2023-03-19|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 13 分鐘

薩迦狂尼Sakya Crazy Nun (第五集)-捲走捐款和信徒名冊/法音法師

例如: 被阿尼掌管的佛學會基金為什麼都沒了? 就算有開銷,為什麼沒有收據存查? 為什麼信徒的名單在電腦上少了這麼多,只剩下一些零星捐款的信徒,一些較多的功德主名單,都找不到了! 為什麼一位出家人可以三更半夜才回來而不用交代任何的行蹤,接觸的人為什麼都是上過新聞的爭議人物?
據內部離職工作人員親口陳述: 這些信件都是沒有經過法王的同意,阿尼自己偽造的! 很多頭腦清楚的人已經漸漸察覺阿尼在搞什麼把戲了! 許多次的信徒會議上都當眾要求她交代清楚,阿尼不改高傲姿態,含糊其辭甚至憤怒的駁斥,說會跟法王報告大家是如此無禮對待她的,所有的人聽到『法王』兩個字,通通閉上了嘴!
請期待下一集: 調查局之狂尼一夜白髮
A Ni is on the hop in Taiwan, Nepal and everywhere. It looks like what she does are all for the Buddhism. In fact, everything she does is only for her own interests. When she was in Taiwan, she lived in a Buddhist Association in the northern Taiwan. At that time, she didn’t do her duty as a nun at all and neglected to propagate the Dharma. On the contrary, she put lots of efforts to get in with many celebrities, bigwigs, magnates and tycoons. Thus, members of the Buddhist Association provoked arguments and doubts about what A Ni did. For example, why was the fund of the Buddhist Association gone when A Ni took in charge of the fund? Why were there no invoices for any expenses to check? Why did our members’ numbers become less and less? Why were only some members who contributed few left, but most massive members who contributed more were gone?
Why could a nun come back midnight without any explanations? Why did A Ni always have close connections with controversial people who had negative reviews?
In members’ points of view, the Buddhist Association was just like a hotel for A Ni. When there were many criticisms coming up and questioning A Ni, she would only rebut severely to the followers of Sakya lineage to say that, “what I did are all assigned by H.H., and you guys all are not qualified to ask me about it.” While every follower heard that it was from the H.H.’s assignments, no one dare to say one more word and to check if it was really from H.H.’s decisions or not.
Many Sakya Lineage’s disciples know that lots of people received letters in A Ni’s own handwriting. (Some of you who are not rich enough won’t receive it.) In the letter, it says that H.H. asked A Ni to say hello to you and contains some keywords, such as “Your donations had been received. Please continue to support us….”, and” H.H. and the the Sangha appreciate your supports.”
According to the statements of the person who resigned from the Buddhist Association, these letters were sent without H.H.’s permissions. They were all forged by A Ni. Many people now may find out what trick A Ni plays. Many followers requested A Ni to give an explanation in the meeting. But A Ni was still arrogant, and rebuked everyone angrily. A Ni threatened all that she would tell H.H. how rude they were. When everyone heard of the name of H.H., they all shut their mouth. However, a guilty conscience needs no accuser. Finally, A Ni was investigated by the prosecutor. This scandal put Sakya lineage to shame. In order to avoid to be caught, A Ni took away all donations of the Buddhist Association and their disciples’ name list. She said that,” they are all from my hard working result, so I deserve all of them, not you.”
Everyone still think there is justice in Sakya lineage. Therefore, the president was on behalf of all members to give a formal letter to H.H. to show all unreasonable things that A Ni did. However, what H.H.’ replied disappointed all disciples. H.H. tried to explain that what A Ni did to support the contractions in India and the contributions were big helps, and A Ni followed the precepts well. Besides, H.H. blamed all members for their misunderstanding to A Ni. All followers were losing faiths and wondering how long the unreasonable and selfish behaviors would last. The president hold the letter form H.H. and said that, ” It’s time to correct the wrong religion.”
Next episode is coming soon. “Crazy A Ni Turned Hair Gray Overnight After Caught by the Prosecutor.
薩迦狂尼Sakya Crazy Ani 藏傳佛教薩迦派有一位在台灣北部穿著像出家人的女性,聽說自稱叫「法因法師」 阿尼曾說:「在薩迦派,我才是真正的佛母,我雖然不是法王,但我是女王!」這位完全不像出家人卻穿著出家人衣服的狂人,被薩迦派信徒普遍的唾棄卻拿她沒辦法,暗地裡都稱她為「薩迦狂尼 」。
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