向 ISO 請願:台灣不是中國的一省

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Petitioning ISO


ISO: Change the present "Taiwan, Province of China" to "Taiwan"

Taiwan is definitely not "a province of China".

We, the Taiwanese, have elected our leader through direct democratic means, fully support the democratic rights of self-determination, and the entitlement to certain inalienable rights of all humanity.

Taiwan has its own political, postal, financial, and socioeconomic systems that is run independently. We are citizens of Taiwan, not China. There is no "Taiwan, Province of China" in any of our documentation indicating our citizenship to Taiwan or any relevant information.

If the ISO does not rectify this problem, it would further increase our own pains of our identity being overruled. For the past six decades China had been threatening Taiwan with military conflict. They already have maintained a substantial number of missiles aimed at Taiwan, with annual increases in both numerical strength and weapon efficiency.

Due to present ISO standards, any statement made on a form in the Internet would change "Taiwan" as "Taiwan, Province of China". This is a tremendous insult both to us, the petitioners, and the Taiwanese community. We humbly plead the ISO to change this mistake and allow the Taiwanese people to proudly select their country as "Taiwan", not "Taiwan, Province of China".

The link below is the key evidence of the imperative need to rectify this mistake.



將台灣列為「中國.台灣省」更正成為「台灣」!呼籲全世界 認同自由民主國家"台灣"主權的人士,共同參與全球網路連署,藉此向國際社會宣示我們國家之完整主權,絕非鄰國的中華人民共合國的任何轄區的省份之一!

讓全世界端正視聽並且尊重我們國家真實存在的事實。不要再將錯就錯 委屈台灣國民~

以下是全球連署網頁,歡迎以中文填寫連署資料。貼上上面的制式抗議內文亦可。更歡迎分享您的高見 影響更多人為台灣正名發聲!


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