How can We Save Our Planet

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The Great Barrier Reef of Australia, the Amazon rainforest of South America, Venice in Italy, the glaciers of Switzerland, Antarctica and the Arctic…… As you can imagine, there are many wonderful spectacles on our planet. However, if we keep making carbon dioxide, the scenery as stated above will be gone after fifty years. Why? The answer is global warming. Everything will be changed if it keeps aggravating. And now, if you just realized that our planet is facing the risk of ruin, let’s think how we can save our planet together.
First, we have to reduce the amount of trash. Statistically, people produces at least 3.5 million tons of garbage a day. Our planet is going to be a “giant landfill” soon after. So how can we stop it? We can use reusable bottles on-the-go. When we go shopping, we should bring a reusable grocery bag. Besides, we must avoid drink containers. Everything we can do to reduce our use of these products is a big help for our planet.
Apart from trash, the air pollution on our planet is also serious. In fact, most air pollution comes from energy use and production. However, people need both of them.But we can still do something. That is energy conservation. We should turn off unnecessary lights, unplug unused electronics, and manage our thermostat. If we go out, we can try to walk without taking the transportations. Those simple and highly effective ways can save our energy and electricity, and then we reduce the air pollution.
Our planet is already 4.54 billion years old, and humans and their ancestors have only been walking on the planet for about 6 million years. There are many species born before humans, but there is no denying that humans are the most disruptive species. We are killing our planet, which we taking, living and relying on. Humans are selfish by nature, but everything we do will eventually have retribution. When our planet is ruined, every species will also die. So let’s do something to make up. Friends, we have to stick together and save our planet!
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