How blockchain archives can change how we record history in

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How blockchain archives can change how we record history in wartime

Decentralized blockchain technology has been around for a relatively short period of time, in the grand scheme of things, but its decentralized nature has the power to keep data and information out of the hands of censors looking to create a “safe” and “faultless” version of history.

#blockchain #區塊鏈 #metaverse

Metaverse Block的沙龍 的其他內容
Terra blockchain officially halted following LUNA price collapse Terra区块链的验证者决定周四正式停止网络活动,此举旨在防止LUNA代币严重贬值后发生治理的攻击。 #blockchain #區塊鏈 #metaverse
Lighthouse Labs raises $7 million in seed round to build metaverse search engine 现在,元宇宙中的发现更像是游戏,你需要从一个游戏跳到另一个游戏来寻找东西,而不是互联网,在那里你可以从一个入口点访问所有内容。
Terra blockchain officially halted following LUNA price collapse Terra区块链的验证者决定周四正式停止网络活动,此举旨在防止LUNA代币严重贬值后发生治理的攻击。 #blockchain #區塊鏈 #metaverse
Lighthouse Labs raises $7 million in seed round to build metaverse search engine 现在,元宇宙中的发现更像是游戏,你需要从一个游戏跳到另一个游戏来寻找东西,而不是互联网,在那里你可以从一个入口点访问所有内容。