Dive In: 【Design For Friction】by Steve Selzer

閱讀時間約 36 分鐘
直到最近讀了一篇 Airbnb 設計總監 Steve Selzer 的一篇文章之後,發掘其背後對於平台的設計考量和做法,令人著迷。加上最近不斷的在 Airbnb 的網站穿梭來回,無論是產品背後的機制設計和網站引導,感受到這是一個足以細細品味與學習的品牌。
其中,在 Airbnb Design 富含了Airbnb 在處理產品、服務、顧客等多個面向的設計哲學,對於一個設計師來說是個偌大的寶庫。但其中的知識並沒有被轉譯成中文,想要分享給團隊的成員時,卻因為語言而成了隔閡。
Design for Friction 是第一篇系列翻譯(如果還有以後的話),以段落式的對照,同時會加入一些閱讀時的注譯,希望在閱讀時,對於理解背後的脈絡能有所幫助。

Designing for Friction by Steve Selzer

Why tech products need humanity-centered designers.

Last year saw the continued rise of the “on-demand economy”, and with it the promise of convenience, ease, and a life free of friction. In the decade ahead we’ll witness the growth of automation — from Amazon’s warehouses to Uber’s self-driving vehicles — and for many of us this life of convenience will increasingly become the norm.
But this article isn’t about removing friction; I’m here to urge us all todesign it back in.
I’m not suggesting we add extraneous steps or make our products unusable. I’m talking about intentionally adding the kinds of friction that lead to self-reflection, self-discovery, and personal growth.

在去年隨選經濟的持續崛起後,伴隨著的是一個充滿便利、輕鬆、在取得上毫無摩擦的生活方式。從亞馬遜的智慧倉庫到 Uber 的自駕車,可以預想得到在十年之後,我們將看得見自動化技術的蓬勃成長 ,而這種極盡便利的生活方式,也將愈趨普及並成為常態。



The Cost of Convenience

With ease and convenience come many benefits, but what about the tradeoffs?
Last year, I urged designers to consider that when we remove all friction, we also remove moments for serendipity and self-reflection. At scale, this can erode our social values and increase our tendency toward intolerance and impatience, leaving us with a lack of resilience and an inability to navigate change.
If you need a reminder of what that dystopian future looks like, just ask Wall-E.
The good news is that there’s something we can do about it.
At Airbnb, we’re reducing the friction for Hosts to list and manage their spaces as well as for Guests to book them. By creating a frictionless online experience, we’re enabling people to experience a different kind of friction that offers something much more meaningful — the friction inherent to travel.
There are many more examples out there, but it may just be that our life of convenience and ease is quickly displacing it.
But if this friction is something we can learn to value, then it’s also something we can learn to work back in.


如果你想要知道這樣的未來會是如何,看看瓦力的世界吧!(這裡指的應該是電影 Wall-E 的故事背景,可惡沒看過瓦力,不懂這個梗。)


在 Airbnb 上,我們致力於讓房東輕而易舉的刊登、管理他們的房源;同時讓旅客在訂房的流程中順暢無比。藉由創造一個完全零阻礙的線上體驗,我們讓使用者能夠在其他地方得以體驗這種「有意義」的摩擦。




Designing the Friction Back In

Which friction is the good friction — the kind that leads to self-discovery and personal growth — and which is the kind that detracts from those discoveries? Below are four strategies for designing friction back into our products and our lives. By keeping these in mind, it’s possible to design an experience that retains its humanity and encourages people to reflect, discover, and grow.


Design for Skill-Building

Skill-building is an act of self-discovery. Whether it’s a new ability or an old hobby, the skills we pursue and maintain are reflections of our values — both who we are, and who we want to become.
Services like Blue Apron and Purple Carrot help people develop their culinary skills by removing the logistical friction of cooking. They deliver pre-portioned, high-quality ingredients along with recipes and instructional videos but leave the final step — the friction of making the meal — to you. By intentionally leaving in this friction, they create space for people to discover their culinary talents, or simply enjoy the act of cooking.
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Dive In:【Designing for Friction】 by Steve Selzer

