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Things got interesting during the reading of the books 'Anatomy trains'(Thomas Myers), further reading of the references, 'Body3'(Thomas Myers), 'Awareness through Movement'(Moshé Feldenkrais), and all kinds of information related to anatomy and acupuncture from social media(a bit weird, I know, I am weirdo, haha), roughly can see the meridians(Thomas Myers version, not acupuncture version) on the body. While guys are usually happy to see girls wearing less covered clothes(bet not the right expression, waiting for modification), as a man, same here; however, I am more interested in the way how the body moves, the posture, and the tonus of the muscles which can be seen more easily from naked part of the body.
After entering the clinic, my Chinese medicine doctor, who has the certificates of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, asked me to demonstrate the result from the practice assigned last time. The assignment was focused on

  1. A good seated posture, adjusts the tilt of the pelvis based on the proprioception from ischial tuberosity, without lateral or medial rotation of the pelvis.
  2. A good support from the lower limbs, a good balance from the foot, the 3 arches, which are the transverse arch, the medial longitudinal arch , and the later longitudinal arch.
  3. A good usage from the adductors and hip extensors m. from the top of the spine, suboccipital muscles, the relaxation of the jaw, the extension mainly on c1 and c2, the usage of the longus capitis m., and the longus colli m.
  4. The imagination of the string hung from the top of the skull like a puppet, but the string is controlled by yourself through the usage of the combination of the whole muscles and fascia.
  • The suboccipial muscles includes the rectus capitis posterior minor, the rectus capitis posterior major, the obliquus capitis superior, the obliquus capitis inferior.
  • The adductors muscles includes the 3 fans which consist of a group of geological, anatomical, fascially related muscles, the trochanteric fan, the ramic fan, the inguinal fan

I had recently been busy on the project on the settings of the IoT server, the maintenance of the forklift, etc. things are kind of unrelated though, with still ongoing activities, say playing tennis, workouts on the leg press, the triceps, the bicep femoris, the abductors, the adductors, and a treadmill of on the slope trying to make the full range of movement using the information get fro m 'Body3' saying that walking is a good remedy. Not know there was a rotation on the upper part of the thoracic, the proprioception on the rotatiton of thoracic is not strong enough for me to catch up on the relative abnormal movement.
Asked to lie prone on the therapy table with the head supported, and the torso supported, extend the hip using mainly with bicep femoris initially. With emphasized relaxation on the coronoid process(connection between the jaw and the temporal bone), mainly the masseter and the temporalis(from the deep front line point of view links between the temporalis), here came the acupuncture somewhere on the temporalis, while asked to relax the jaw and extend the Altas and the Axis with the feeling of a string attached to the top of the skull trying to lengthen the spine yourself. Further like a ballet to extend the spine while the bicep femoris is flexed, making it a solid stable ground. Here came the other acupuncture somewhere on the sacral tuberous ligament?? and somewhere near the intersection of gluteal maximux and the superficial back line near the posterior femur and ramic bone??
There won't be any gym like feeling using strongly flexed superficial muscles to finish the guided dynamic posture, it is about lengthening the spine with already stablized or specifically speaking, knowing the intended way of using upper cervicis muscles (balanced tonus of the longus capitis m., the longus colli m., the scalenes m. with the semispinalis muscles, etc. muscles in the nape) and sacrum-pelvic-femur(mainly on the bicep femoris and adductors to stablize the pelvis, the lower part of the spine).

越讀越有興趣(找死??醫學生物方面基本沒有邊界?和computer science類似?本貓不覺得設定算cs的一環,只是找使用方式而已,卻能讓程式撰寫有大方向;Body3真的不知道要翻什麼,好像沒有繁體中文的文獻,要獻醜嗎??本貓是化工材料非四大畢業(接近),先聲明我解剖列車基本念原文,中文一個字一個字都知道,合起來完全不懂在做什麼,不如念英文,綜合拉丁語系的東東和英文構句,還比念奇奇怪怪的肱骨或其他東西好多了,女生穿少少賺流量就不翻譯了(精神上能利用沒有布料遮擋皮膚紋理判斷結構,真謝謝配合的女生...),基本上中醫師帶動作要延伸中軸(脊椎[特別是頸椎與胸椎]),診間內趴著,頭有馬蹄枕撐著

  1. 骨盆的中立位,配合自己的本體感覺,覺得舒服最重要(還是要配合物理治療師的診斷)
  2. 足底的3線的平衡(medial, lateral, transerse arches)中文懶得找了...
  3. 骨盆到大腿的內收與外展肌群,從半腱肌(semitendinosus)與股二頭肌(bicep femoris)的主要出力和內收肌群穩定深前線下半段延伸到中上配合中立骨盆位置(橫膈附近肌群,單車騎100多公里去台中回中壢leg fittings形成的傷口還在流血不會有人想看,嗜好與工作難平衡)開始,與內收肌群(adductors的本體感覺),甚至到頸部的頸長肌與頭長肌(推薦Thomas Myers的筋膜列車,搭配適度放鬆的斜角肌甚至胸鎖乳突肌與相關肌群才能達到效果,針灸能比徒手治療更快[要知道在幹嘛的中醫生]),放鬆下巴(咀嚼肌的使用與深前線息息相關,不知道為什麼翻成中文完全沒有感覺,可以理解成深前線前部分關聯肌群放鬆,其實到胸椎都可以切換),把舌骨頂上的感覺,配合下巴上抬(同時會帶部分胸椎前外移),中醫師特別強調,動作細微,卻重要
  4. 頸椎第1與第2節的外展配合中軸的向上延伸可避免不必要如頸夾肌(splenius cervicis)的頸椎第3節之後的延伸動作(會有擠迫頸椎的型態,中醫師不希望見到的狀況)
  • 枕下肌群按照Thomas Myers提供大量的本體感覺,我在衝浪與騎自行車的同時疑似有類似觀感[頭後大直肌(rectus capitis posterior major, RCPMaj), 頭後小直肌(rectus capitis posterior minor, RCPM), 頭上斜肌(obliquus capitis superior, OCS), 頭下斜肌(obliquus capitis inferior, OCI)]
  • 針灸的點因為我不是很確定所以就不翻成中文了,基本上會是在淺前線與臀大肌的重疊處,這樣處心積慮想破解中醫師的套路感覺不是很好(一切都希望本貓2025年的學士後中醫若能如期考上,財務又沒問題,就可以以正當身分取經了,希望能有四分之一引頸期盼的中醫師樣貌,那又會是下個十年)


