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The goal of feminism is to remove all constraints on female sexuality and behavior and to maximally restrict and punish the exercise of male sexuality and behavior. — Roissy

女性主義的目標是消除對女性性慾和行為的一切限制,最大限度地限制和懲罰男性的性慾和行為。 — 魯瓦西

Why do men cheat? Short answer: because we want sex more than women do. Men produce between 12 to 17 times the amount of serum testosterone women do, and as a result, men have sexual impulses that women will never experience in a lifetime. That’s the simplistic answer everyone needs to hear, but no one is willing to address. The long answer is much more involved, but even the likes of Dr. David Buss are reluctant to make male sexuality anything more than a footnote to the ‘complexities’ of female sexuality.

男人為什麼會出軌?簡短的回答:因為我們比女人更想要性。男性產生的血清睪固酮含量是女性的 12 至 17 倍,因此,男性擁有女性一生中永遠不會經歷的性衝動。這是每個人都需要聽到的簡單答案,但沒有人願意解決。長篇大論的答案要複雜得多,但即使是大衛·巴斯博士這樣的人也不願意讓男性性行為只不過是女性性行為「複雜性」的一個註腳。

Men like to fuck. We want to fuck, and we’ll find workarounds and fetishes to help us to fuck. If we can’t find a partner to fuck, the virtual experience of fucking will do just as well. Old-school talk show personality Tom Leykis once stated that, for men, having sex is like having to take a piss. We’d all love to urinate in a beautiful five-star hotel bathroom with gold fixtures, but when we’re driving a long stretch of road in the middle of nowhere and we really have to piss, a dirty gas station bathroom will do just as well.


Cheating for men is a simple equation. We have a physical need for sexual release. Most of us would prefer to enjoy that release with an equally enthusiastic woman, but in her absence, men will find alternate ways to achieve that release. 90% of OnlyFans users are married men. As most female escorts will attest, most of their repeat customers are also married men whose wives won’t fuck them — or won’t fuck them with the same ‘enthusiasm’ as their favorite escort. As Ron White once pointed out, “I’m a good dog, but you gotta pet me to keep me on the porch.” 

對男人來說,出軌是一個簡單的方程式。我們對性釋放有生理需求。我們大多數人都更願意與同樣熱情的女人一起享受這種釋放,但在她不在的情況下,男人會找到其他方式來實現這種釋放。 OnlyFans 用戶中 90% 是已婚男性。正如大多數女伴遊所證明的那樣,她們的大多數回頭客也是已婚男人,他們的妻子不會操他們,或者不會像這些男人最喜歡的女伴遊那樣以同樣的「熱情」和他們捉礙。正如羅恩懷特(Ron White)曾經指出的那樣:“我是一隻好狗,但你必須撫摸我才能讓我留在門廊上。”

A lot gets made about men’s need for sexual variety, but often, this oversimplifies men’s innate mating strategy – unlimited access to unlimited sexuality. It’s less about variety and more about consistency. Most men don’t fuck. Men who don’t fuck don’t reproduce. About 8,000 years ago, seventeen women reproduced for every one man. Some of this can be attributed to warfare and agriculture altering the ancient sexual marketplace, but the numbers are what they are. Far fewer men reproduce than women. Even today, the female-to-male reproduction ratio is about 7 to 1. “Sexual variety” (if in the virtual sense) is a relatively new invention for human males. For all the talk of notch counts in the 21st century, your great-grandfather, on average, would’ve been a stud if his count was more than two. Ubiquitous pornography and post-sexual revolution casual sex are things we take for granted now, but they’ve also made it impossible to appreciate the sexual marketplaces of eras prior to 1965. There were still libertine, free-love eras in history, of course, but nothing like the global sexual marketplace we know today.




儘管在 21 世紀大家都在談論性伴侶的數量,但平均而言,如果你的曾祖父的性伴侶數量超過 2,他就會成為一個種馬。無所不在的色情作品和後性革命後的隨意性行為現在被我們視為理所當然,但它們也讓我們無法欣賞 1965 年之前時代的性市場。但與我們今天所知的全球性市場完全不同。

As such, using the “Men want sexual variety” dismissal of men’s mating strategy is a 21st-century cope. Even in the Roaring Twenties, your great-grandfather’s idea of ‘variety’ was dating two Flappers and hoping the other never found out. Today, 4K streaming, free pornography brings adolescent boys a (virtual) sexuality that used to be reserved for Caligula. Variety is ubiquitous now, but frequency and intensity are what’s lacking. We live in an era where we’re over-eroticized but under-sexualized. Porn has made men acutely aware of the enthusiasm and intensity of sex women are capable of … with the men they want to fuck. They watch the woman they wish their wives would be for them in high-definition, glowing with satisfaction as they finish in her mouth.


即使在咆哮的二十年代,你曾祖父的「多樣性」理念就是與兩個摩登女郎約會,並希望對方永遠不會發現。如今,4K 串流媒體、免費色情內容為青春期男孩帶來了過去為卡利古拉(羅馬荒淫暴君)保留的(虛擬)性慾。多樣性現在無所不在,但缺乏頻率和強度。


Porn proves to men what visceral sex could be with their wives and girlfriends.


The YouTube shorts of female pop psychologists show up in my feed every morning, trying to explain why men cheat. The reason is usually some variation of “Men need to feel appreciated” or “Men don’t feel respected.” These are the rationales women use to explain their infidelity – men cheat because their wives/girlfriends won’t fuck them, or they’re drip-fed an occasion grudge fuck, or, in Christian marriages, Duty Sex that’s just another chore on her housework list. In a long-term, committed, exclusive relationship, women stop wanting to have sex in years one to four. 

