QUESTION: Chinese communist party’s (inaudible) newspaper People’s Daily is claiming that territorial jurisdiction of Okinawa is not resolved as of now. Could you clarify your position about that of who’s – who has the sovereignty of Okinawa?
MR. VENTRELL: The United States recognizes Japanese sovereignty over Okinawa. On the issue of the Senkakus, the United States does not take a position on the underlying question of the ultimate sovereignty of the Senkaku islands.
QUESTION: Do you consider this Chinese protest as unilateral provocative action?
MR. VENTRELL: Can you repeat the first part of the question?
QUESTION: Yeah. Do you consider this Chinese claiming as unilateral provocative action?
MR. VENTRELL: You’ve asked this question a number of times about which part is provocative on each side, and I’ve answered this question many times, and there’s no change in position.
MR. VENTRELL:美國政府承認(recognize)日本對於沖繩的主權。對於尖閣群島事件,美國對尖閣群島的最終主權並不採取立場。
MR. VENTRELL:你能重複第一段的問題?
MR. VENTRELL:你已經問過有關誰挑釁的這問題很多次了,而我也回答過這問題很多次了,美國的立場並無變化。
美國政府承認日本對沖繩擁有主權◎DoS(2013.05.10) http://tchina.kyodonews.jp/news/2013/05/51881.html 【共同社華盛頓5月9日電】美國國務院發言人溫特利爾9日在記者會上就中國《人民日報》刊登質疑沖繩歸屬的論文一事稱“美國承認日本對沖繩擁有主權”。 溫特利爾同時還就尖閣諸島(中國稱釣魚島)表示“在最終的主權問題上我們不偏向于任何一方”,重申了美國政府在這一問題上的一貫態度。 溫特利爾的上述表態表明了美國政府認為除尖閣諸島以外的沖繩縣不存在主權問題。(完)