Can I buy an existing Shopify store?

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The tempation of starting an online business is undeniable. However, building a store from scratch can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. A viable alternative is to purchase an existing Shopify store. This approach can offer several advantages, including a ready-made customer base, established brand identity, and operational infrastructure. But is it the right path for you? Let's together find the answer for the question "Can I buy an existing Shopify store?"


Understanding the Appeal of Buying a Shopify Store

Acquiring an existing Shopify store can be a strategic move for entrepreneurs seeking to accelerate their business growth. Here's why:

  • Established Customer Base: A store with a history of sales likely has a built-in customer base, reducing the time and effort needed to acquire new customers.
  • Proven Business Model: A successful store demonstrates a viable business model, minimizing the risk of failure.
  • Ready-Made Infrastructure: You inherit a functional platform, including product listings, payment gateways, and marketing channels.
  • Time Savings: Building a store from scratch can be time-consuming. Buying an existing store allows you to focus on growth strategies.

Learn more: Can someone make me a Shopify store?

Factors to Consider Before Buying a Shopify Store

Before making a purchase, carefully evaluate the following factors:

  • Store Performance: Analyze sales history, customer reviews, and traffic data to assess the store's performance.
  • Product Line: Ensure the product line aligns with your business goals and interests.
  • Brand Identity: Evaluate if the store's branding resonates with your target audience.
  • Competition: Assess the competitive landscape to determine the store's potential for growth.
  • Financial Health: Review the store's financial records to understand its profitability.
  • Legal and Technical Aspects: Consult with legal and technical experts to ensure a smooth transition.

Check out our Facebook post about Prebuilt Shopify store to understand better about this option

Prebuilt Shopify Stores: A Quick Start Option

If building a store from scratch or acquiring an existing one seems daunting, consider prebuilt Shopify stores. These are ready-made online shops with customizable themes and basic functionalities. While they lack the history and customer base of an established store, they offer a cost-effective and time-efficient solution.

Prebuilt Shopify stores often come with:

  • Basic product listings: You can easily add or remove products.
  • Payment gateways: Secure payment options are typically integrated.
  • Shipping options: Shipping rates and carriers can be configured.
  • Marketing tools: Basic marketing features might be included.

eComStart's Prebuilt Stores is a good start for new entrepreneurs who want to kickstart their business with beautiful, featured-rich Shopify stores. With just $17, you will own a ready-made store that truely converts!


How to Find an Existing Shopify Store for Sale

Several platforms facilitate the buying and selling of Shopify stores:

  • Shopify Marketplace: Shopify offers its own marketplace for buying and selling stores.
  • Online Business Brokers: Specialized brokers connect buyers and sellers.
  • Online Forums and Communities: Shopify forums and communities often have listings for stores for sale.

When searching for a store, clearly define your criteria, such as industry, revenue, and desired features.

Due Diligence: Protecting Your Investment

Thorough due diligence is crucial when buying an existing Shopify store. Consider the following steps:

  • Verify Store Ownership: Ensure the seller has legal ownership of the store.
  • Review Store Analytics: Analyze sales data, traffic patterns, and customer demographics.
  • Inspect Product Inventory: Verify product authenticity and quality.
  • Evaluate Marketing Channels: Assess the effectiveness of existing marketing efforts.
  • Check for Legal Issues: Ensure there are no pending lawsuits or intellectual property disputes.

If you have a clear vision for your online store which requires advanced features and custom design, reach out to provider such as eComStart Shopify store setup services will be the best solution.


Buying an existing Shopify store can be a strategic move for entrepreneurs looking to accelerate their business growth. However, careful consideration and due diligence are essential to ensure a successful acquisition. By understanding the factors to consider, exploring prebuilt store options, and conducting thorough research, you can increase your chances of finding the right store to invest in.

Don't forget to come back to eComStart's Vocus blog to learn more about Shopify prebuilt store! Leave us a message if you have any question.

Prebuilt Shopify Store by eComStart

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