2024-03-07|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 24 分鐘

Attitudes and Movements

    Air Exercise 5 - Attitudes and Movements


    1. Attitude: Describes the airplane's orientation relative to the horizon.
    2. Movement: They are the motions that result in changes of attitude.

    AIM of this air exercises.

    1. Aircraft normally operated.
    2. How to movements necessary to achieve and maintain the desired attitudes of flight produced and controlled?

    What is your Motivation?

    1. Constantly and continually be applied during every flight.
    2. Everything depends on it.

    Before moving on, something you should know.

    1. Aircraft components.
    2. Cockpit instruments.
    3. Horizon

    Four Attitudes

    1. Cruise attitude: the aircraft attitude for level flight at constant altitude and airspeed. Using the recommended power setting. Wings are parallel to the horizon. it's the reference attitude. All other attitudes are variations from this attitude.
    2. Nose-up attitude: any attitude of the nose of the aircraft above the reference datum(horizon).
    3. Nose-down attitude: any attitude of the nose of the aircraft below the horizon.
    4. Bank attitude: wing of aircraft inclined relative level.

    Three Movements

    Movements -- Axis -- Control Surface -- Pilot input

    1. Pitch -- Lateral -- Elevator -- Yoke forward or backward
    2. Roll -- Longitudinal -- Ailerons -- Yoke left or right
    3. Yaw -- Vertical -- Rudder -- Rudder pedal
    • all three movements are around the Center of Gravity (CG).
    • Yaw is only for controlling.
    • Failure to control yaw may cause a slip or skid.

    Summary (Chinese Version)


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