本貓在11月底和12月中報名了DNS和craniosacral的物理治療所課程,只想趁還年輕沒有家庭累贅時多體驗人生和各種本體感覺,希望能搭得上自己念The vestibular system, the sixth sense的進度,每天都來點自己的進度,負能量什麼的留給上班講幹話好了(上班和我聊的人不好意思了...),和嬋柔,經過中醫師的快半年調整,真心覺得要找能伸展全身肌群的運動(沒有方向性,如一般拍類運動之類,會讓不平衡更明顯)

工程人澳洲打工渡假計畫技術移民失利回台,30後的第二人生。音樂、解剖、網球、羽球、衝浪,任何需要資料收集統整應用的都可能感興趣;最近和物理治療師走得比較近,連含本體感覺的東東都有興趣了,前庭系統、中醫傷科、解剖列車或Moshé Feldenkrais之類的一些大學的我會覺得我自己瘋的東西。

Google News 追蹤
平時我們常聽到身體痠痛會去中醫針灸,或是瑜伽可以伸展筋骨讓身心靈放鬆,但把中醫的經穴理論與瑜伽做結合,不僅可以帶領我們更深入了解身體許多部位為何莫名疼痛,也透過練習瑜伽的過程去認識身體的經絡是如何影響我們的生理與心理。 書中很詳盡地介紹身體的各種疾病與不適是由於哪些經絡阻塞所導致,也有
本文章描述了作者對身心平衡技法(Body-Mind Centering® )中的內分泌系統的探索和體驗,以及與瑜珈脈輪的比較。作者透過實際練習,分享了自己對身體各個系統的感受和體驗,並鼓勵讀者同樣通過練習來認識自己的身體。
這篇文章介紹了身心學的由來與歷史、基本理念以及在臺灣的發展情況。內容包括身心學的核心理念、臺灣身心學的發展和身心學學派的介紹。此外,也介紹了身心平衡技法(Body-Mind Centering®, 簡稱BMC®)的創辦人與理念、課程內容等。
2023年開始透過寫文章整理所學與分享,其中常見的問題就是什麼是內功?而我的回答都一樣:人體精準控制。光是這樣其實還是搞不清楚內涵是什麼?範圍有那些?對我們的生活有什麼實質上的意義?在此我引用我的老師所整理出來的圖來做一次較全面的介紹。 先從圖開始介紹,這是一個現代常見的太極八卦圖,大家都知道
觸康健綜合課程二階課程報導,這是Touch For Health ® Level 2課程,導師是蘇志華老師。課程主要內容包括檢測方法、調和技巧、經絡輪與五行學說等,並分享了具體的實際案例和學員心得。
平時我們常聽到身體痠痛會去中醫針灸,或是瑜伽可以伸展筋骨讓身心靈放鬆,但把中醫的經穴理論與瑜伽做結合,不僅可以帶領我們更深入了解身體許多部位為何莫名疼痛,也透過練習瑜伽的過程去認識身體的經絡是如何影響我們的生理與心理。 書中很詳盡地介紹身體的各種疾病與不適是由於哪些經絡阻塞所導致,也有
本文章描述了作者對身心平衡技法(Body-Mind Centering® )中的內分泌系統的探索和體驗,以及與瑜珈脈輪的比較。作者透過實際練習,分享了自己對身體各個系統的感受和體驗,並鼓勵讀者同樣通過練習來認識自己的身體。
這篇文章介紹了身心學的由來與歷史、基本理念以及在臺灣的發展情況。內容包括身心學的核心理念、臺灣身心學的發展和身心學學派的介紹。此外,也介紹了身心平衡技法(Body-Mind Centering®, 簡稱BMC®)的創辦人與理念、課程內容等。
2023年開始透過寫文章整理所學與分享,其中常見的問題就是什麼是內功?而我的回答都一樣:人體精準控制。光是這樣其實還是搞不清楚內涵是什麼?範圍有那些?對我們的生活有什麼實質上的意義?在此我引用我的老師所整理出來的圖來做一次較全面的介紹。 先從圖開始介紹,這是一個現代常見的太極八卦圖,大家都知道
觸康健綜合課程二階課程報導,這是Touch For Health ® Level 2課程,導師是蘇志華老師。課程主要內容包括檢測方法、調和技巧、經絡輪與五行學說等,並分享了具體的實際案例和學員心得。