Praying for the World: A Post-Pandemic Movement

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A Post-Pandemic Movement by the World Buddhism Association Headquarters

It has been nearly three years since the COVID-19 pandemic broke throughout the world. Statistics tell us at least 201 countries and regions across the globe reported confirmed cases, accumulating to more than 620 million cases, over 6 million of which resulted in death. The coronavirus pandemic created chaos in the world order, directly affecting the health of hundreds of millions of people and resulting in fumbled responses early on from some of the world’s best-equipped countries.

Strict lockdown measures were implemented to stem the spread of the disease, and the resulting interruption to human travel, financial systems, and logistics of all areas resulted in broad and serious consequences to the economy, culture, travel, education, medical systems, mental health, social habits, and overall wellbeing. As the world stepped up to fight the pandemic, resources and people were mobilized in countries of every size to find solutions—large and small—that solve the many pandemic-related concerns we now face.

National medical systems treated the sick as private-sector pharma rushed to develop vaccines, treatments, medications and medical equipment. Governments issued emergency relief funds while churches and non-profits turned their attention to addressing the need for medical supplies. The goal was a unified one—to stop the virus from spreading and ending life.

The Buddhist community responded in kind as COVID-19 began to ravage communities in every country. The Pope of World Buddhism, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, took the lead to donate protective and pandemic-fighting supplies to public service organizations and hospitals. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III said to people, “The emergence of the pandemic is due to cause and effect. There have been many pandemics of different types and forms in the history of human society. Covid-19 is a contagious pandemic, which means it is infectious. It can morph into different variations due to changes in human body and the weather conditions and cause new infections to people. That, however, will result in the generation of anti-bodies in humans. Although this disease cannot be fully exterminated, vaccines can be quite effective in protecting humans. Therefore, don’t stress out, and don’t worry. Do what the government asks you to do. Follow the government’s regulations. Get vaccinated so that you can protect yourself and your family. Do know that humans will not be stopped by the pandemic. At the end, everything will be reopened, because the nation will not be stopped, and the world will not be stopped.”

As foretold by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, humans have gradually developed anti-bodies and vaccines and treatments have arrived. Global pandemic prevention policies continue to evolve, and the pandemic started to ease in 2021. In September of 2022, the World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told reporters that, “although we are not there yet, the end of the COVID-19 pandemic is in sight.”

The World Buddhism Association Headquarters is a non-profit religious organization in the United States which has many branch Buddhist organizations, associations, Buddhism-learning academies, temples, Dharma centers, and Dharma-listening locations in the world. The purpose of the association is to spread the pure and supreme Buddha’s teachings and Dharma voices of Namo H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and Namo Shakyamuni Buddha to Buddhists, promoting that people abide by these teachings to do good deeds, give, practice compassion, abstain from bad deeds, and commit to all good conduct. By altruistically contributing and dedicating oneself to the nation and society, the world can be filled with auspiciousness.

With Buddhist Dharma assemblies on specific Buddhist occasions, attendees chant Buddhist Sutras, prostrate themselves and pray to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to grant blessings and protections to all. The holy birthday of Medicine Guru Buddha—known by many names and the Lord of the Pure Lapis Lazuli World of the East—lands on the 29th day of the 9th month in the lunar calendar. The Medicine Buddha made twelve great vows and vowed to cure diseases and pain for living beings of the worlds in ten directions in their current lifetime, to let living beings obtain happiness and peace of mind, to increase living beings’ fortune and longevity, and to guide living beings to liberation. All Buddhists respect and admire Medicine Guru Buddha for His vows and their effect on current beings.

In accordance, the World Buddhism Association Headquarters held two Dharma events on October 29 and October 30 to honor Namo Medicine Buddha’s holy birthday. On October 29th, a Dharma Assembly was held in the inner bay of Marian Del Ray, California to release captured lives in observance of the Buddha-Stipulated Day of Releasing Lives. October 30th saw the Dharma Assembly convene to respectfully celebrate the birthday of Namo Medicine Buddha at the Holy Miracles Temple in Pasadena, California. Several hundred Buddhists from across the world attended, including holy gurus, eminent monastics, rinpoches, acaryas, Dharma-listening masters, and householders.

The Holy Miracles Temple is owned by the World Buddhism Association Headquarters. It is a temple where authentic Buddha Dharma is practiced and where many real Buddha Dharma’s holy feats have been manifested and shown to the world.

Within the temple, the Grand Hall of Shakyamuni Buddha is presently the only Inner-Tantric Mandala in the world—a place where Two Great Dharma Requirements have been met. Within the hall, the Pope of World Buddhism Namo H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III has presided over many significant holy Dharma Assemblies which manifested the powers of Buddha Dharma, transmitted unparalleled Buddha Dharmas to disciples, and imparted the universal truth. His Holiness illuminates the grand path to liberation that encompasses both the practices of cultivation and Dharma.

