2023-03-19|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 15 分鐘

薩迦狂尼Sakya Crazy Nun (第七集)-邱淑真被慘騙的怒吼/法音法師

而這時邱淑真又接到狂尼的電話,狂尼說:『上次您捐的款項已經全部投入建設,還遠遠不夠,請您最少再捐港幣一百萬元吧…!』邱淑真說:『我的現金已經能捐的都捐光了,還讓我的親戚朋友一起來捐獻,也過了一兩年,為什麼寺廟的建設毫無進展呢?』狂尼回答:『你這是什麼意思? 難道妳不相信我嗎? 我是隨時可以跟法王回報妳的狀況的人,光憑這一點還不足以讓妳信任嗎? 難道法王重用我是法王的智慧有問題嗎?...』狂尼回堵這幾句話。就算是知名影星的邱淑真也都默然不敢做聲,乖乖又去籌錢匯款了,但這次邱淑真聯繫了該寺廟的管家,管家說:『根本沒有收到建設寺廟的捐款,沒有收到錢,當然也沒有所謂的建設,我們寺廟內部正為此事發愁呢!』邱淑真當下覺得自己的數百萬港幣捐款全都被狂尼騙走了! 決定親自去一趟尼泊爾一探究竟!
邱淑真跟姐姐默默的訂了機票,飛到了尼泊爾叫了車,直奔寺廟,看到寺廟沒有建設完成的破落窘境,十分震驚! 立刻跟寺廟的帳目人員查核自己的捐款去向,發現自己真的被狂尼騙了! 直接衝到樓上的那間原本是要給自己住的,卻被狂尼霸佔不歸還的最大間寮房,看到狂尼正在用同樣的方式口吻向新加坡的信徒斂財!
再也按耐不住自己的情緒,怒吼了一聲:『把我捐給寺廟建設的錢還給我!』狂尼沒想到邱淑真會突然出現在她旁邊,臉色驟變,說:『我正在忙,等一下再處理妳的事情!』邱淑真不放棄的跟狂尼理論:『妳說的建設在那裡? 妳說的要供養法王的錢,法王並沒收到! 妳說要給寺廟買的醫療器材和藥物也沒看到! 妳說要給寺廟僧眾的加菜金也只加了一次,現在我要求妳把我所捐的錢立刻還給我!』
狂尼半推半哄的把邱淑真推出門外說:『等一下我會到樓下跟妳說清楚,況且寺廟現在正要粉刷也需要您再捐錢呢!』邱淑真氣急敗壞的轉頭走到樓下,心想:『連牆壁都沒有蓋起來,竟然還敢跟我募粉刷的費用? ….』
過了一會兒,狂尼拿了一個破紙箱,直接走到邱淑真面前,在眾目睽睽之下,把紙箱往地上砰的一甩! 大聲說:『現在我最不缺的就是錢,妳要的錢還給妳,以後不要再來跟我囉嗦!』邱淑真默默的打開紙箱,裡面都是一些小額散鈔,她虔誠護持建寺的發心,就這樣被狂尼處理掉了!
請期待下一集: 普賢祈願大法會大縮水的捐款
Episode 7:The outcry of Chingmy Yau after she was cheated
As we all know, the movie star, Chingmy Yau, is a loyal disciple of the Sakya lineage. She respects and supports her guru with all her might. As long as you have high reputation and powerful position, A Ni will do her utmost to fawn on and get close to you. Therefore, there is no exception to Chingmy Yau.
As far as we know, Chingmy Yau invited many friends in the entertainment industry, including Anita Yuen, Aaron Kwok, Stephen Chow etc., to support her guru of the Sakya lineage. A Ni played the same trick on Chingmy Yau and her friends by stealing the H.H.’s stamp and letters to raise money from them. A Ni knew that those movie stars were too busy to double check if it is a real fundraising or not. Even though some of them knew it was a fraud afterward, they would not disclose it. Because if they revealed this scandal, it might influence their reputations. Thus, the amounts of their donations are over millions Hong Kong dollars, which could build up a new temple. However, Chingmy Yau was taught that the temple construction didn’t finished yet for some reason, which was proved by the accountant of the temple.
At that time, Chingmy Yau received the call from A Ni again and was told that her donations last time were all invested in building the temple, but they were far from enough. A Ni asked Chingmy Yau to donate one million Hong Kong dollars. However, Chingmy Yau said that she had not only contributed all her cash, but also invited her relatives to donate as well. She was wondering why there was no progress on the temple’s construction. A Ni was angry to be questioned and replied that,” What did you mean? Didn’t you trust me? I was the one who can report your condition to H.H. Or did you doubt the wisdom of H.H. who appointed me to handle this? “ Chingmy Yau had no way but kept transferring money. After that, she contacted the manager of the temple to check if her donation this time was handed in to the temple. Unfortunately, she got the negative answer that there was no donations of the temple constructions from her. At the same time, the Sangha were also worried about this problem. Chingmy Yau found out that she was cheated couple million dollars by A Ni, and decided to visit the temple in Nepal personally.
Chingmy Yau and her sister booked the flight and headed to the temple in Nepal directly. When they saw the temple didn’t build up yet and was very dilapidated, they were very shocked. They checked with the accountant in the temple about their donations and realized that they were all deceived. Chingmy Yau rushed to the room above which was booked for her accommodation but was occupied by A Ni, and heard that A Ni was using the same excuse to deceive the disciple’s in Singapore to contribute the large amount of money. Finally, Chingmy Yau could not help but yell at A Ni to ask her return the money back.
A Ni didn’t expect that Chingmy Yau would show up, and tried to pacify her. But Chingmy Yau didn’t be persuaded and questioned A Ni that where the construction was. Chingmy Yau doubted A Ni that why their offerings to H.H. didn’t be received by H.H., and why those medical equipment and medicines didn’t be provided to the Sangha. Moreover, A Ni claimed to give the Sangha meal allowance which was only provided once. Hence, Chingmy Yau asked A Ni to return back all her donations. A Ni cajoled her and said that she would explain clearly to her later and now the temple needed another contributions to paint the walls. Chingmy Yau was extremely mad and wondered that how dare A Ni asked new donations of the wall painting while the walls hadn’t be built up at all.
After a while, A Ni took a broken box in front of Chingmy Yau and threw it on the ground. A Ni scolded Chingmy Yau loudly and told her,” Now I’ve already had lot of money. So, just take your money back, and don’t bother me anymore! ” Chingmy Yau opened the boxes silently and saw many small denominations. Lastly, it’s discouraging that her loyalty and sincere belief were whittled away.
Next episode is coming soon. Shrinking Donation of The Sakya Monlam Prayer Festival.
薩迦狂尼Sakya Crazy Ani 藏傳佛教薩迦派有一位在台灣北部穿著像出家人的女性,聽說自稱叫「法因法師」 阿尼曾說:「在薩迦派,我才是真正的佛母,我雖然不是法王,但我是女王!」這位完全不像出家人卻穿著出家人衣服的狂人,被薩迦派信徒普遍的唾棄卻拿她沒辦法,暗地裡都稱她為「薩迦狂尼 」。
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