Xero Client Story: Votee

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Votee – Xero to Help Decision Making
Being able to make smart decisions is often dependent on having access to quality information and opinions. This is true for not only individuals, but for businesses as well. Unfortunately, quality information and opinions are not easily obtained unless one is proactively looking for them.
For Calista Hung of Votee, having prior experience working in large corporations and being a fan of politics has allowed her to recognize and understand the unique difficulty associated with information gathering. “Despite having a big impact on societies, it seems like groups of influence would often make policy decisions based on gut feelings,” she said.
Wanting to facilitate the sharing of ideas and opinions, Calista joined Votee, a platform that offers an efficient method to gather opinions in a cheap, fast, and accurate way.
Identifying the Opportunity and Pivoting
“We saw that many groups lacked effective means to gather the opinions and sentiments of key segments of our population,” said Calista. “Regardless of what type of group is collecting information, developing an effective feedback cycle of information collecting can allow you to have better products, policies, and even more effective implementation.”

Despite being incorporated over 6 years ago, Votee has constantly had to decide between growth or rebuilding. At first, Votee was marketed to users as a fun and private way for individuals to vote, and get instant opinions from friends and family, however “as time went on we realized there were more practical uses of our application in business.”

In the last two years, Votee has launched Votee Insight, a version of their platform designed for businesses. Whenever a brand wants to gather insights from their customers, they approach Votee who will send a list of questions to qualified panels within their database. In return for responding to the questions, respondents will receive coupons for the brands in question.

This pivot has been an incredible success. Votee now helps businesses not only gauge their customers’ experiences, but also their opinions on concepts, events and marketing initiatives. However, this influx of customers has brought about a new set of issues at Votee – they needed an accounting platform that could scale with their business.
The Need for an Efficient Accounting System
When asked about what made them realize changes needed to be made, Calista said, “originally, we were using Excel to manually track all our income and expenses but it became too difficult to maintain as it made understanding our company incredibly difficult.”

Ironically, the lack of a proper accounting system meant that Votee’s decision making process was negatively affected. “When we only used Excel, it took too long to perform manual entry that we didn’t have time to efficiently analyze this information and use it in our decision making process.” Deciding that something needed to change, Votee approached FastLane for help transitioning to Xero, a cloud-based accounting platform.

After having used Xero for several years, Calista said there was a noticeable improvement in how their company operated internally. Much like how Votee aims to help change how insights are collected for better decision making, Xero’s ability to provide real-time information has allowed Votee to make better decisions in regards to their company.

“We rely heavily on Xero’s automated bank feeds for our data-entry tasks. The platform is even able to auto-generate whatever financial reports we need, as we need them! I think from an efficiency perspective, Xero is really helpful. Time saved is money saved.” But what surprised Calista most wasn’t that Xero could address all their issues, but that it went above and beyond what was needed. “Xero became our centralized data hub. We knew that the platform had a lot to offer but only realized how collaborative our processes can be after we talked to FastLane. Now they are assisting us with our audit and tax related work with the information residing in Xero, letting us focus more time on growing our business.”
A Platform to Grow
By adopting Xero, Votee has an established platform from which they can grow their business. “At first, we thought of Xero as solely an accounting platform. We didn’t realize it can be used as a one-stop solution for all our other third-party applications!” With over hundreds of applications that can be integrated, Xero has become Votee’s platform of choice for which they can run their business through.
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s + tory = story,直譯即「事故」,爲漢字「故事」的同義倒裝詞,其中加了 s 可能代表「事」(台閩語發音 sú、台灣國語或華語發音 shì) 或「似」或 single (單ㄧ的) 或匯集多數故事爲ㄧ的內部複數指稱,............
1.加權指數與櫃買指數 週五的加權指數在非農就業數據開出來後,雖稍微低於預期,但指數仍向上噴出,在美股開盤後於21500形成一個爆量假突破後急轉直下,就一路收至最低。 台股方面走勢需觀察週一在斷頭潮出現後,週二或週三開始有無買單進場支撐,在沒有明確的反轉訊號形成前,小夥伴盡量不要貿然抄底,或是追空
重點摘要: 1.9 月降息 2 碼、進一步暗示年內還有 50 bp 降息 2.SEP 上修失業率預期,但快速的降息速率將有助失業率觸頂 3.未來幾個月經濟數據將繼續轉弱,經濟復甦的時點或是 1Q25 季底附近
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Abbreviation: write an almost lost here, could you sent the letter before any word spelling, the thought like: something disappeared. Not find the let
「傑出的藝術家模仿,偉大的藝術家盜竊」──畢卡索 第一次聽到這句話是老卓告訴我的,那時,他就是我的畢卡索。 平凡無奇的文具店裡,收藏了一件鎮店之寶──定價890元的鳥山明老師畫冊,醒目地展示在書架最上層,與藝術書籍封面的眾大師比肩,睥睨來店的眾生,讓我等凡人仰望。 「不知道。」
壞人臉阿伯一邊步出管理室一邊國台語夾雜說著,這好像是我第一次看到他略肥胖的身體走下他的王座。 「我....」驚恐之下,這個問題把我考倒了,我根本不知道要說什麼。 「以後回來都要跟我說『我回來了』,知道嗎?」壞人臉阿伯用一種極威嚴的語氣恫嚇我,彷彿他是一樓的神。
今天我一樣看著大家,10年裡生活都始終如一,不一樣的是,大家都以沒有了交集,各自過著各自的生活。 最近這幾天我感覺越來越奇怪,意識越來越薄弱,身體也快要消失了,看來時間差不多了,再見我的愛人及朋友們… …。
Laravel 透過request()->ip拿到的ip不是client real ip,原來是因為前面有一層cloudflare,解決方法如下,改用下面這段script來取ip: E 可以包成helper function方便使用。 值得一提的是,HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP有可能
One of the biggest challenges to cooperate with India clients is to identify who they are.
s + tory = story,直譯即「事故」,爲漢字「故事」的同義倒裝詞,其中加了 s 可能代表「事」(台閩語發音 sú、台灣國語或華語發音 shì) 或「似」或 single (單ㄧ的) 或匯集多數故事爲ㄧ的內部複數指稱,............