2011-02-17|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 6 分鐘

語資班之Reading Assignment on 19 Feb


         Lichens are a unique group of complex, flowerless plants growing on rocks and trees. There are thousands of kinds of lichens, which come in wide variety of colors. They are composed of algae and fungi which unite to satisfy the needs of the lichens.

         The autotrophic green algae produce all their own food through a process called photosynthesis and provide the lichen with nutritional elements. One the other hand, the heterotrophic fungus, which depends on other elements to provide its food, not only absorbs and stores water for the plant, but also helps protect it. This union by which two dissimilar organisms live together is called symbiosis.

         This sharing enables lichens to resist the most adverse environmental conditions found on earth. They can be found in some very unlikely places such as the polar ice caps as well as in tropical zones, in dry areas as well as in wet ones, on mountain peaks and along coastal areas.

         The lichen’s strong resistance to its hostile environment and its ability to live in harmony with such environments is one example that humanity should consider in trying to solve its own problems.

    1.        Which of the following directly relates to algae?

    (A)  It offers protection to lichens.

    (B)  It supplies water for lichens.

    (C)  It supplies its own food.

    (D)  It is dependent on other plants for its food supply.

    2.        Which of the following conclusions could be made about lichens?

    (A)  They are found worldwide and are complex plants made up of algae and fungi.

    (B)  They are found worldwide and are simple plants, symbiotic in nature.

    (C)  They ate found worldwide and are compound plants made up entirely of algae.

    (D)  Although found worldwide, lichens are found mostly as a simple plant from in the tropics.

    3.        What can be said about autotrophic plants and heterotrophic plants?

    (A)  They produce their food in the same manner.

    (B)  Heterotrophic plants produce all their own food.

    (C)  Autotrophic plants need other elements to supply their food.

    (D)  Their methods of food production are completely different.
    Sorry for no paper work because of the broken copy machine. You students in my class need to do the assignment on line this time.

    縱橫正有淩雲筆,化為雄風紙上揚。~螃蟹老大~ Love is not to find someone to live with, but to find someone we cannot live without.
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