龍鳳褂(Dragon and phoenix robe):沒有局限特定的色彩,其細節特徵是直筒、繡法、龍鳳圖案,象徵龍鳳呈祥的寓意,祝賀新人成雙成對之美意,通常每一件的刺繡都是純手工縫製而成,視覺看起來寬大,但其實上衣剪裁較合身,選擇龍鳳褂的新娘一定要試穿到舒適合身才可以哦!龍鳳褂還有再細分出五個款式,分別是:褂皇、褂后、大五福、中五福、小五福,分別以繡工密度與圖騰作為分類,想了解如何分類可參考這篇→一生一次龍鳳褂,嫁與此生同船人-【龍鳳褂怎麼選?婚鞋怎麼搭?】最完整的龍鳳掛攻略!
前短後長婚紗(Wedding dress short before and long after)→想要展現出俏皮感又有點小性感,那前短後長婚紗絕對是列入排行榜前三名,前面及膝的裙襬長度,可以完美展現新娘的美腿和美麗的婚鞋(所以選擇這套婚紗,絕對不能亂穿鞋子唷!不然就會一覽無遺XD),後面小小拖尾的裙襬,俏皮又不失隆重感,如果想在婚禮上熱舞的新娘,也不用擔心會踩到裙襬哦!
過火爐踩瓦片(A clay roof tile is stepped on and crushed on the fire. The broken tile represents the eradication of past evils.):新娘進入夫家前需跨過火盆並踩碎瓦片,有一句話是「弄璋之喜,弄瓦之喜」,弄璋與弄瓦意思是生男與生女,因此踩瓦片就是期望新娘為家中順利添丁,有多子多孫的含意,而將瓦片踩碎後意味著把壞運通通驅除留下好運入門,火爐中紅色木炭有「旺」的含義,跨火爐除了帶給夫家興旺的象徵同時有「新婦入戶,傳宗接代」之意。
The flowers are in full bloom, and the moon is full-ideal time for wedding. 花好月圓
A harmonious union lasting a hundred year. 百年好合
To be kind and love to each other. 相親相愛
To the happy couple, congratulations on this happy occasion and best wishes for everything good in the years to come. 祝福你們幸福永遠、新婚之囍,並祝你們心想事成。
May you two always be in love! may happiness increase with age.願你們永浴愛河,祝你們幸福快樂。
Marriage is a promise for two hearts to give―one word, one love, one life to live. best wishes… today and always.婚姻是一個承諾,一個愛,一條生命。最美好的祝福你們,幸福到永久。
Every good wish on your wedding day. wishing you a world of happiness and love as all your dreams come true.祝賀你們新婚快樂,幸福與愛情永遠在你們身邊。
God bless you and yours, and surround you ever with his blessing.願上帝祝福你和你的愛人,永遠眷戀你們。
May happiness increase with age and love deepen with time.願你們白頭到老,永結同心。
Let me wish the two of you a shining future with happiness and joy together.祝你們有一個充滿了幸福和快樂,十分燦爛的未來。
We never knew an ideal couple like you two. Best wishes always.你們真是難得一見的天作之合,祝你永遠幸福。
It is my great privilege to witness this joyous occasion. Let me wish you a bright future with dreams coming true. Congratulations.我很榮幸能見證這個充滿喜悅的時刻,願你們的未來一片光明,事事如意,衷心地祝賀你們。
Wishing you a world of happiness and love as all your dreams come true. 但願天從人願,幸福與愛情無邊。