2009-01-16|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 10 分鐘

德國擔任「150打擊部隊」指揮 ■第五艦隊公關處(2009.01.14)雲程譯


    We can learn how multinational forces operate form this release. A commodore rotation in every 6 months is one of it. That rotation brings fairness then to form parts an unity.
    As usual , China Navy plays its sole trumpet outside
    the string quartet.


    德國擔任「150打擊部隊」指揮 ■第五艦隊公關處(2009.01.14

    【巴林MANAMA】德國海軍指揮官Rainer Brinkmann在巴林Manama的典禮中,從丹麥皇家海軍指揮官Per Bigum Christensen接下「150聯合打擊部隊」(Combined Task Force, CTF 150)指揮官職權。
    20089月起,Christensen已指揮位於荷莫茲海峽、亞丁灣、安曼灣、阿拉伯海、印度洋和紅海之「海洋安全任務」(Maritime Security Operations, MSO)任務多國打擊部隊。
    說:「我希望我在CFT 150的時光對於聯盟有正面的影響。…任務尚未完成。我們將持續發展對此任務重要的海洋安全與區域合作。我深信Brinkmann指揮官將帶來新的活力與想法,我也知道德國將以最佳的海軍傳統繼續任務。」
    將在HMS AbsalonL 16)號上指揮CTF 150
    說:「今天,德國接下了為期6個月的CFT 150指揮任務,我認為這海上指揮任務是一項榮譽,也將為我的軍旅生涯增添光彩。…CFT 150將著重於嚇阻與摧毀與恐怖主義有關的活動。我將促進聯盟的合作以及將塑造此打擊部隊為一隻有能力相互支援的部隊,加強彼此信任與支持地區伙伴任務中的信賴感。」
    CFT 150
    聯盟部隊的彈性與能力使其能針對任何潛在的緊急情況做完整部署。透過與區域伙伴訓練的機會,CFT 150將加強為支持區域國家對抗暴力極端主義者的既有合作關係。

    Germany Assumes Command of Combined Task Force 150

    From Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Central Command/5th Fleet Public Affairs

    MANAMA, Bahrain – German Navy Commodore Rainer Brinkmann assumed command of Combined Task Force (CTF) 150 from Danish Royal Navy Commodore Per Bigum Christensen during a Change-of-Command ceremony held Jan. 13 in Manama, Bahrain.

    Christensen has commanded the multi-national task force that conducts Maritime Security Operations (MSO) in and around the Strait of Hormuz, Gulf of Aden, Gulf of Oman, Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean and the Red Sea since September 2008.

    “I hope that my time at CTF 150 has influenced things in the right direction for the coalition,” said Christensen. “The job is not yet accomplished. We’ll continue to develop maritime security and the regional cooperation important to the mission. I have no doubt that Commodore Brinkmann will bring new energy and new ideas into play, and I know that Germany will carry on the job in accordance with the finest naval traditions.”

    Brinkmann will command CTF 150 from aboard HMS Absalon (L 16).

     “Today Germany is taking over command of Combined Task Force 150 for the sixth time, and I feel this command at sea to be a privilege and a highlight in my military career,” said Brinkmann. “Task Force 150 will concentrate on deterring and disrupting terrorism-related activities. I intend to foster the cohesion and cooperation within the coalition force as well as promote the task force as a capable, competent and relevant force, strengthening the trust and confidence in our operation while supporting our regional partners.”

    CTF 150 is a multinational task force that was created to counter terrorism, prevent smuggling, create a lawful maritime order and conduct MSO to help develop security in the maritime environment. From security arises stability that results in global economic prosperity. MSO complements the counterterrorism and security efforts of regional nations and seek to disrupt violent extremists’ use of the maritime environment as a venue for attack or to transport personnel, weapons or other material.

    The flexibility and capability of coalition forces make them well positioned to respond to any potential emergent situation. Through training opportunities with regional partners, CTF 150 enhances existing cooperative relationships which aim to support regional countries struggles against violent extremism.


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