The Earth

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Verse 1:

The Earth is our home, the only one we know

It gives us life and beauty, from the mountains to the sea

We should cherish every moment, and protect it from all harm

The Earth is our home, let's sing its praise


Oh Earth, you are so wonderful

You fill our hearts with joy and wonder

Oh Earth, you are so marvelous

You show us how to live in harmony

Verse 2:

The Earth is our teacher, the wisest of them all

It teaches us to balance, to give and take with care

We should learn from every lesson, and respect its natural laws

The Earth is our teacher, let's follow its lead


Oh Earth, you are so wonderful

You fill our hearts with joy and wonder

Oh Earth, you are so marvelous

You show us how to live in harmony

Verse 3:

The Earth is our friend, the most loyal of them all

It supports us in our journey, and comforts us in pain

We should love it like a brother, and help it heal its wounds

The Earth is our friend, let's hold its hand


I hope you like this song. It is my way of expressing my gratitude to the Earth. 🌎

Paipai乐&乐Shasha 至开站巳来 创作无数文章
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