梵咒神諭卡 牌組翻譯04:AJAI ALAI 感覺真正的無敵

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Se sentir invincible感覺真正的無敵

  • 咒語: Ajai alai abhai abai、abhoo ajoo anaas akaas、aganj abhanj alakkh abhakkh akaal dy-aal alaykh abhaykh、anaam akaam agaaha adhaaha、anaathay pramaathay ajonee neeak、aam akaam agaaha adhaaha、anaathay pramaathay ajonee neeharm、jay agay naabak naay
  • 翻譯:無敵、堅不可摧、無畏、不變、無形、未生、不朽、空靈、牢不可破、堅不可摧、無形、未觸、永恆、仁慈、難以形容、赤裸、無名、無欲、深不可測、廉潔、不屈、消除者、超越出生,超越寂靜,超越愛,超越色彩,超越形體,超越業力,超越懷疑,不屈不撓,難以形容。








  • 練習:你需要一點耐心和嚴謹來學習這些神聖的音節,可以將雙手放在胸前念誦,或者用吉安手印(拇指和食指相連)念誦,放在膝蓋上。念誦至少 7 分鐘,並在練習時延長持續時間。
  • 建議音樂版本:Guru Shabad Singh Khalsa 的《Ajai Alai》


AJAI ALAI Feeling invincible

  • The complete mantra: Ajai alai abhai abai, abhoo ajoo anaas akaas, aganj abhanj alakkh abhakkh akaal dy-aal alaykh abhaykh, anaam akaam agaaha adhaaha, anaathay pramaathay ajonee amonee, na raagay na rangay na roopay na raykhay, akarmang abharmang aganjay alaykhay.
  • Translation: Invincible, indestructible, fearless, unchanged, formless, unborn, imperishable, ethereal, unbreakable, impenetrable, invisible, untouched, eternal, merciful, indescribable, naked, nameless, desireless, unfathomable, incorruptible, indomitable, eliminator, beyond birth, beyond silence, beyond love, beyond color, beyond form, beyond karma, beyond indomitable doubt and indescribable.

Power cannot escape or crush another when aligned with the entire cosmos.

This mantra gives us access to true power: sovereign and invincible power.

There is no need to beat to enjoy it or to enter into competition with others. Becoming aware of the existence of this power inside allows us to recognize it in everyone. He is the opposite all the warlike narratives. It does not respond to any system of domination or submission. True power is not that of the ego. It manifests itself when the ego (the self) agrees to let itself be crossed by the power of the higher consciousness (the self), itself linked to the incorruptible force that makes the planets rotate and governs all cosmic creation.

Do you accept the existence of this power that flows through you? Have you become so far removed from it that you believe you are powerless? Do you feel threatened by the power of others? Do you fear its influence? Or are you accused of behaving like a dictator when you lead?

This mantra rebalances the polarities around the power that cannot be stolen from you. It allows you to embody the quiet strength of the lion and to be heard without shouting. It helps to become a humble and enlightened path opener.

It comes out of the illusion of helplessness and all the negative thoughts beginning with “I can't.” It's quite the opposite: I can!

  • Practice: you will need a little patience and rigor to learn these sacred syllables, which can be chanted with your hands on your chest or in gyan mudra (thumb and index fingers connected), placed on your knees. Chant it for at least 7 minutes and lengthen the duration as you practice.
  • Suggested musical version: Ajai Alai by Guru Shabad Singh Khalsa

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