More Value in Digital Collectables Than Their Physical Counterparts People hope to score on trading cards, comic books, coins and stamps are pivoting to NFTs to secure their prized items. The growth of the collectibles market will rely on a marketplace’s guarantee of accessibility to rare assets, speed of transaction and liquidity, and trustworthiness. 以更有意义和可扩展的方式共享个人收藏,成为社群的一部分并与之进行交易。 NFT美元交易总额比上一季度增长了29.7%。根据数据,就交易量而言,其市场份额明显高于市场的艺术或元宇宙部分。主要好处包括为买家提供更具成本效益和安全的交易流程,销售更高效的结算,帮助他们用法定货币和美元数字货币货币化和发展其收藏品业务。#NFT