白宮記者會:達賴訪問白宮(2007.10.16) ■雲程譯

閱讀時間約 44 分鐘









Perino女士:布希總統曾經參加過國會金質榮譽獎章(the Congressional Gold Medal of Honor)典禮。我所記得最近的一次是Tuskegee Airmen事件。我想是今年的稍早吧。而且,在雪梨APEC時他也向胡錦濤主席說過他將參加這項典禮。他很榮幸能參加。他深信達賴喇嘛是個堅強的精神領袖,而他也將與達賴在今天有私人會面,他也將參加明天的金質獎章典禮。同時,如我所說,他告訴胡主席他將且很榮幸在明天參加這典禮。






問:所以假使與中國有堅強的戰略關係,我會認為總統會以建設性的態度仔細聽著對其行為表達強烈保留的意見。土耳其與中國的不同的是,土耳其說「我們不希望美國做某件事」(we don't want the United States to do something),而中國說「我們不希望這個當局或總統做某件事」(we don't want the government or the President to do something),這兩者有何不同?


























問:多年前,達賴喇嘛提議他所說的「中道」(middle way),不呼籲西藏從中國獨立,而是一種他所說的自治,讓這個地區能擁有其領袖。美國是否接受達賴喇嘛對於西藏政府的願景?




P:我不知道他所用語言裡的字眼,但我們不支持從中國分離的國家(a separate country from China)。









P:在起居區(the Residence)。





問:你聽過中國外交部發表違反國際關係且傷害中國感情等說法。達賴喇嘛特別全權公使說此次會面傳達一個訊息:人們並未忘記西藏,且達賴喇嘛絕不示軟(is not going to go away),根據他的說法,這是個對中國強有力的訊息。總統相信此次會面真傳達此種訊息給中國嗎?
























總統告訴胡主席,他期待區參加明年的奧運會。我們也告訴中國我們對於緬甸的關切,這就是中國大使來這裡的原因。我們也談到進口商品安全委員會(the Product Import Safety Commission)主席Leavitt正在調查的議題。我們視中國為大的貿易伙伴,我們來來去去有著許多不同的議題要與他們合作。Paulson已經向財政部提出主動經濟戰略(the Economic Strategic Initiative)。






















Q Why has the President chosen to attend this event tomorrow? Is it because he attends all of the -- with the Dalai Lama -- all of these congressional award ceremonies, or is he trying to make a statement to China?

MS. PERINO: President Bush has attended the Congressional Gold Medal of Honor ceremonies. The most recent one that I can remember was the Tuskegee Airmen event that he attended. I think that was earlier this year. And he told President Hu when we were at APEC in Sydney that he would be attending this one, as well. And he is going to be proud to do so. He believes that the Dalai Lama is a strong spiritual leader, and he will have a private meeting with him today, and then he'll attend tomorrow's Gold Medal ceremony. And, as I told you, he told President Hu that he would and he'll be proud to do so tomorrow.

Q Is he concerned about the repercussions? The Chinese Foreign Minister called this a violent intrusion into Chinese domestic politics.

MS. PERINO: We understand that the Chinese have very strong feelings about this, and that's one of the reasons that the President brought up with President Hu almost two months ago that he would be actually -- that he would be attending this event. The President wanted President Hu to know about this early on.

The President attends that ceremony; it's a special one that we have in American traditions. The United States and the Bush administration has worked hard to have very strong relations with China on a variety of issues -- from trade and to cooperation on many different issues, such as the six-party talks with North Korea. We feel we have a very strong relationship with them, and that will be maintained.

Q So if there's a strong strategic relationship with China, I would think that the President would listen to strongly expressed reservations about something the President was doing, with a certain amount of appreciation for that. What's the difference between Turkey saying, we don't want the United States to do something, and China saying, we don't want the government or the President to do something? What's the difference?

MS. PERINO: Well, first, I think those two things are different. First and foremost, the President has met with the Dalai Lama multiple times, and this will be his fourth private meeting with the Dalai Lama. The President also attends the Congressional Gold Medal ceremony whenever he possibly can. I think he's attended almost of all them, and if he hasn't, that has been because of travel that he didn't make it.

