2022-06-01|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 2 分鐘

【The first skill-based free-to-play blockchain mobile game】

    As the gaming world evolves from Web2 to Web3, many note the discrepancy between the fun and enticing traditional gameplay experiences and the blockchain-focused experiences in newer releases. Mobile gaming is become the bridge between the 2.8 billion players market and the blockchain community. Block Games与Estoty合作下一代游戏开发,Estoty是一家拥有15亿下载量和200多名活跃用户的手游工作室,其游戏的核心是免费游戏(F2P),游戏旨在教育传统玩家,由奖励NFT,有效与Web3联系起来。 透过移动应用程序,移动游戏玩家和不断增长的区块链社区之间架起了一座桥梁。 #gamefi #web3
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