正的藝術家,還真不是那麼簡單。   我總覺得他是令狐沖,風清揚之類的人物。 行為雖為世俗所不能接受, 但我看到
龍德上師法脈傳承──偉大祖師 究給企千法王 離我們最近的一尊佛!觀音山中華大悲法藏佛教會清淨傳承法脈的大恩祖師,薩迦察派「無上密道果不共傳承藏持者」尊貴的當代大成就者──金剛持 究給企千法王 偉大傳承祖師、當代成就者,一切具大證量上師的根本上師——偉大的 究給企千法王,即是兼具慈悲與智慧
楊雲,字大宇。江蘇人,前國立臺灣體育學院教授,已謝世多年。喜詩藝、好書畫。藝苑之傑人也。 楊公樂道體壇芳,化育英才燦瑞光。 雲義如星懸碧漢,高情似桂植蘭房。 大章小令從容撰,楮素苔箋傳寫詳。 宇內宗師題句贈,鏘金振玉美名揚。
龍德上師珍貴法語:必須經過學習、實踐,方能體悟佛法的殊勝與必需。Lung Du Yung Jing Rinpoche
11/16/2014 藝術家   教授,是個藝術家。   他是我一生中,第一次遇過並相處的藝術家。 我才知道,雖然藝術家這個名詞在我們生活中無所不再。 但你想遇到一個真正的藝術家,還真不是那麼簡單。   我總覺得他是令狐沖,風清揚之類的人物。 行為雖為世俗所不能接受, 但我看到
龍德上師法脈傳承──偉大祖師 究給企千法王 離我們最近的一尊佛!觀音山中華大悲法藏佛教會清淨傳承法脈的大恩祖師,薩迦察派「無上密道果不共傳承藏持者」尊貴的當代大成就者──金剛持 究給企千法王 偉大傳承祖師、當代成就者,一切具大證量上師的根本上師——偉大的 究給企千法王,即是兼具慈悲與智慧