2022-12-29|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 3 分鐘

Buddhism Guanyin Inspirational Mantra 觀音靈感真言 又稱 觀音菩薩救苦心咒 大乘佛

Buddhism Guanyin Inspirational Mantra 觀音靈感真言 又稱 觀音菩薩救苦心咒 大乘佛教陀羅尼觀世音菩薩的咒語之一 為漢傳佛教十小咒之一
The Guanyin Inspirational Mantra, also known as the Guanyin Bodhisattva Heart Mantra for Relieving Suffering, is one of the Mahayana Buddhist dharanis of the Bodhisattva Guanyin. It is one of the Ten Minor Mantras in Chinese Buddhism


嗡。嘛呢。叭彌。吽。麻曷 倪牙納。積都特巴達。積特 些納。微達哩葛。薩而斡而塔。卜哩 悉塔 葛納 補囉納。納卜哩。丟忒。班納。㖠麻 嚧吉。說囉耶。娑訶。

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#觀音靈感真言 # 觀音菩薩救苦心咒 #大乘佛教 #陀羅尼 #觀世音菩薩的咒語 #漢傳佛教十小咒之一 #十小咒 #漢傳佛教 #觀世音 #佛教 #Guanyin Inspirational Mantra # Guanyin Bodhisattva Heart Mantra for Relieving Suffering # Mahayana Buddhism # Dharani # Mantras of Guanyin Bodhisattva # One of the Ten Minor Mantras in Chinese Buddhism # Ten Minor Mantras # Chinese Buddhism # Guanyin # Buddhism
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