2023-03-19|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 20 分鐘

薩迦狂尼Sakya Crazy Nun (第四集)-狂尼洗錢金庫-印度小白宮/法音法師

    也收到一些人告訴我狂尼已經收斂了、改過自新等等的消息。我告訴大家: 狂尼沒有從良的打算!一直以來都沒有!即使她在夜深人靜身心極度痛苦的時候,曾經起過短暫懺悔的念頭,但稍縱即逝!
    Many people ask me why not keep releasing the videos to reveal the scandals of the ridiculous family, Sakya Trizin family. I think the crazy A Ni may have a temporary conscience. Although I have offered much-confirmed evidence, I am wondering if I should hand over those evidence to the inspection institute. If crazy A Ni was summoned to the court during the ceremony, it would be very shamed.
    Some people told me that Crazy A-Ni has restrained herself and turned over a new leaf. However, I have to tell you all the truth is that Crazy A Ni never ever corrects her mistakes. Even though she is filled with guilt and misery every night and maybe repents her sins, the conscience only exists for a while.
    The Crazy A Ni knows the 41st Sakay Trizin has serious heart disease, but still schemes to invite the Sakay Trizin to come to Taiwan for money and the future plan of those two young Sakya Trizin in Taiwan. There is more than one person who told me that crazy A Ni and the henchmen of Huang Ying-chieh are trying to take advantage of the reputation of the 41st Sakya Trizin to carry out dirty deeds and plans. They disregard the negative impacts and safety of the 41st Sakya Trizin who is just like a weapon to be manipulated. They only concern about their own selfish goal.
    Of course!! We do believe the crazy A Ni will not succeed. It will definitely defame the 41st Sakya Trizin in his late year, and ruin the religious prospect of the 42nd, and 43rd Sakya Trizin due to indulging crazy A-Ni.
    Crazy A-Ni is deceitful in many ways to frame others. However, she doesn’t notice that it will all come back to her. It is just like a big country that has nuclear weapons and tries to destroy others. But it never knows that other countries also set up missiles, intercontinental ballistic missiles, and nuclear missiles to aim at him. They are just waiting for the right time to shoot.
    The crazy A Ni holds the ceremonies abroad arrogantly, which shows her silly behavior. However, it’s all our Taiwanese fault for spoiling them by donating our money to them. Therefore, they can cling to the powerful and rich to cover their immoral and illegal behaviors of purchasing properties overseas and doing money laundering. So, those who support them deserve to be made use of as a money machine.
    If you come to Taiwan, you have to face the truth and explain it clearly to the public. Our Taiwanese won’t allow you to swindle us anymore. We will definitely let the muddled Sakay Trizin family get out of Taiwan and step down.
    所有的薩迦派信徒們,你們去過印度小白宮嗎? 百分之九十九的人都會跟我一樣的答案:「沒去過!」為什麼? 我們的級數可能還不到。這是阿尼自己在印度的別墅,也是為了招待來自世界各地的達官顯貴、巨富豪紳,到印度時的行館招待所,你一定會問,阿尼怎麼有錢建造這樣的一座小白宮?
    這些錢都是大家捐獻的,你也許也是贊助者之一,阿尼不但有能力建造小白宮,她更有能力,在這裡借用法王仁波切的名義向世界各地的信徒大張旗鼓的募款,這是為了薩迦派的佛教事業嗎? 還是為了改善所有僧人的拮据生活?
    其實阿尼在這裡幫很多的企業權貴,以編造各種名目,捐款開立收據的方式洗錢,更因為如此她所獲得的暴利,造就了自己後半生的榮華富貴。 「佛教事業和僧人的生活品質提升,喇嘛自己好好念經就有供養金了,很多的喇嘛仁波切都比我有錢….」這是阿尼常常掛在嘴邊講給大家聽的口頭禪。
    喇嘛想要得到一點利益,只有等待阿尼為了打通關節,搞特權走快捷方式的時候所給的一點賄絡紅包,其他的什麼都沒有! 如果你跟阿尼關係好,到了她的行館招待所,還能請薩迦法王單獨為你一個人或兩三位家人或身分特殊的朋友灌頂加持,您或許會認為這樣不是也挺好嗎?但您想過嗎?
