15_fOOd_W041921_Hug& 擁抱

閱讀時間約 6 分鐘
( Infinitely Polar Bear/Spread Your Wings/The Intern& 親親熊老爸/迷雁返家路/高年級實習生)_Love365/GOOGLEblogger & Facebook & Vocus方格子

So delicately written script, well delivering the message, from such a true story. The great lead actor, professionally performs, everything. Show us the picture, in a way full of love, so efficiently. Knowing what’s going on, doesn’t mean that we got right to judge people. It means that we could treasure what/who we’re, and do our best to behave well, and at the same time give a hand to the person who is suffering. ( Thought after seeing: Infinitely Polar Bear)

So great the ornithologist is, and the director as well. So truly all actors/actresses, well delivering the message which the cinema professionals and the nature wanna tell us. So efficient the team-work, so huge their efforts, I do appreciate the honor to see this movie. It has the meaningful influence on me, a person who originally in love with movies/books/human for decades, and a person who recently fall in love with writing/photography/nature. ( Thought after seeing: Spread Your Wings)

Impressed by the lead actor and the lead actress, always, no matter in their performance in movies and talk-show. The more excellent skill in acting, also the easiest method: free up that certain personality ( of that actor/actress), linking to the nature of that role, behaves as relaxingly as possible, with love. ( Thought after seeing: The Intern)

What a b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l world, nowadays. No sigh, never! Anything annoys us, which makes us worry or disturbing our eating correctly and sleeping sweetly: kick them away! Just do it, please. Embrace LOVE! Hug people who do care/love you!! Sincerely Yours, ~ Love365**

男女主角, 我本心愛; 兩個女兒, 率真語調, 相當傳神, 我的新歡.
貼心編導, 細膩攝影, 窩心配樂, 專業演技; 詮釋現實, 寓教於樂.
正面思考, 忌汙名化; 過度解讀, 未審先判, 就免了吧! 請行行好!
沒有了愛, 冷酷世界; 沒有了情, 成得了人? 用心給力, 誠意擁抱!

好棒導演, 超讚攝影, 以愛成幕; 稱職演員, 風格明確, 談吐自然.
精湛內容, 寫真實愛; 致愛萬物, 摯愛情侶, 至愛雙親, 自愛孩子.
謙虛學習, 家庭中, 學校中, 社會中, 宇宙中; 堅定信念, 擁抱著!

超讚男演, 魅力難掩; 親自示範, 類撩妹幕; 正向積極, 內斂幽默;
聊了公事, 用那智慧; 談了原則, 經履歷得; 全員喜歡, 歡喜源泉.
年輕演員, 生動活潑, 最佳助攻. 知己難得, 知心珍貴; 擁抱友愛!

現今世態, 別管它了; 別想別煩, 放一旁去! 接近自然, 親近彼此;
自然給愛, 人兒遞愛; 愛的語言, 絕對合理! 愛的擁抱, 鼓舞人心!

Pps. Outdoors AND Indoors:
透透氣囉, 外出走走. 計畫逛逛, 圖書館們;
映入眼簾, 心之所向, 類伴手禮, 回家享用; 通閱便利.
週邊鮮境, 順路走走, 如此旅遊, 也是一種.

Ppps. fOOd:
食糧種類, 千樣萬種; 吃些什麼, 細心謹慎, 自己掌握;
變成如何? 就, 順其自然! ~ @@HAVE A NICE DAY!! Sincerely Yours, ~ Love365**
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