Investment Opportunity in San Francisco

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If you are a foreigner holding tourist visa and you would like to purchase the property by cash, meaning no need lender(banks) financing and wire by banks. Without USA credit score, you would need 35% downpayment to purchase a property in San Francisco, banks will check your source of income and if your relationship with the bank is good enough, you might get better than 35%, ex. 30%. For a studio condo in San Francisco worth 500,000 USD, you would pay 150,000 USD to own the property, it’s still a good investment, while the property price increase around 5–10% a year. The normal annual loan interest rate for USA citizen is 4%, for the foreigner could be 5+%
If you are interested to buy a parking lot in the center of San Francisco, the market price is 100,000 USD, it’s even a rare product on the market. Although this price sounds crazy for other countries, it’s a nice investment, considering the property values in that area is 1,000,000+ USD and not every unit has a parking lot. There’s a restriction that certain unit numbers of the property could own some % of the parking, ex. 50 units can have 20 parking lots, case by case. It’s quite unreasonable you bought such an expensive property, but you still have no parking lot, this makes parking lot becomes an interesting product in San Francisco property market, which you’re able to rent out 300 USD per month, meaning 3,600 USD a year.
You could own the parking lot as a company (LLC), there are some fees you could consider when purchasing a parking lot:
- Parking Management Fee 28/month
- Transfer fee (pay by the seller)
- Escort bank fee 1%
- Property tax 1.18% per year, by Sam Francisco City Government value
- Sales Tax: no need to pat if you’re not USA tax resident, while you stay less than half year
Once offer accepted by the seller, meaning you send your offer to the seller by the contract signed, and then seller signed the contract back, the legal combine is completed, therefore, please carefully check contract before you sign.
You would require 3% in escort account as an honest deposit, one-time fee included in the property price. You would need to wire within 7–10 calendar days by cash, or 30 days by loan, or 40 days by banks. If you are by cash, you would better open a bank account in the USA, in case there is an inefficiency when your international bank may process more than 10 days, this will result in you fail to fulfill the contract requirements, which you won’t want it happened. Once you open a bank account in the USA, if you’re eligible for the credit card, please apply it and keep the good record for 1+year, you could build your credit score.