Among the temple’s other wonders is the Hall of Buddha Dipankara and the Holy Hall of Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara. On March 7, 2014, the Holy Blessing Dharma Assembly was held in the place that is now the Hall of Buddha Dipankara to celebrate the First Issue of Imparting the Absolute Truth Through Heart Sutra, a Buddhist Sutra imparted by Namo H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. There, onlookers witnessed a number of Buddhas bestow holy amritas of three different colors, shining down through the roof, passed through a crystal bowl cover into the empty Dharma Bowl.

Today, the Hall of Buddha Dipankara is a sanctuary for Buddhists to light lamps in offering and increase their merits. Great Holy Gurus, Holy Gurus, and Dharma masters chant mantras, read out Buddhist Sutras, and practice Dharmas to pray for and bless lamp lighters. It is said, when one lights the bright lamp of blessing in front of Buddha Dipankara in the holy hall where amritas were once bestowed, the blessings power outshines that of any brought by lamps lit in common-place halls.

In the Holy Hall of Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, the holy statue of Namo Great Compassionate Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara is placed for people to worship. In this hall, the body of Shengzun Yinhai, a noted disciple of Namo H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, was placed after his passing. During the month his body resided in the hall in the Holy Miracles Temple, a series of divine transformations and holy feats took place. His body transformed as, from the tenth day of his passing, the wrinkles on his visage began to disappear and his bones and muscles began grew fuller. His complexion was rosy once more and his hair and fingernails continued to grow. Shengzun Yinhai transformed and realized a non-decaying vajra body—a state never before witnessed in Buddhist history. This transformation marked a new holy chapter in the history of Buddhist accomplishments after passing, and the western media was quick to report on the media.

The Dharma Assembly to Respectfully Celebrate the Buddha’s Birthday of Namo Medicine Buddha was held in the Grand Hall of Shakyamuni Buddha of the Holy Miracles Temple on October 30. The Vice Chairperson of the World Buddhism Association Headquarters and also the Honorable Chairperson of the International Buddhism Sangha Association, Jiaozun Zhengda, who is a holy guru of Gold Button Level II, together with the Abbot of the Hua Zang Si Temple, Ruzun Ruohui, a holy guru of Gold Button Level I, as well as the Abbot of the Sanger Mission Bodhi Monastery, Dharma Master Juehui presided over the Dharma ceremony. Notable holy gurus, eminent monks and nuns, and monastics led the Buddhist chanting. The attendees chanted the Bhaisajya Guru Vaidurya Prabha Raja Sutra—The Medicine Guru Vaidurya Prabha Tathagata’s Fundamental Vows Merit Sutra—in synchronicity.

With praises to the Buddha and offerings made to the Buddha, the two Dharma events included chanting the sutra and the mantras as well as releasing lives. The assembly returned the merits to and prayed for the living beings in the world, praying to Namo Medicine Buddha and the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the ten directions to give blessings and to protect living beings so that the pandemic is eradicated from the world, peace and friendship persist internationally, the world rids itself of calamity and all enjoy good fortune, health, and longevity.


