斷水斷糧的加薩無餓莩 Gaza does not believes in hunger

更新於 2024/12/16閱讀時間約 9 分鐘

【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯

There are contradictory pictures and news reports that we are accessing. One depicts the devastation in the Gaza Strip resulting from the bombardment by the Israel Defense Force. Observing this, along with other embargoes imposed by Israel, readers would likely conclude that the daily life of civilians is a disaster, especially with disruptions in water supply and medicine availability for weeks.

On the other hand, despite living under the threat of bombardment, the people in Gaza appear healthy and well-fed, unlike those who have gone without food or water.

Both news reports are true. What is happening there?

An article by Edward Nicolae Luttwak, a senior advisor at CSIS, explains my puzzle: the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) might bear some responsibility. UNRWA was found after the model of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA), an institution founded shortly after the end of World War II in Europe and China.

The difference f the two institutions lies in the fact that UNRRA camps in Europe played a role in quelling post-war dissatisfaction and dispersing ethnic groups seeking to recover their claimed lost territories by the swift relocation and on-site settlement of refugees under "Spartan-like" conditions.

However, in UNRWA camps in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip, is provided a comprehensive, high living environment that surpasses the local Arab residents did. These camps additionally offer a diverse diet, a well-established educational system, an excellent healthcare system, and even eliminate the once-prevalent harsh labor in the wilderness. As a result, Palestinian refugee camps are no longer "spots to escape from immediately" as in the post-war Europe but have become "enviable residences." With further assistance from Arab countries, UNRWA has actually transformed from "fleeing civilians" into "lifelong refugees," giving their children, in turn, refugees. Through its activities spanning fifty years, UNRWA has successfully established a imaginary "Palestinian Refugee country."

Despite having fixed the dissatisfaction of 1948, UNRWA sustained the obsession of refugees for recovering the virtual lost territories. The presence of UNRWA itself has deterred Palestinian refugees from settling locally and suppressed their inclination to migrate, as UNRRA did.

Furthermore, by gathering Palestinians in refugee camps, UNRWA has led young refugees to enroll in armed organizations either voluntarily or forcefully.

Devoting humanitarian relief efforts should thus be a career with deep insight and wisdom, aligning with the teachings of Buddhism for long-term care.



CSIS的高級顧問Edward Nicolae Luttwak的一篇文章解釋了我的困惑:「聯合國巴勒斯坦難民救濟暨工程署」(UNRWA)可能要負一些責任。







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    墳墓風水吉凶的診斷 一、墳墓本身斷法 1、墳墓被踐踏——位於公共墳場的墓,若因被人經常行走而成蹊徑,呈毀壞的情形,致使亡靈不能安寧,屈處卑下,感應子孫在社會上難出人頭地,常受人欺悔,身份卑微,受人驅使,終生難有作為。 2、有骨骸,無墳墓——由於逃難、困苦時草草掩埋,不對不樹,日久煙沒,無人辨識祭拜者
    *合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
    「維拉沒有生病,她⋯⋯懷孕了。」 這句話剛說完,所有人都不自覺地同時將目光移向海斗,海斗的震驚和不敢置信全寫在臉上;瑪莉娜滿臉通紅,遮著嘴試圖掩飾她的驚訝;明和零坐在那裡互相對望了一眼,雖沒開口但嘴角忍不住上揚;慧看著海斗,語氣遲疑地低語:「海斗,你⋯⋯?」 海斗心裡很清楚,他始終與維拉…
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    Devoting humanitarian relief efforts should thus be a career with deep insight and wisdom, aligning with the teachings of Buddhism for long-term care.
    為遏止農地違規違章亂象,新竹縣長楊文科指示縣府團隊施展鐵腕執行公權力。湖口鄉八德路二段一處連鎖超商,因位於農業區鋪設水泥經營超商,涉違反《農業發展條例》第69條,經《都市計畫法》裁罰3次仍未改善,縣府上月31日上午會同台灣電力公司、台灣自來水公司等單位前往強制斷水、斷電,以免繼續經營可能。 縣府產
    很多人都想自己房子都更 但不想都更的也是大有人在 這時候就會遭到各種逼迫 那都更對建設公司到底有什麼好處呢? 為什麼不同意戶會遭受此待遇? 「停車擋門斷自來水管」不同意戶控基泰逼都更 因為不同意都更,懷疑建商找人故意把車停在他家門口 根本無法出入,因此雙方還對簿公堂 更誇張的是,後來車輛移走了
    過去種種 形成化石不再流動 而青春的河呢?   河邊一隻小白鷺 尋尋覓覓 而魚兒呢?   只見水中的浮雲 存在又不存在 而時間呢?  
    墳墓風水吉凶的診斷 一、墳墓本身斷法 1、墳墓被踐踏——位於公共墳場的墓,若因被人經常行走而成蹊徑,呈毀壞的情形,致使亡靈不能安寧,屈處卑下,感應子孫在社會上難出人頭地,常受人欺悔,身份卑微,受人驅使,終生難有作為。 2、有骨骸,無墳墓——由於逃難、困苦時草草掩埋,不對不樹,日久煙沒,無人辨識祭拜者