2021-02-04|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 10 分鐘

牛年英文別說cow! 牛年英文祝賀詞懶人包一次上手

    下周即將迎來2021辛丑牛年,農曆牛年的英文要怎麼說呢? 你知道怎麼用英文吉祥話來祝賀外國朋友嗎? 拜年時跟長輩「烙」一下英文,說不定紅包還可以加碼喔~ 找不到適合的英文祝賀詞,看這篇就對了,以下整理春節英文祝賀詞分類,趕快一 起來練習幾句吧!

    牛年英文怎麼說? Year of the Ox

    首先,牛在英語裏也有很多說法,你腦中是不是馬上浮現Cow的單字呢? 讓我們來比較一下Cow, Bull, Ox三個單字:
    • cow 指的是母牛、奶牛。 劍橋字典解釋: a large female farm animal kept to produce meat and milk
    • bull 是未閹割過的公牛,比較勇猛,橫衝直撞。 劍橋字典解: a male cow
    • ox是閹割的公牛,過去多用於耕田犁地。 劍橋字典解釋:a bull (=male cow) that has had its reproductive organs removed, used in the past for pulling heavy things on farms, or, more generally, any adult of the cattle family 而農曆新年所說的「牛」年,傾向勤懇踏實、拉車犁田的牛 People born in the Year of the Ox are hardworking and industrious. 所以比較適合的字是Ox,而牛年就是Year of the Ox。

    十二生肖12 Animal Signs of the Chinese Zodiac

    生肖的英文是「Chinese zodiac sign」或是「Chinese animal sign」,至於12種動物的名稱如下: Year of the________(填入下列的動物)可以用來表達某個生肖年 1. Rat 鼠 2. Ox 牛 3. Tiger 虎 4. Rabbit 兔 5. Dragon 龍 6. Snake 蛇 7. Horse 馬 8. Goat 羊 9. Monkey 猴 10. Rooster 雞 11. Dog 狗 12. Pig豬 詢問生肖的對話句子: A: 2021是什麼年呢?What's the Chinese zodiac/animal sign of 2021? B: 是牛年。It's the year of the Ox./ 2021 is the Year of the Ox. 每 12 年會輪到一次牛年。An Ox year occurs every 12 years. A: 你屬什麼?What Chinese zodiac/animal sign were you born under?/What is your Chinese zodiac/animal sign? B: 我屬牛。I was born in the year/under the sign of the Ox./ My Chinese zodiac/animal sign is Monkey.

    春節英文祝賀詞分類 Popular Chinese New Year Greetings in English

    常用賀詞Popular Chinese New Year Greetings
    • 牛年大吉Happy the year of Ox
    • 祝你牛年行大運 Wish you lots of luck for the Ox year
    • 新年快樂Happy Chinese New Year
    • 新的一年新的開始New year, new beginning.
    • 恭賀新禧Best wishes for a happy new year/Best wishes for the year to come
    • 五福臨門May fortune come to you /Five blessings in a row
    • 大吉大利Great fortune and favor
    • 迎春納福May you welcome happiness with the spring
    • 喜氣洋洋May your happiness be as broad as the sea
    • 吉星高照Good luck in the year ahead
    • 年年有餘Surplus every year/May there be surplus year after year/ May there be bounty every year
    • 吉祥如意Wishing you good fortune and may all your wishes come true
    • 萬事如意May everything go as you hope/ Everything goes well
    • 心想事成May all your wishes come true

    祝賀發財成功Chinese New Year Greetings to Wish Wealth & Success
    • 恭喜發財May you be prosperous/Wishing you prosperity and wealth/ May you come into a good fortune
    • 升官發財May you get promoted and receive a raise
    • 財源廣進May wealth come generously to you/Treasures fill the home
    • 財源滾滾May wealth come pouring in
    • 招財進寶Wishing wealth comes to you
    • 祝財運亨通May many fortunes find their way to you
    • 生意興隆May your business boom and grow with success/Wish your business success/May your business is good / brisk / booming / flourishing/Business flourishes
    • 步步高升Be promoted to higher and higher positions
    • 鴻圖大展May you ride on the crest of success
    • 飛黃騰達Wish you success in your official career/May you have rapid advancement in your career
    • 馬到成功May you have instant success
    • 平步青雲May you have a meteoric rise
    • 蒸蒸日上 May your business grow and expand with each day

    祝賀健康幸福Chinese New Year Greetings for Happiness, Health & Peace
    • 願你健康長壽Wishing you longevity and health
    • 歲歲平安Peace all year round/Everlasting peace year after year
    • 出入平安Wishing you always safe wherever you go
    • 永保安康May you enjoy eternal peace and good health
    • 四季平安 May you be blessed with peace and safety in all four seasons
    • 身壯力健Have a healthy and active year
    • 青春常駐Wishing you youthful vigor
    • 福壽雙全May you enjoy both longevity and blessing
    • 闔家幸福Felicity of the whole family
    • 闔家歡樂Happiness for the whole family
    • 家和萬事興Harmony brings wealth
    • 笑口常開May your year be filled with abundance of smiles and laughter
    以上是今天的分享,活用英文版祝賀語,保證你新的一年人見人愛、好運不間斷! 下一篇,將介紹跟牛有關的實用英文片語及俚語喔~
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