Jul 29, 2018
直到最近讀了一篇 Airbnb 設計總監 Steve Selzer 的一篇文章之後,發掘其背後對於平台的設計考量和做法,令人著迷。加上最近不斷的在 Airbnb 的網站穿梭來回,無論是產品背後的機制設計和網站引導,感受到這是一個足以細細品味與學習的品牌。
其中,在 Airbnb Design 富含了Airbnb 在處理產品、服務、顧客等多個面向的設計哲學,對於一個設計師來說是個偌大的寶庫。但其中的知識並沒有被轉譯成中文,想要分享給團隊的成員時,卻因為語言而成了隔閡。

Design for Friction 是第一篇系列翻譯(如果還有以後的話),以段落式的對照,同時會加入一些閱讀時的注譯,希望在閱讀時,對於理解背後的脈絡能有所幫助。

Designing for Friction by Steve Selzer
Why tech products need humanity-centered designers.
Last year saw the continued rise of the “on-demand economy”, and with it the promise of convenience, ease, and a life free of friction. In the decade ahead we’ll witness the growth of automation — from Amazon’s warehouses to Uber’s self-driving vehicles — and for many of us this life of convenience will increasingly become the norm.
But this article isn’t about removing friction; I’m here to urge us all todesign it back in.
I’m not suggesting we add extraneous steps or make our products unusable. I’m talking about intentionally adding the kinds of friction that lead to self-reflection, self-discovery, and personal growth.
在去年隨選經濟的持續崛起後,伴隨著的是一個充滿便利、輕鬆、在取得上毫無摩擦的生活方式。從亞馬遜的智慧倉庫到 Uber 的自駕車,可以預想得到在十年之後,我們將看得見自動化技術的蓬勃成長 ,而這種極盡便利的生活方式,也將愈趨普及並成為常態。
補充閱讀:It’s time for a Humanity-Centered Design by Federico Donelli

The Cost of Convenience
With ease and convenience come many benefits, but what about the tradeoffs?
Last year, I urged designers to consider that when we remove all friction, we also remove moments for serendipity and self-reflection. At scale, this can erode our social values and increase our tendency toward intolerance and impatience, leaving us with a lack of resilience and an inability to navigate change.
If you need a reminder of what that dystopian future looks like, just ask Wall-E.
The good news is that there’s something we can do about it.
At Airbnb, we’re reducing the friction for Hosts to list and manage their spaces as well as for Guests to book them. By creating a frictionless online experience, we’re enabling people to experience a different kind of friction that offers something much more meaningful — the friction inherent to travel.
There are many more examples out there, but it may just be that our life of convenience and ease is quickly displacing it.
But if this friction is something we can learn to value, then it’s also something we can learn to work back in.
如果你想要知道這樣的未來會是如何,看看瓦力的世界吧!(這裡指的應該是電影 Wall-E 的故事背景,可惡沒看過瓦力,不懂這個梗。)
在 Airbnb 上,我們致力於讓房東輕而易舉的刊登、管理他們的房源;同時讓旅客在訂房的流程中順暢無比。藉由創造一個完全零阻礙的線上體驗,我們讓使用者能夠在其他地方得以體驗這種「有意義」的摩擦。

Designing the Friction Back In
Which friction is the good friction — the kind that leads to self-discovery and personal growth — and which is the kind that detracts from those discoveries? Below are four strategies for designing friction back into our products and our lives. By keeping these in mind, it’s possible to design an experience that retains its humanity and encourages people to reflect, discover, and grow.

Design for Skill-Building
Skill-building is an act of self-discovery. Whether it’s a new ability or an old hobby, the skills we pursue and maintain are reflections of our values — both who we are, and who we want to become.
Services like Blue Apron and Purple Carrot help people develop their culinary skills by removing the logistical friction of cooking. They deliver pre-portioned, high-quality ingredients along with recipes and instructional videos but leave the final step — the friction of making the meal — to you. By intentionally leaving in this friction, they create space for people to discover their culinary talents, or simply enjoy the act of cooking.