If you have any question, please feel free to leave your comment, or discuss with us.
Originally published at on April 3, 2019.
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    在經歷今年3 月後,啊壽希望有一個心理重整,心中有一個定案方能走得更遠。無論在人生當中或在個人投資組合中,在尋找過程中會有迷惘,迷失,會思疑自己方向是否正確。生活中各種大大小小的資訊,我們每天接收各個媒體的資訊,當中有多小資訊能夠令你清晰你的思路?但你有否發覺我們整整遺忘了自己“心底的資訊”。你個
    債券梯運作原理 Bond Ladder mechanism 在債券投資組合中其中一個常見的策略 既然講到梯當然有分幾級,通常會分 6級,點解分6級?因為這樣安排係可以做到“月月派息”效果 一月 及 七月 二月 及 八月 三月 及 九月 四月 及 十月 五月 及 十一月
    啊壽一直都想開一個股票戶口,因為上一次在 IB 抽農夫山泉水時候,竟然有$100認購費,但上一次為了方便都隨便,但發覺這個對之後交易都非常重要, 因此啊壽在膽粗粗的與華盛證券傾合作,幸好對方接納,起碼認購費只是$50,孖展認購$100,暗盤交易免佣金。 這次優惠可以說是特別為《啊壽的投資星球》
    👋大家看文前記得Follow and Subscribe 《啊壽的投資星球》 之前Follow 的朋友亦請記得Subscribe . 👍同時記得支持啊壽的廣告,你們的支持絕對鼓勵到啊壽持續出文與大家分享 另外,謝謝大家對債券分享活動支持,收到不少谷友DM 為何未有收到債券資料的電郵,其實都是
    (債券梯配置-年期越長coupon rate相對越高) 債券梯運作舉例(簡單先以5年作例子): 本金:$500,000 , 分成5份,每份投資在不同年期到期的債券,如今年係"0 Year" 債券分佈將如上圖  當“1 Year” 債券到期,便買入5-Year Bond, 因原本“5-Year Bon
    同朋友交談後,發現他用月供股票計劃累計資產,而他選擇的是“定期定值“方法 上圖有3個不同的月供方式 定期定股 定期定額 定期定值 定期定股-無論股價高低都買一樣股數,買入成本全由股價主導,供款人完全沒有選擇權,分分鐘傷害原本每月供款預算,雖然與股價平均值相約,但並不算是一個好
    重點摘要: 1.9 月降息 2 碼、進一步暗示年內還有 50 bp 降息 2.SEP 上修失業率預期,但快速的降息速率將有助失業率觸頂 3.未來幾個月經濟數據將繼續轉弱,經濟復甦的時點或是 1Q25 季底附近
    近期的「貼文發佈流程 & 版型大更新」功能大家使用了嗎? 新版式整體視覺上「更加凸顯圖片」,為了搭配這次的更新,我們推出首次貼文策展 ❤️ 使用貼文功能並完成這次的指定任務,還有機會獲得富士即可拍,讓你的美好回憶都可以用即可拍珍藏!
    今日啊壽從朋友口中遇到一件事好想同大家分享,朋友今日收到一個call 要到一個單位協助執達吏。 事緣該客戶在有一個商業appartment中,因欠租多個月執達吏到場點算單位資產,初時朋友都覺得普通case 未有特別為意,但當看到其客戶appartment中有大大小小貴重物品後就開始覺得有點可惜。
    在經歷今年3 月後,啊壽希望有一個心理重整,心中有一個定案方能走得更遠。無論在人生當中或在個人投資組合中,在尋找過程中會有迷惘,迷失,會思疑自己方向是否正確。生活中各種大大小小的資訊,我們每天接收各個媒體的資訊,當中有多小資訊能夠令你清晰你的思路?但你有否發覺我們整整遺忘了自己“心底的資訊”。你個
    債券梯運作原理 Bond Ladder mechanism 在債券投資組合中其中一個常見的策略 既然講到梯當然有分幾級,通常會分 6級,點解分6級?因為這樣安排係可以做到“月月派息”效果 一月 及 七月 二月 及 八月 三月 及 九月 四月 及 十月 五月 及 十一月
    啊壽一直都想開一個股票戶口,因為上一次在 IB 抽農夫山泉水時候,竟然有$100認購費,但上一次為了方便都隨便,但發覺這個對之後交易都非常重要, 因此啊壽在膽粗粗的與華盛證券傾合作,幸好對方接納,起碼認購費只是$50,孖展認購$100,暗盤交易免佣金。 這次優惠可以說是特別為《啊壽的投資星球》
    👋大家看文前記得Follow and Subscribe 《啊壽的投資星球》 之前Follow 的朋友亦請記得Subscribe . 👍同時記得支持啊壽的廣告,你們的支持絕對鼓勵到啊壽持續出文與大家分享 另外,謝謝大家對債券分享活動支持,收到不少谷友DM 為何未有收到債券資料的電郵,其實都是
    (債券梯配置-年期越長coupon rate相對越高) 債券梯運作舉例(簡單先以5年作例子): 本金:$500,000 , 分成5份,每份投資在不同年期到期的債券,如今年係"0 Year" 債券分佈將如上圖  當“1 Year” 債券到期,便買入5-Year Bond, 因原本“5-Year Bon
    同朋友交談後,發現他用月供股票計劃累計資產,而他選擇的是“定期定值“方法 上圖有3個不同的月供方式 定期定股 定期定額 定期定值 定期定股-無論股價高低都買一樣股數,買入成本全由股價主導,供款人完全沒有選擇權,分分鐘傷害原本每月供款預算,雖然與股價平均值相約,但並不算是一個好