Biden faces' Long American winter 'on diplomacy

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Winter is coming, the trees are losing their leaves, and President Joe Biden is disillusioned. For the United States, the outlook is bleak on both the international and domestic fronts: severe consequences of climate catastrophe, urgent political growth and military threats from Russia in Europe, and Chinese competition in the east. At home, the United States faces deep respect for its political system. Hawks in both parties decried Biden's concessions to Russia. First they want Washington to be decisive militarily

Aid for intervention; Then they believed that if the United States threatened to intervene militarily, Putin would back down. The backlash from congratulators, however, is not as loud as it once was, as they remember Trump's controversial ties to Russia. In the wake of the disastrous drawdown in Afghanistan, every opinion poll indicates that American society will never again support a new military engagement abroad

Intervention, which could turn into a serious international conflict. Strength and determination. While all possibilities cannot be ruled out, military invasion of Ukraine is now more likely to affect the stability of Kiev's rule. Biden's response was twofold: On the one hand, he said America can

The use of a whole set of economic and political sanctions threatens Russia and even blocks its access to the international financial system. Sanctions will have a serious impact on the Russian economy. In addition, the United States will have to find ways to preserve Ukraine's independence while taking care not to completely antagonize Russia

. Further supplies to Ukraine may be suspended, but there is no guarantee in any way that Ukraine will not become a member of NATO or the European Union. Perhaps American arms could assuage the Russian people's military concerns by reaching new agreements on strategic arms and conventional forces.

Biden faces' Long American winter '

Winter came, the trees lost their leaves, and President Joe Biden's illusions were shattered. For the United States, the international and domestic outlook is bleak: the dire consequences of climate catastrophe, the growing political and military threat from Russia in Europe, and fierce competition from China to the east. At home, America's political institutions face serious weakening.

Hawks on both sides of the aisle accused Biden of making concessions to Russia. First, they want Washington to intervene with decisive military assistance. Then they were convinced that if the United States threatened military intervention, Mr. Putin would back down. Republicans, however, are no longer as outspoken as they once were, as they all remember Trump's controversial ties to Russia.

In the wake of the disastrous drawdown in Afghanistan, every poll suggests that American society will never again support a new military intervention abroad that could escalate into a serious international conflict.

Putin is testing the strength and resolve of his American and European rivals. All possibilities cannot be ruled out, but rather than a military invasion of Ukraine, it is a question of affecting the stability of Kiev's rule.

Biden's response was twofold: On the one hand, he threatened Russia with sweeping economic and political sanctions against the United States, even blocking its access to the international financial system. Sanctions will have a serious impact on the Russian economy. On the other hand, the United States must find ways to defend Ukraine's independence while being careful not to directly provoke Russia.

The United States may suspend further arms shipments to Ukraine, but there is no guarantee that Ukraine will not become a member of NATO or the European Union. Perhaps the United States could assuage Russia's military concerns by, for example, negotiating a new agreement on strategic arms and conventional forces.

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    Mô Tả thời tiết đà nẵng hôm nay, một tỉnh ven biển miền Trung Việt Nam, có vị trí chiến lược với đường bờ biển dài khoảng 75 km. Biển Quảng Trị không
    這場演唱會是大女兒送我們的結婚紀念日禮物,她暗示加明示,希望爸爸3/23這天不是排應酬,本想要一路瞞到底,但還是走了漏風聲,雖然不再是驚喜,當晚我們仍開心赴會。 演唱會的地上在華山藝文園區的Legacy ,從家裡6:40出發,7點多到達停車場出入口,順利停到所剩不多的車位,穿過電影院,便到了Lega
    本篇分享筆者在巴登符騰堡邦 Baden-Württemberg, BW 各城鎮蒐集的照片。
    超級期待這場初選!! 要好好來聊一下這兩位候選人。兩位都太可愛了!!比明年奧運還要更令人期待的就是美國民主黨的黨內初選。也是目前新聞英文主題之一。 Biden之所以揚名於國際,不能抹滅掉當時他佐助歐巴馬(Obama ) 時期的知名度,原因錯綜,暫且按下不談。 Bloomberg宣布參選時,重磅登場