像是 Blue Apron 和 Purple Carrot 的服務。他們移除那些在烹飪時所必經的瑣碎物流程序(挑選、備料、分裝…等),來讓顧客能夠專心的在烹飪技巧上琢磨。他們將已經分配好比例、高品質的食材,搭配食譜、教學影片交付給顧客,但把最後一步 — 整個烹飪過程中最富挑戰的一步 — 製作成料理這項任務,留給顧客挑戰。故意把最有挑戰的過程留給顧客,營造一個空間,讓人們能夠探索自己的廚藝,或是單純的享受在烹飪中帶來的快樂。

Design for Self-Reflection

While self-reflection can be considered a skill in and of itself, it’s worth calling out as a separate strategy because it’s a more overt path to self-discovery and personal growth.
Take Unstuck app, for example, which helps people understand why they’re feeling “stuck” through a series of exercises designed to make the friction of self-reflection less daunting. Inspired by cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness, the product helps people toward self-discovery in a non-judgmental way by showing them the archetypes that reflect their current attitudes and behaviors. Armed with this understanding, a person can begin to unravel the steps they need to take to feel “unstuck”.


以 Unstuck 這個 APP 為例,透過讓人在 APP 經歷過一些被設計過,用來讓使用者自我省思的小摩擦,理解自己在哪些過程覺得被「阻礙」,以及釐清自己為何被阻礙的原因。受到認知行為學療法和正念療法的啟發,這個產品除去批判的角度,藉由展現符合使用者行為和態度的「

Design for Collisions

Zappos CEO, Tony Hsieh, introduced the idea of encouraging “collisions” between people with the launch of his Downtown Project in Las Vegas. Hsieh believes that most innovation happens as a result of random conversations and ideas that arise when people serendipitously collide. He and his team of private investors have gone so far as to develop a business metric so they can be held accountable for how effective they are at creating these collisions.
UberPool and Lyft Line are other examples where logistical friction has been removed to allow for more enriching offline interactions. These carpooling services are not only more affordable and better for the environment, they also create opportunities for people to interact with others in their community.

Zappos 的執行長 — Tony Hsieh 在啟動他的Downtown Project - Las Vegas 時,談到如何將人與人之間的「碰撞」,帶入這個專案中。Hsieh 相信大多數的創新想法會在人與人間不經意的談話,以及不期而遇的巧合碰撞時,迸發出火花。他和他的私人投資團隊目前已經發展出一個商業評估標準,來評估如何有效的打造「人際間的碰撞」。

在移除繁瑣管理、物流上的過程,並專注讓使用者更豐富的人與人的線下互動上,UberPool 和 Lyft Line 是另外兩個非常好的案例。這一類的共乘服務並不只是強調在價格上會更有競爭力,還是對於環境而言會更友善,而是希望可以大幅度的爭取人們在所屬的社區中,更多互動的機會。

Design for Confrontation

The last strategy I’ll propose for designing the friction back in is to “design for confrontation.” While confrontation might sound like a bad thing, it can also be a positive catalyst in the sense that growth is often the result of confronting something uncomfortable or challenging, and working through it.
Let’s look at an example from Airbnb.
Last fall, our team ran an experiment to change the “Contact” page for Guests with upcoming or current reservations. We wanted to understand whether Guests could get solid, timely support from their Hosts, and understand how those Hosts would feel about answering questions from their Guests. The results were generally positive.



以我們在 Airbnb 做的事情為例。

在去年秋天,Airbnb 的團隊推行了一個非常實驗性的功能:我們改變了那些正要開始或是即將入住旅客的 “聯繫” 頁面。(註:這邊 Airbnb 做的調整是指讓旅客直接聯繫房東,而非 Airbnb 的客服系統)我們想要知道的是,旅客們是否喜歡(傾向)得到實質、適時的來自房東的協助;同時也想知道,房東們在直接面對(回應)房客們所提出的問題有什麼樣的感受?


We found that Guests were just as satisfied with the support they received from their Hosts as the support they received from our Customer Service team. We also found that Hosts felt just as satisfied with the interactions they had with Guests who reached out for support as with those who didn’t. But one finding really stood out among the rest: Guests who received help directly from their Host reported higher overall trip satisfaction than those who didn’t.
While it may seem like more friction to confront your Host when you have an issue, overcoming this friction seems to lead to higher satisfaction, and maybe even a strengthened sense of community.
So if you’re a designer, engineer, product manager or CEO and your product doesn’t naturally lend itself to this type of friction, try this thought exercise and let me know what you come up with:
Imagine a world entirely free of friction. Things aren’t just easy, they’re effortless. They’re not just on-demand, they’re instant.
What’s the one thing you would bring back?
The friction you choose may be key to maintaining our collective values and sense of self in the not-so-distant, otherwise frictionless future.

