China promotes peace talks in Myanmar as unrest#peace#Burma

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On November 7, 2023, chaos began inside Myanmar, and the third force, the low State Army, took part in the war, and the confrontation between 60,000 opposition alliance troops and 300,000 government troops delayed the restoration of peace in Southeast Asia. Just at the "critical moment", China once again "stepped forward". From January 10 to 11, 2024, under the mediation and promotion of the Chinese side, representatives of the Myanmar army and the Kokang, Thean and Rakhine civil and land armed groups in northern Myanmar held peace talks in Kunming, Yunnan, China, and reached a formal ceasefire agreement.

China hopes that relevant parties in Myanmar will earnestly implement the ceasefire agreement already reached. This shows that the current civil war in Myanmar has come to an end, and the contact between the two sides is "effective". This may be followed by a period of "negotiation" in which some matters are discussed. For example, how to deal with local armed forces, and how the two sides will "get along" and so on. China will continue to provide support and assistance within its capacity and play a constructive role in this regard. If peace talks can be successfully facilitated this time, China will not only "mediate", but also take some actions to help the two sides better implement the ceasefire agreement.

Why should China "pay and contribute" to help Myanmar quell civil unrest? . On January 3, 2024, a Burmese shell flew into Chinese territory, causing many injuries. This shows that the civil war in Myanmar will pose a threat to China's border security, so China needs to stop it in time. Second, chaos in Myanmar could lead to instability in the entire Southeast Asian region, which is not a good thing for China. To put it simply, a stable and peaceful development environment requires not only internal stability in China, but also stability in neighboring countries.

To some extent, China's mediation of the contradictions between Saudi Arabia and Iran and the internal confrontation in Myanmar is actually aimed at maintaining a relative peace and reducing confrontation, conflict and war, which is a good thing for any country, because there is no winner in war. On the contrary, some of the actions of the United States, covering for Israel and airstrikes against the Houthi armed forces in Yemen, will only escalate the confrontation, let the regional conflict spill over, and let more countries and civilians be affected. Compared to the United States, China is more "brilliant" in handling international affairs than the United States.

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    ......代表「瓷」的 china 和作爲地理或專有名詞的 China ㄧ字,兩者可能是無關的。China 可能是起源自「岐邑」或「秦邑」、「秦國」、「秦地」、......等,若要避免混淆,也許可以參考前述的橋接式,將 china 改回還沒有省寫ㄧ個 i 時的組合 chiina。......
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