2022-05-16|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 1 分鐘

The Challenges for Blockchain Technology and Corporate Adopt

    The Challenges for Blockchain Technology and Corporate Adoptionwhere are we now? Any new technology, including blockchain technology, must pass through many phases. According to recent assessments, 90% of blockchain initiatives will need to be replaced within the next 18 months. 这并不奇怪。新技术需要很长时间才能克服所有障碍,并被用来为当代世界提供动力。这些困难不仅仅是技术上的。那下一步是什么?#blockchain #區塊鏈 #metaverse
    The Challenges for Blockchain Technology and Corporate Adoption where are we now? Any new technology, including blockchain technology, must pass through many phases. According to recent assessments, 90% of blockchain initiatives will need to be replaced within the next 18 months. 这并不奇怪。新技术需要很长时间才能克服所有障碍,并被用来为当代世界提供动力。这些困难不仅仅是技术上的。那下一步是什么? #blockchain #區塊鏈 #metaverse
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