Originally published atwww.designairs.com.






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YU YEON WOO(유연우)是一位才華洋溢的創作型歌手,於2022年9月5日發行了「divers」這張單曲,這首歌曲以電影「水底情深」為創作靈感,是一首以 R&B 為基礎的 R&B 流行類型的歌曲,以獨特的夢幻氛圍並帶有靈魂清新的嗓音
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Wildcard Alliance is a AAA, third-person, PVP game that combines RTS, MOBA, and CCG elements.
恆春跟小琉球冬天如果沒有寒流的話,水溫大概也有26-27度,基本上很一年四季都很適合玩水。 這一次下水的地點在出水口,這個地方跟後壁湖潛點一樣,海洋資源豐富....
🎵 Serio - Dive with you (feat. eaJ) I'm ready for the dive tonight 我已準備好今晚潛入海中 그래, 아마 다이너마이트 是啊,也許是個定時炸彈 이미 버렸어 나침반 但我早已拋棄了指南針 앞만 보고 달려 너와 나 只看著在前方奔
어두운 조명 아래 在昏暗的燈光之下 실없는 농담처럼 웃게 돼 像無謂的玩笑一般地笑了出來 너를 떠올리면 想起了你 힘들었던 하루 在這疲憊的一天 어지럽던 내 맘도 就連我那混亂的心 잠깐 쉬어 都能休息片刻 어떤 의미였을까 會有什麼樣的意義呢 그날 밤의 떨림은 那一夜的悸動 能永遠相依
重點摘要: 1.9 月降息 2 碼、進一步暗示年內還有 50 bp 降息 2.SEP 上修失業率預期,但快速的降息速率將有助失業率觸頂 3.未來幾個月經濟數據將繼續轉弱,經濟復甦的時點或是 1Q25 季底附近
近期的「貼文發佈流程 & 版型大更新」功能大家使用了嗎? 新版式整體視覺上「更加凸顯圖片」,為了搭配這次的更新,我們推出首次貼文策展 ❤️ 使用貼文功能並完成這次的指定任務,還有機會獲得富士即可拍,讓你的美好回憶都可以用即可拍珍藏!
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Polymetal International plc Completion of divestment of Russian business Polymetal International plc (“Polymetal”, the “Company” or the “Group”) ann
Polymetal International plc Proposed divestment of Polymetal Group’s Russian business and notice of General Meeting Polymetal International plc (“Po
YU YEON WOO(유연우)是一位才華洋溢的創作型歌手,於2022年9月5日發行了「divers」這張單曲,這首歌曲以電影「水底情深」為創作靈感,是一首以 R&B 為基礎的 R&B 流行類型的歌曲,以獨特的夢幻氛圍並帶有靈魂清新的嗓音
側掛潛水指的是使用一個或多個掛在身側的氣瓶的潛水類型。 與背掛式的不同是側掛讓潛水員在水下更有流線型,對於不同地形可以更改氣瓶位置,例如洞穴。
Wildcard Alliance is a AAA, third-person, PVP game that combines RTS, MOBA, and CCG elements.
恆春跟小琉球冬天如果沒有寒流的話,水溫大概也有26-27度,基本上很一年四季都很適合玩水。 這一次下水的地點在出水口,這個地方跟後壁湖潛點一樣,海洋資源豐富....
🎵 Serio - Dive with you (feat. eaJ) I'm ready for the dive tonight 我已準備好今晚潛入海中 그래, 아마 다이너마이트 是啊,也許是個定時炸彈 이미 버렸어 나침반 但我早已拋棄了指南針 앞만 보고 달려 너와 나 只看著在前方奔
어두운 조명 아래 在昏暗的燈光之下 실없는 농담처럼 웃게 돼 像無謂的玩笑一般地笑了出來 너를 떠올리면 想起了你 힘들었던 하루 在這疲憊的一天 어지럽던 내 맘도 就連我那混亂的心 잠깐 쉬어 都能休息片刻 어떤 의미였을까 會有什麼樣的意義呢 그날 밤의 떨림은 那一夜的悸動 能永遠相依