2022-06-06|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 1 分鐘

【Defi Educator Says $22 Billion in ETH 2.0 Funds Won't Be Li

    The ethereum will be released slowly. Even when withdrawals are enabled, all staked [ethereum] won’t be immediately available. There will be an exit queue which may take more than a year in the worst-case scenario or several months in a more realistic one. 以太坊的Beacon链经历了七个街区的重组,这些类型的问题可能会引发PoS过渡延迟。 由于所谓的以太坊解锁,有些人认为是合并不会启用,换句话说,以太坊在很长一段时间内都不会进入流通 #defi #eth2
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