Interior design style

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There are a majority of interior design style. For instance Japanese interior style, scandinavian interior design, industrial interior design and minimalist interior design.Let me introduce you Japanese interior design.
1. Main color: wood color, white
The Japanese design style is dominated by white and light wood colors, which is a bit similar to the Nordic style. The difference is that the proportion of wood color in the Japanese style decoration is often higher than that of the Nordic style, and the wood color can account for nearly half of it. The space, and even the entire unit is dominated by wood color, and white is only auxiliary.
2.Furniture: low, light and simple
In a unit with a small area and a low floor, reaching the top, tall and large furniture will increase the pressure on the unit. On the contrary, the low, lightweight furniture commonly found in Japanese homes is most suitable for this type of environment. Smaller furniture makes the dwelling look spacious, especially the sofa, TV cabinet, coffee table and bed, etc. It is also good at creating a warm and approachable feeling.
3.Wooden frame, wooden strips, Japanese paper, tatami and natural materials
Natural materials are commonly used in Japanese homes. In addition to wood, there are paper, grass, bamboo, and even stone. Among all kinds of furniture made of natural materials, Japanese sliding doors, wooden slatted screens, Japanese paper lighting, tatami, etc. are the most iconic, which make people recognize the Japanese design style at a glance. However, these Japanese-style furniture also give people a more traditional feel, so they should be used in moderation and should not be stacked, otherwise the unit may become too "old-fashioned".
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香港人生活忙碌,當中部分更是雙職家庭,因此需要聘請家傭來處理家務。不過聘請外傭的費用較昂貴,不少人會轉而選擇請鐘點或兼職家務助理。 使用鐘點服務注意事項 1、選擇正規的鐘點清潔公司 提前選擇正規的家政公司,這主要也是由於這些清潔人員也都是受過專業的培訓,而且在進行清潔的時侯,也是十分的有條理,而且也
室內設計既要有工程知識,又要有藝術哲學和能力。 建築設計的裝飾方面引起了室內設計。 他是對結構內部環境的再現。 室內設計有兩種類型:家庭和公共建築。 在討論室內設計時,會使用與運動、空間、顏色、照明、目的和其他主題相關的關鍵詞。 一般來說,任何可以建在裡面的東西,如牆壁、窗戶、窗簾、門、表面處理、材
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