On the Armenian resolution, what the President has done is he has expressed the Americans' grief about what happened in 1915 through a presidential message every year. And the President has made it clear that Turkey currently is playing a very important, vital role in making sure that our troops have the supplies that they need. A lot of our troops -- all the supplies are going through Turkey either through the airspace or -- and both to Iraq and Afghanistan, so there's a strategic national security reason there.

On China and on the Dalai Lama, the President has made clear early on with President Hu -- we've been very open about -- that the President was going to be meeting with him. It's not that the President hadn't met him before.

Q Why not release the picture?

MS. PERINO: There's going to be a picture of the President and the Dalai Lama that you'll have tomorrow.

Q What about today?

MS. PERINO: They'll be standing together in the Capitol.

Q But if it's not that big a deal, and the President's proud to --

MS. PERINO: We understand that there are very strong feelings that the Chinese have, and that they've reacted negatively to the fact the President will be going to this event tomorrow. But the President was clear that he would attend the event, as he had before. And we made a decision not to release a photograph today, but you are -- it's not that you're not going to get a picture of the President and the Dalai Lama, because you'll see them together tomorrow at the Capitol.

Q Was it a conscious decision not the release a photo, even though you --

MS. PERINO: We always make a decision whether or not to release a photo.

Q But it almost appears like a splitting the difference, that understanding that China is --

MS. PERINO: Well, I don't know if the Chinese would feel that way. I think that they don't want the event to happen at all. So I -- but I think -- it is going to go forward. The President will be there tomorrow. He'll make brief remarks and he'll have his picture taken there, too.

Q Is it a gesture to the Chinese to not release a photo, to limit the exposure --

MS. PERINO: I don't know if they would take it that way. It was a decision we made on our own. They did not ask us not to release a photo.

Q And what is the basis of that decision, then? It's certainly a story today.

MS. PERINO: The United States -- we in no way want to stir the pot and make China feel that we are poking a stick in their eye, to a country that we have a lot of relationships with on a variety of -- I mean, a good relationship with on a variety of issues. And if this is -- this might be one thing that we can do. But I don't have -- I don't believe that that's going to assuage the concerns of the Chinese.

Sure, I'll go to Ann, and I'll come back.

Q Several y ears ago the Dalai Lama proposed what he calls the "middle way," not independence for Tibet, but a kind of, what he calls, autonomy, where that area could have its own leaders. Does the United States embrace the Dalai Lama's vision of what a government for Tibet should be?

MS. PERINO: As I understand it, the Dalai Lama wants not for -- he's not calling for independence from China. He's asking for the people there to have ability to -- the freedom to practice their religion. And the United States supports him as a great spiritual leader. He should be honored as a spiritual leader. But we are not asking for independence from the country.

Q But his idea of autonomy -- and that's the word he uses -- is what the United States would also embrace?

MS. PERINO: I don't know his specific language that he uses, but we do not support a separate country from China.

Q Dana, what can you tell us about what they're going to talk about, the President and the Dalai Lama?

MS. PERINO: Well, those are private meetings, and the President has private meetings with spiritual leaders such as the Pope. We don't always tell you what's on his mind. The President, obviously, will have a good discussion with him. But when he has a private meeting, I don't get into the habit of asking him specifically what's he's going to bring up with somebody. If there's more to say later, I could let you know.

Q -- preview of the topics, even --


Q Do you know where it will be?

MS. PERINO: In the Residence.

Q Where in the Residence, do we know?

MS. PERINO: I don't know.

Q You heard what the Chinese Foreign Minister said about violating international relations and wounded feelings with China. The Dalai Lama's Special Envoy says that this meeting sends a message that people have not forgotten about Tibet, and that it is also a message -- a powerful message, according to him, to China, that the Dalai Lama is not going to go away. Does the President believe that this meeting sends that sort of message to China?

MS. PERINO: I think that what the President would believe is that people are going to look at this meeting in several different ways, and it's almost taking on a life of its own. The President has met with the Dalai Lama before. He is a great spiritual leader. The President wants to meet with him. The President believes that people all over the world should be able to express their religion and practice their religion in freedom. And that's why the President wants to meet with him. He believes he should be honored as a great spiritual leader.

And you mentioned the Foreign Minister. The President, just within the recent weeks, had a good meeting with him, as well, here at the White House -- the Chinese Foreign Minister. And we believe that we'll get through this event tomorrow that the President is going to attend, and that we'll be able to continue and maintain to have really good relationships with China from here on out.