    在台灣中部某縣市一位佛學會長,在阿尼的鼓動之下,捐獻了所有的積蓄,並借錢來供養,自己已經被榨乾了以後,阿尼還叫他向佛學會的信徒盡力募取大量的捐款,最後這位會長生活拮据,所有的信眾對他也沒辦法諒解,在種種壓力之下,得到嚴重的憂鬱症,常常想自殺! 這位會長最需要幫助的時候,竟遭到阿尼的歧視和冷落,永遠別想再親近法王了!
    我供養了這麼多的錢,為什麼我又窮又病又孤單…?」阿尼真的是在幫佛教弘法,幫薩迦派做事情嗎? 她比世俗生意人還要現實勢利的操作手法,正無情的摧殘著佛教和薩迦派! 深深傷害了許多善良的有情眾生。
    請期待下一集: 狂尼卷走捐款和信徒名冊
    Episode 4: Crazy A Ni's Vault For The Money Laundering- Little White House In India.
    Have all Sakya disciples ever been to the A Ni’s little white house in India? The answers of 99% disciples are “No”, just like me. Why?Honestly speaking, we haven’t reached that high level!
    This little white house is A Ni’s own villa in India, which is also a guesthouse for those bigwigs, magnates and tycoons who visit in India. You will ask why A Ni has so much money to build this villa. The answer is the money comes from the donations of those disciples. Maybe you are one of them.
    A Ni can not only build a white house, but also make use of H.H.’s name to raise money on a grand scale. Is it for propagating dharma of Sakya lineage? Or is it for improving the qualities of the Sangha’s lives? In fact, A Ni helped many enterprises do money laundering by making up many kinds of invoice titles for the donations. In this case, A Ni earned so much money for the rest of her life.
    “Buddhist propagation and the Sangha’s lives qualities can rely on the lamas themselves reciting sutra to earn the contributions. Many lamas and Rinpoche are richer than me!” This is A Ni’s pet phrase. If lamas want to get some benefits from A Ni, they can get some bribes which is A Ni taking privileges and shortcut for her own interests. Other than that, the Sangha can get nothing. If you have good relationships with A Ni, you not only are invited to her guesthouse, but also have the privilege of H.H.’s empowerments.
    Maybe you would think it’s quite nice in this way. However, have you ever thought that the Buddhism emphasizes the virtues of the equality, compassions etc.? In the beginning, it seems to look like A Ni’s behaviors are to win the people’s supports and donations for H.H., but it actually is destroying the belief and trust of those kind disciples to His Holiness. They wondered if this is the Buddhism that can bring me the inner peace and wisdom?
    Is this so called the Sakya lineage? There is a Buddhist association president in the center country in Taiwan. He not only contributed all his savings, but also lent money to contribute H.H. under A Ni’s encouragement. Since the president was not able to do anymore contributions, A Ni asked the president to raise lots of money from his members of the Buddhist association. At last, the president was living paycheck to paycheck. All members in the Buddhist association were also losing the trust to him.
    Thus, the president got melancholia under lots of pressures, and attempted to suicide all the time. When the president needed helps, it is unbelievable that A Ni not only discriminated against him, but also brushed him off not to let him close to H.H.. Eventually, the president got sick and hopeless, and asked for help from the psychics and even hypnotism.
    When the Sakya disciples met the president, they heard him keeping complaining about A Ni and said that,” I had asked A Ni for help to have H.H. to predict if the investment would earn money for me, but why it turned out losing my shirts? I contributed so much money, but why I became so poor, sick, and lonely?”
    From this case, people are wondering if A Ni really helps propagating the dharma for the Sakya lineage. Obviously, the conclusion we get is that A Ni is very interest-minded, just like a business man. What she did is destroying the reputation of Buddhism and the Sakya lineage, and hurting many kind and loyal followers. Next episode is coming soon.
    “Crazy A Ni' Steal The Donations and Disciples’ Name List.”
    薩迦狂尼Sakya Crazy Ani 藏傳佛教薩迦派有一位在台灣北部穿著像出家人的女性,聽說自稱叫「法因法師」 阿尼曾說:「在薩迦派,我才是真正的佛母,我雖然不是法王,但我是女王!」這位完全不像出家人卻穿著出家人衣服的狂人,被薩迦派信徒普遍的唾棄卻拿她沒辦法,暗地裡都稱她為「薩迦狂尼 」。
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