cultivator的沙龍 的其他內容
佛定放生日起源于二零零九年的十月二十九日,世界佛教教皇南无第三世多杰羌佛在做了殊胜的佛事后,当天带领弟子们就地放生,并规定这个日子为放生日。之后佛教徒们就将这个日子称为“佛定放生日”。 佛陀告诉我们一切众生都具有佛性,都是我们的亲人,所以当众生有危难的时候,我们要去救度他们。
佛定放生日起源于二零零九年的十月二十九日,世界佛教教皇南无第三世多杰羌佛在做了殊胜的佛事后,当天带领弟子们就地放生,并规定这个日子为放生日。之后佛教徒们就将这个日子称为“佛定放生日”。 佛陀告诉我们一切众生都具有佛性,都是我们的亲人,所以当众生有危难的时候,我们要去救度他们。
Google News 追蹤
各國都有疫情,有的已經大擴散,每天(染疫)病的人都在上升,可以說是地球人的共業。所以,自己對生活品質的要求、對生活的寄望,不能再像之前,起碼要有一個特定的時間,自己要多將心比心。 很多人喉嚨不舒服去快篩,就確診了被隔離,有多少人隔離幾個小時或幾天之內就過世了。而我們還健康,可以過著這樣的生活,聽聞
2020年初全球各地新冠疫情爆發,慈悲 龍德上師心繫眾生慧命,正式開啟觀音山 線上佛法開示直播、共修課程與法會,至今從未間斷。佛法安定了我們原本惶惶不安的心,令我們能夠心安地在佛陀的庇護下度過疫期。「觀音山 龍德上師」YouTube頻道,歡迎大家一起來訂閱!
敬邀全球善信法友,一齊參與、凝聚心力,祈請諸天護法加持,消弭末法時期弘揚正道的逆緣危難,令佛法普化三千大千剎。一切違緣、魔難障礙、邪師邪眾、惡鬼惱害悉皆消泯,正法弘揚順緣增勝,無礙成辦!觀音山 法藏YouTube天天直播
歡迎把握大慈大悲 觀世音菩薩聖誕紀念日之吉祥緣起,殊勝苦行月1000倍功德增長日,為自己及親友登記「祈福祿位/超薦蓮位」、護持薈供法會、登記保育放流,廣積福慧二資糧。
🏆賀🏆感謝十方善信大德肯定,觀音山法藏頻道訂閱己超過十萬訂閱,觀看次數高達近4千2百萬次。2020年初,全球各地新冠疫情爆發,慈悲 龍德上師心繫眾生慧命,正式開啟觀音山 線上佛法開示直播、共修課程與法會,至今從未間斷。
這兩年間,世界歷經跌宕起伏,新冠肺炎、俄烏戰爭及日本大地震等諸多災難接踵而至。如今邁入2024年,但打開新聞台,天災人禍依舊沒有一刻遠離我們,世間諸苦也看似綿延無盡,沒有停歇的一天,究竟要如何才能趨吉避凶,一生順遂平安呢? 慈悲 龍德上師開示:「在這個時代,如果能恆常地念誦 蓮師心咒,以及修持偉大
2024年國際局勢動盪不安,1月1日日本7.6級大地震、1月2日羽田機場撞機起火事故、1月3日伊朗爆炸事件、烏俄戰爭、以哈戰爭等,天災戰爭不斷,人心惶惶不安。慈悲 龍德上師曾開示,2024年大家不能掉以輕心,這個世界沒有平靜下來。現在眾生迫切最需要的,是可以喚起自性本具清淨光明的良藥──佛法。
【藏傳佛教獨有.最快速累積福慧之法】 恭請慈悲 龍德上師主法 率出家法師迴向一 祈請本尊加持新冠肺炎疫情平息,世界和平、國泰民安,社會光明和諧。 【薈供功德利益】 一、薈供可延長壽命、祛除壽障。 二、可消除事業或人緣等等的障礙。 三、當有人以誅法或符咒加害時,能回遮無礙。 四、可回遮
2024才兩天就有好多震盪的變😔希望大家都平平安安地度過這些震盪 🎙️吉白職場延後至周五上架
各國都有疫情,有的已經大擴散,每天(染疫)病的人都在上升,可以說是地球人的共業。所以,自己對生活品質的要求、對生活的寄望,不能再像之前,起碼要有一個特定的時間,自己要多將心比心。 很多人喉嚨不舒服去快篩,就確診了被隔離,有多少人隔離幾個小時或幾天之內就過世了。而我們還健康,可以過著這樣的生活,聽聞
2020年初全球各地新冠疫情爆發,慈悲 龍德上師心繫眾生慧命,正式開啟觀音山 線上佛法開示直播、共修課程與法會,至今從未間斷。佛法安定了我們原本惶惶不安的心,令我們能夠心安地在佛陀的庇護下度過疫期。「觀音山 龍德上師」YouTube頻道,歡迎大家一起來訂閱!
敬邀全球善信法友,一齊參與、凝聚心力,祈請諸天護法加持,消弭末法時期弘揚正道的逆緣危難,令佛法普化三千大千剎。一切違緣、魔難障礙、邪師邪眾、惡鬼惱害悉皆消泯,正法弘揚順緣增勝,無礙成辦!觀音山 法藏YouTube天天直播
歡迎把握大慈大悲 觀世音菩薩聖誕紀念日之吉祥緣起,殊勝苦行月1000倍功德增長日,為自己及親友登記「祈福祿位/超薦蓮位」、護持薈供法會、登記保育放流,廣積福慧二資糧。
🏆賀🏆感謝十方善信大德肯定,觀音山法藏頻道訂閱己超過十萬訂閱,觀看次數高達近4千2百萬次。2020年初,全球各地新冠疫情爆發,慈悲 龍德上師心繫眾生慧命,正式開啟觀音山 線上佛法開示直播、共修課程與法會,至今從未間斷。
這兩年間,世界歷經跌宕起伏,新冠肺炎、俄烏戰爭及日本大地震等諸多災難接踵而至。如今邁入2024年,但打開新聞台,天災人禍依舊沒有一刻遠離我們,世間諸苦也看似綿延無盡,沒有停歇的一天,究竟要如何才能趨吉避凶,一生順遂平安呢? 慈悲 龍德上師開示:「在這個時代,如果能恆常地念誦 蓮師心咒,以及修持偉大
2024年國際局勢動盪不安,1月1日日本7.6級大地震、1月2日羽田機場撞機起火事故、1月3日伊朗爆炸事件、烏俄戰爭、以哈戰爭等,天災戰爭不斷,人心惶惶不安。慈悲 龍德上師曾開示,2024年大家不能掉以輕心,這個世界沒有平靜下來。現在眾生迫切最需要的,是可以喚起自性本具清淨光明的良藥──佛法。
【藏傳佛教獨有.最快速累積福慧之法】 恭請慈悲 龍德上師主法 率出家法師迴向一 祈請本尊加持新冠肺炎疫情平息,世界和平、國泰民安,社會光明和諧。 【薈供功德利益】 一、薈供可延長壽命、祛除壽障。 二、可消除事業或人緣等等的障礙。 三、當有人以誅法或符咒加害時,能回遮無礙。 四、可回遮
2024才兩天就有好多震盪的變😔希望大家都平平安安地度過這些震盪 🎙️吉白職場延後至周五上架