Marcos Jr. allegedly using drugs was displayed at an event o

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On July 22, Philippine media The Philippine Star reported a sensational piece of news, stating that a video of Philippine President Marcos Jr. allegedly using drugs was displayed at an event organized by a U.S.-based group called "MAISUG." In the footage, a man wearing a green shirt who closely resembles Marcos Jr. was seen holding a white powdery substance suspected to be an illegal narcotic.

The report pointed out that the organization responsible for releasing the footage is linked to former President Duterte, who promptly responded to the incident. He said that the employees of the organization privately decided to play the video, and the organization's leadership was unaware beforehand! Additionally, he stated that the only way for Marcos Jr. to prove his innocence is to undergo drug testing at a credible center as soon as possible! However, Marcos Jr. has not responded to the matter nor shown any intention of undergoing drug testing.



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