每天早上我的動態中都會出現女性流行心理學家的 YouTube 短片,試圖解釋男人為什麼會出軌。原因通常是「男人需要感到被欣賞」或「男人沒有感到被尊重」的某種變體。這些是女人用來解釋男人不忠的理由——其實男人會出軌是因為他們的妻子或女友不願意與他們發生性關係,或者她們只是在極少數情況下出於不情願而勉強與他們做愛。

「drip-fed an occasional grudge fuck」指的是男人偶爾得到的性關係是出於不情願或帶有怨恨的,並且發生得非常不頻繁,就像是被一點一點地餵食一樣。這種性關係質量很低,並且缺乏真正的熱情和投入。*



The ugliest truth about pornography is that it’s preserved more marriages than it’s ever destroyed.


Men’s sexual nature is nothing like that of women. But since the Sexual Revolution, we’ve prioritized the female experience as the universally correct experience. Thus, from a lingering Blank Slatist perspective, men’s sexual expression necessarily follows that of women. The presumption is that men shouldn’t need sex any more than their wife does, and if she can go a month without feeling in the mood, then his sexuality ought to work the same way. If he needs sex more often than her, then his sexuality is the aberrant one, never her, and there are endless rationales to pathologize him. He’s a ‘sex addict’. He’s a porn addict. They have mismatched libidos. Sex is more important to him than real connection. Her needs aren’t being met. All of these and more are ‘sounds-good’ rationales meant to mask a simple truth – if a man’s not getting sex from his wife/girlfriend, he’s dealing with it via alternatives.


Whether it’s physical, cognitive, personality traits, socioecological, or genetic factors, a life without sex takes a greater toll on men than women. An analysis of the results of 211 studies on sex drive found that men, on average, have a substantially stronger sex drive than women. Ladies, if you’re only having sex with your man once a week, he’s jerking off. But women already know this. Despite all the cognitive dissonance needed to ignore the truth, women know men can’t possibly deny themselves sexual release as long as they can. On average, women find celibacy to be more satisfying than men.

無論是身體、認知、性格特徵、社會生態或遺傳因素,沒有性的生活對男性造成的影響比女性更大。對 211 項性慾研究結果的分析發現,平均而言,男性的性慾明顯強於女性。女士們,如果你每週只和你的男人捉礙一次,他就在自慰。但女性已經知道這一點。儘管忽視真相需要各種認知失調,但女性知道男性不可能盡可能否認自己的性釋放。平均而言,女性認為獨身比男性更滿意。

I remember reading an interview of Brett Michaels, lead singer of the band Poison, in Playboy magazine in the 80s (insert “reading Playboy for the articles” joke here). He was asked how many women he’d had sex with in 24 hours. He said, “Eight. And then I went to the hotel and jerked off, too.” Funny as that is, it’s a good illustration of the male sexual response, even in a condition of sexual abundance. In the virtual sense, pornography provides men with precisely what their evolutionary imperative demands – unlimited access to unlimited sexuality. 

我記得在 80 年代的《花花公子》雜誌上讀到過對 Poison 樂隊主唱 Brett Michaels 的採訪(這裡插入“閱讀花花公子的文章”笑話)。有人問他在 24 小時內與多少位女性發生性關係。他說:「八個。然後我也去飯店自慰了。有趣的是,這很好地說明了男性的性反應,即使在性豐富的情況下也是如此。從虛擬意義上來說,色情作品恰恰為男性提供了他們的進化要求——無限制地獲得無限的性慾。

Perceptually, porn provides abundance. Of course, it’s a virtual reality, but the mind still interprets it as abundance. Women are shocked when their husbands can’t perform sexually or are uninterested in sex with them after a month of going without. She’s ready to go but is dumbfounded about why he isn’t. The common narrative is that porn desensitizes men to sex, but this isn’t the whole story. For the past month, he’s been taking care of his sexual needs with an immersive form of media that’s never existed before now. He’s watched real women, with real sexual enthusiasm, perform real sex acts that his wife is entirely capable of, but he can never bring out in her. Argue the biomechanics of associating orgasm and oxytocin with porn all you want. Explain how porn rewires a man’s brain. The end result is still the same — his sexual escapism becomes preferable to the actual experience of fucking a wife who believes his sexuality is comparable to her own.


Candace Owens, among other TradCon pundits, has recently popularized the idea that we should somehow ban all pornography. Assuming this were possible, it would also mean that wives would need to fuck their husbands on a semi-regular basis to keep the Western world from imploding. Porn ultimately serves as a buffer for the majority of men (the men women don’t want to fuck) who would otherwise never have a humane form of sexual release (much less reproduce).

坎迪斯歐文斯 (Candace Owens) 和其他 TradCon 專家最近普及了這樣的想法:我們應該以某種方式禁止所有色情內容。假設這是可能的,這也意味著妻子需要半定期地與丈夫捉礙,以防止西方世界崩潰。色情最終為大多數男人(女人不想捉礙的男人)提供了緩衝,否則他們永遠不會有人道的性釋放形式(更不用說繁殖)。

For infidelity to occur, two things are required: opportunity and a reason. Most men lack any realistic opportunity to cheat on their wives or girlfriends. Physically, they are so unappealing and lack status to any measurable degree that available women would never participate in infidelity with them. Most men have a reason to cheat: sexlessness or lackluster drip-feed sex from wives who think nothing of going months without an orgasm. But in the absence of sexual abundance, they either manufacture those opportunities (with prostitutes) or console themselves with the virtual form of cheating (pornography).





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