Taking divorce photos, they are happier than getting married

    Whether it is love or separation, the pursuit of ritual by contemporary young people seems to be more and more extreme, "wedding follow up" "license follow up" is not new, social media, someone shared their "divorce follow up The "divorce follow up" experience, once on the hot search, has caused a lot of discussion, respectively need a sense of ceremony, whether those conflicts can really be in the beautiful photos, how to decently separate, perhaps the contemporary people need to face the subject, and the actual participation in the follow up photographer also mentioned, really "divorce follow up "into a commercial service, it seems unrealistic, a Starbucks in Shenzhen, a girl is buying coffee, accompanied by her photographer Bear asked the clerk, whether you can write a "happy divorce" on the cup, the clerk froze, the girl then said. "This is the first time in February last year, the photographer Xiao Xiong involved in divorce follow up, the other party is a girl he knows friend, bef
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