2012-02-01|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 6 分鐘



    今天自由廣場刊登一篇〈民進黨根本還沒醒〉,提及「台灣是中國自治區」。網友提醒文中Taiwan’s autonomy from China的翻譯。

    原文為:White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan said U.S. policy with regard to Taiwan’s autonomy from China “remains the same,” and that President Bush had reiterated the U.S. position to Chinese President Hu Jintao during their meetings in New York earlier in September.

    白宮新聞官Scott McClellan表示:美國有關台灣處在中國之外的自治地位的政策「保持一致」,布希總統與其與中國總統胡錦濤於紐約會面時重申美國此一立場。


    Taiwan’s autonomy from China是「台灣是中國自治區」或是「台灣處在中國之外的自治地位」?


    *EPF501 09/30/2005
    White House Report, September 30: China/Taiwan, India, Personnel
    (Bush administration says policy toward China and Taiwan is unchanged) (600)

    White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan said U.S. policy with regard to Taiwan’s autonomy from China “remains the same,” and that President Bush had reiterated the U.S. position to Chinese President Hu Jintao during their meetings in New York earlier in September.
    Asked about an article in the August 26 edition of Sino News in which Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld reportedly referred to Taiwan as a “sovereign nation,” McClellan said the Bush administration’s position on the issue is unchanged.  “We support a one China policy,” he said.
    “We are committed to the Strait communiqués and the Taiwan Relations Act, and we believe there should be no unilateral change in the status quo,” he said, adding “We continue to encourage the two parties to engage in dialogue to resolve the issues.” (See The United States and China (http://usinfo.state.gov/eap/east_asia_pacific/china.html).)
    The three communiqués that form the basis of U.S. foreign policy for China are the U.S.-PRC Joint Communiqué (Shanghai Communiqué), issued February 27, 1972; the U.S.-PRC Joint Communiqué on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations (Normalization Communiqué), issued January 1, 1979; and the U.S.-PRC Joint Communiqué on Arms Sales, also known as the 1982 Communiqué.
    According to press reports, Rumsfeld is scheduled to visit China later in October.  President Bush is expected to visit the country in November.


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