Common Coffee Drinks 常見的咖啡飲品

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Espresso 義式濃縮

Espresso is a coffee brewing method origin from Italy, and usually prepared in a small cup. Finely-ground coffee beans are brewed under high atmospheric pressure and almost-boiled water, which extracts out mainly Crema (~70% of espresso, a flavorful, aromatic, reddish-brown froth) that rests on top of a shot of espresso. Depending on the amount of coffee beans used, there are single shot, double shots, or even triple shots espresso. Because of its high concentration and rich flavors, it is usually used as the base of other coffee drinks like Latte, Cappuccino, and so on.
義式濃縮是一種源自於義大利的咖啡飲品,通常會以小杯子來飲用。透過高壓將接近沸騰的水通過細研磨咖啡粉,萃取出約佔70%浮在上層的 Crema (咖啡脂) 的濃縮咖啡。取決於咖啡豆用量,可分為single shot, double shots, 或甚至 triple shots espresso。因為他的濃度高且風味強烈,因此經常被用作於其他飲品的底料,像拿鐵、卡布奇諾等等。

Latte 拿鐵

Latte or café latte is a drink made up of 1/3 Espresso+2/3 steamed milk+thin layer of milk foam on top. The word café latte means coffee and milk, and it is a drink usually for breakfast in Italy. At some coffee shops, they will use the milk foam on top to create art-like patterns as decoration, which is called latte art.
拿鐵或咖啡拿鐵是由 1/3 Espresso+2/3熱牛奶+薄薄一層奶泡所製作成的咖啡飲品。café latte 這個詞的意思就是指咖啡和牛奶,在義大利通常是和早餐一起搭配。有些咖啡店會用上面的奶泡拉花來做裝飾,或叫做拿鐵藝術。

Cappuccino 卡布奇諾

Cappuccino is a drink similar to Latte, but with different ratio. It is composed of 1/3 Espresso+1/3 steamed milk+1/3 foam, which has a thicker foam and less steamed milk than Latte. Due to less milk and more foam than a latte, Cappuccino has stronger Espresso flavor than Latte. More, the thick foam is usually flavoring with cinnamon or chocolate powder.
卡布奇諾是一個類似於拿鐵的咖啡飲品,他們的差別在於牛奶和奶泡比例的不同。他是由 1/3 Espresso+1/3 熱牛奶+1/3 奶泡所組成,有著比拿鐵更厚的奶泡層,但牛奶比例比拿鐵還少。而因為牛奶比例少,所以卡布奇諾比拿鐵更可以喝到明顯強烈的 Espresso味道。並常會在奶泡上加肉桂粉或巧克力粉來做搭配飲用。

Americano 美式

Americano derives from American Spanish in 1970s, which means American. The drink consists of a single or double shot of Espresso+hot water, giving it a similar strength to, but different flavor from, traditionally brewed coffee.
美式咖啡一詞源自於1970年代的西班牙裔美國人。這飲品是由single 或 double shot Espresso+熱開水所製成。有著相同強度但風味有別於傳統的咖啡。

Mocha 摩卡

Mocha, also called mocaccino, is a chocolate-flavored variant of Latte. It is made up of Latte+chocolate and sweetener, typically in the form of cocoa powder and sugar. It can also be referred to as hot chocolate with Espresso added, and is usually served with different toppings like Amaretto cookie.
摩卡或是摩卡奇諾是一種巧克力風味的拿鐵延伸飲品,是由拿鐵+巧克力和糖 (通常是巧克力粉) 組成,也可以說是將熱巧克力混合Espresso的飲品,通常會在上面撒上不同的小配料如Amaretto餅乾。
Which coffee drinks are your favorite? Welcome to leave the comments below~~
你喜歡哪一種咖啡飲品呢? 歡迎在底下留言~~
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這裡指的Common Knowledge,是賽局理論(Game Theory)中所提到概念。會選擇介紹Common Knowledge,因為這個東西不太好理解,google也找不到中文版的說明,所以就花點時間解釋一下。 為何這東西不好解釋,例如以下這串文字到底在說什麼? “An item of
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題目敘述 題目會給定兩個輸入字串str1和str2,要求我們找出這兩個字串的最大共同子字串。 如果無解,則返回空字串""。 題目的原文敘述 測試範例 Example 1: Input: str1 = "ABCABC", str2 = "ABC" Output: "ABC" Exam
那個史詩及的戰線外傳 在特洛伊戰爭中除了眾神之間英雄聯盟戰爭, 還有一堆傳奇英雄腳色裡包都在這時候解鎖, 還有超炫的無雙大招在戰場中大殺四方以外,還有很多腳色的支線故事, 可以讓好來屋花一年拍不完的的電影大作,總之這場戰爭也埋葬了超多勇士, 導致冥界人口暴增,黑帝斯加班到過勞的誇張現象
Longest Common Prefix : 回傳陣列中所有字串的最長共同前序(LCP),也就是從最前面開始依序算起,所有字串都擁有的字元。
嘗試成為一個極具價值的人(給予者)而非單單極力追求成功。~愛因斯坦~ Try Not To Become a Man of Success But Rather Try To Become a Man of Value. -Albert Einstein- 愛因斯坦的金句打醒了John Lee
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重點摘要: 1.9 月降息 2 碼、進一步暗示年內還有 50 bp 降息 2.SEP 上修失業率預期,但快速的降息速率將有助失業率觸頂 3.未來幾個月經濟數據將繼續轉弱,經濟復甦的時點或是 1Q25 季底附近
近期的「貼文發佈流程 & 版型大更新」功能大家使用了嗎? 新版式整體視覺上「更加凸顯圖片」,為了搭配這次的更新,我們推出首次貼文策展 ❤️ 使用貼文功能並完成這次的指定任務,還有機會獲得富士即可拍,讓你的美好回憶都可以用即可拍珍藏!
這裡指的Common Knowledge,是賽局理論(Game Theory)中所提到概念。會選擇介紹Common Knowledge,因為這個東西不太好理解,google也找不到中文版的說明,所以就花點時間解釋一下。 為何這東西不好解釋,例如以下這串文字到底在說什麼? “An item of
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are increasingly turning to IT outsourcing to enhance efficiency, reduce costs...
題目敘述 題目會給定兩個輸入字串str1和str2,要求我們找出這兩個字串的最大共同子字串。 如果無解,則返回空字串""。 題目的原文敘述 測試範例 Example 1: Input: str1 = "ABCABC", str2 = "ABC" Output: "ABC" Exam
那個史詩及的戰線外傳 在特洛伊戰爭中除了眾神之間英雄聯盟戰爭, 還有一堆傳奇英雄腳色裡包都在這時候解鎖, 還有超炫的無雙大招在戰場中大殺四方以外,還有很多腳色的支線故事, 可以讓好來屋花一年拍不完的的電影大作,總之這場戰爭也埋葬了超多勇士, 導致冥界人口暴增,黑帝斯加班到過勞的誇張現象
Longest Common Prefix : 回傳陣列中所有字串的最長共同前序(LCP),也就是從最前面開始依序算起,所有字串都擁有的字元。
嘗試成為一個極具價值的人(給予者)而非單單極力追求成功。~愛因斯坦~ Try Not To Become a Man of Success But Rather Try To Become a Man of Value. -Albert Einstein- 愛因斯坦的金句打醒了John Lee
溝通communication 合作collaboration 批判性思考critical thinking 創意creativity