
Arweave 2.7 mining

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Arweave 2.7.0 is a hard fork release with an activation height of 1275480 (or roughly October 4, 2023)

Mining performance report:
Total avg: 389.92 MiB/s, 1559.68 h/s; current: 417.75 MiB/s, 1671.00 h/s; VDF: 0.83 s.
Partition 0 avg: 0.40 MiB/s, current: 0.00 MiB/s, optimum: 0.62 MiB/s, 1.25 MiB/s (full weave).
Partition 4 avg: 34.45 MiB/s, current: 36.74 MiB/s, optimum: 93.88 MiB/s, 187.76 MiB/s (full weave).
Partition 8 avg: 33.08 MiB/s, current: 32.09 MiB/s, optimum: 84.27 MiB/s, 168.54 MiB/s (full weave).
Partition 12 avg: 40.55 MiB/s, current: 39.99 MiB/s, optimum: 118.24 MiB/s, 236.47 MiB/s (full weave).
Partition 16 avg: 43.29 MiB/s, current: 29.99 MiB/s, optimum: 118.35 MiB/s, 236.69 MiB/s (full weave).
Partition 20 avg: 42.91 MiB/s, current: 49.74 MiB/s, optimum: 114.55 MiB/s, 229.10 MiB/s (full weave).
Partition 24 avg: 39.73 MiB/s, current: 49.94 MiB/s, optimum: 117.43 MiB/s, 234.86 MiB/s (full weave).
Partition 28 avg: 40.55 MiB/s, current: 59.98 MiB/s, optimum: 118.74 MiB/s, 237.48 MiB/s (full weave).
Partition 32 avg: 30.05 MiB/s, current: 20.14 MiB/s, optimum: 77.91 MiB/s, 155.81 MiB/s (full weave).
Partition 36 avg: 41.23 MiB/s, current: 39.99 MiB/s, optimum: 118.23 MiB/s, 236.46 MiB/s (full weave).
Partition 40 avg: 43.70 MiB/s, current: 59.16 MiB/s, optimum: 118.70 MiB/s, 237.40 MiB/s (full weave).


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Arweave 2.7.0

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