2021-04-18|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 2 分鐘

041621aA Cordial& 真摯

    Locate ourselves correctly, as possible as we could, to perform what BODY is good at, for doing what HEART loves.  Feel free to express, nowadays especially in body language.  If you’re shy, do it at own room or car, to practice.  Release the hands/feet and the whole body, to get along with BODY at first.Enjoy being alone, getting that rhythm.  Keep moving along, with the sincerity born with you, from the very beginning. Tunefully Yours, ~ Love365**Ps. 確實喜愛, 自己從事; 自動自發, 鼓掌起舞; 由心驅動, 力道最足. 認真美麗, 真正因果. 合頻合拍, 自然舞動; 感動畫面, 那一瞬間;留存於心, 慢慢享用; 愛的滋潤, 甜蜜心窩.
    Locate ourselves correctly, as possible as we could, to perform what BODY is good at, for doing what HEART loves. Feel free to express, nowadays especially in body language. If you’re shy, do it at own room or car, to practice. Release the hands/feet and the whole body, to get along with BODY at first. Enjoy being alone, getting that rhythm. Keep moving along, with the sincerity born with you, from the very beginning. Tunefully Yours, ~ Love365** Ps. 確實喜愛, 自己從事; 自動自發, 鼓掌起舞; 由心驅動, 力道最足. 認真美麗, 真正因果. 合頻合拍, 自然舞動; 感動畫面, 那一瞬間; 留存於心, 慢慢享用; 愛的滋潤, 甜蜜心窩.
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