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The Special Investigation Division (SPD) under MYJ's rule has been found to have wire-tapped for months not only specific congresspersons but the Parliament as a whole in the name of enforcing laws, SPD confirmed late last night.

However, Hwang Shih-ming, the Director of SPD, might have tapped specific congresspersons to remove the Minister of Justice so as to replace him, yet he just had no motivation to tap the whole Congress.

The strongest motivation goes to Ma Ying-jeou, the President during his first term.

The “legitimate” wire-tapping number has doubled under Ma's rule, rising from some 60 thousand cases a year to an estimated 120 thousands for 2013, despite MYJ’s vow to eliminate illegal wire-tapping in his 2008 inauguration address.  MYJ might be the manipulator behind the curtain: collecting political rivals' information, not for national security but for his own political interests ever since 2008.

How was Tsai-Ying-wen, the DPP candidate in the 2012 Presidential Election, found to have met with Wang Jin-ping, the Chair of Legislative Yuan, and Perng Fai-Nan, the Governor of the Central Bank late at night? How did the media get the video? Now the cat is finally out of the bag.  The precise information and simultaneous video release suggest that the information was collected by wire-tapping, not by chance.

How much information related to Tsai and her campaign staff in the 2012 Presidential Election has MYJ gotten from wire-tapping? And the critical question is: Did Ma Ying-jeou win the Election of 2012 partly by wire-tapping?

The United State government did many unnecessary diplomatic moves to support MYJ from the autumn of 2011. Uncle Sam is definitely not guiltless of MYJ's re-election won by possible fraud.    rewritten at 2130











另一方面,從2008 年馬上台起,監聽數量不斷攀升,現在已經從2008 年的6 萬件急速攀升到每年10萬件(今年還剩一季,全年可能會超過12萬件),但他在2008 年就職典禮上宣示不會在有政治監聽。

從2011 年蔡英文選舉活動時與王金平以及彭淮南見面被「路人」精準掌握並公佈路上的影帶來看,此時馬可能就已透過監聽取得情報。







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