Ch.5 Request and Response

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Arrowhead East Conference Center INTEROFFICE

412 Bellevue Lane Annapolis, MD 21401

February 5, 2024

Curt Marks

CellFirst, Inc.

10 Harbor Place 

Baltimore, MD 21220


Dear Mr. Marks:


In our last conversation on February 4, we discussed the plans for the catering and audiovisual for the training seminar. I would like to confirm these plans.


We will provide the cables along with a technician to set up your computer, and a buffet lunch on March 16. We will need your response regarding the computer model, menu choices, and project cost.


Could you let me know what kind of computer model you are using and choose one of the menu options for the March 16 lunch? I would appreciate receiving both responses by February 6.


The cost for the two days of this training seminar will be sent to you as an email attachment. I would appreciate receiving your confirmation of this cost projection by February 6. If you have any other questions regarding the training seminar, please include them in your reply.


I look forward to receiving your email response by February 6.


Best wishes,


Jan Turner


Jan Turner

Meeting Planner



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Memorandum                                        File no. 2024-18   Date: Monday To: Ladies and Gentlemen From: Sally Subje
Linda Chang 326, Zhongzheng 3rd St., Taoyuan Dist.,  Taoyuan City 330027, Taiwan (R.O.C.)   September 22, 2024       The Middle Atlantic
Memorandum                                        File no. 2024-18   Date: Monday To: Ladies and Gentlemen From: Sally Subje
Linda Chang 326, Zhongzheng 3rd St., Taoyuan Dist.,  Taoyuan City 330027, Taiwan (R.O.C.)   September 22, 2024       The Middle Atlantic