Q If I could just follow, you can judge by the number of questions here in this briefing that it is --

MS. PERINO: -- lot of hot air tonight.

Q -- the topic of the day. So why not release this picture today? It just seems like it's happening today --

MS. PERINO: I understand and I'll take it back up, if I can, but I believe that there will not be a photo today. You'll get one tomorrow.

Q Dana, you talked earlier about not releasing the picture as something you could do, in essence not to stir the pot. What about at tomorrow's ceremony? Will the President hand the medal and present the medal to the Dalai Lama? Will he -- is he keeping his remarks purposely short? What are other gestures --

MS. PERINO: I think his remarks are on par with the length of what he's given before -- I believe. They're always brief remarks because it's a long ceremony. And I don't know who -- I don't know what the protocol is for who provides the medal. It's the Congressional Gold Medal of Honor, so I don't know what the President's role is.

Q But is the White House thinking carefully about the symbolism of those gestures and --

MS. PERINO: We're aware of it, sure. It's on our collective radar screen. We understand that there are the concerns and -- that the Chinese have expressed. But we are going to go forward with the event tomorrow. We're not going to change that. But we will not release the photo today. But you all know that the meeting is happening anyway, and you'll have a picture of him with the Dalai Lama tomorrow.

Q Will you let us know by the end of today what the protocol will be tomorrow, and if the President will be presenting the medal?

MS. PERINO: Yes, sure.

Q And also, what is he likely to say in his remarks tomorrow?

MS. PERINO: Well, I think that he will honor the Dalai Lama as a great spiritual leader. And when I can provide you more -- those remarks are still being worked on, too, and unless they've been released in between the time that I was in my office and came down here, they're still not final.

Let me go back to April.

Q Dana, in the last couple of months this White House has said there has been an interesting relationship with China, especially after all the trade issues. And now you're saying it's a good relationship. How -- could you explain why you have a good relationship with China, as some would see this adding fuel to the fire of recent controversies with the United States and China?

MS. PERINO: Well, I just think we have -- it's a relationship where we have a lot of different issues that we work together on, including energy issues. China was here two weeks ago when the President hosted the major economies meeting, when we talked about how to curtail global warming through reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

The President told President Hu that he looks forward to attending the Olympics next year. We've also talked to China --the reason he met with Foreign Minister Wang was to talk to China about our concerns regarding Burma. We have an issue with the Product Import Safety Commission that Secretary Leavitt is looking into. We also have China as a great -- as a large trading partner, and we have many different issues going back and forth and we work cooperatively with them. Secretary Paulson has the Economic Strategic Initiative that he has implemented over at the Treasury Department.

And so it's a complex relationship that has many different facets. And we're working with them, as I mentioned before, on the North Korean six-party talks. They're very important to us, and to that -- and to the entire region in making sure that North Korea becomes a nuclear-free peninsula.

Q But "complex" still equates to a good relationship?

MS. PERINO: I think you can have a complex and a good relationship, like ours.


Q It's not on the Dalai, but anyone else want to ask about --

MS. PERINO: Well, I'll come right back to you, Helen.

In the back.

Q Thanks, Dana. Is China interfering in our domestic politics by complaining so strongly about tomorrow's Congressional Gold Medal ceremony?

MS. PERINO: Look, I think that if people want to express their views, the President welcomes every -- everyone should have the opportunity to express their views. And I think that we're not going to try to squelch that at all, no.


Q Dana, thank you.

MS. PERINO: Is this one on the Dalai Lama?

Q Yes, ma'am. As far as this -- the Dalai Lama and particular issue is concerned, this has been going for a long time, and the people of Tibet have been waiting and asking President Bush every year whenever he was meeting with him in the White House that they see a hope of light for them. And now, over quarter million Tibetans in India are asking on President Bush again today that he should stand for the independence or freedom of Tibet just like anywhere else in the world.

MS. PERINO: As I said, the President –

Q And this will be the highest -- this will be the highest award ever the U.S. can give to -- civilian award to anybody, and they are very delighted and very thankful to the President. But, at the same time, they're asking for more.

MS. PERINO: Well, I understand that the President looks forward to the meeting he's having with him today, and then he'll make brief remarks tomorrow, and you can maybe get those out in your newspaper.

    重點摘要: 1.9 月降息 2 碼、進一步暗示年內還有 50 bp 降息 2.SEP 上修失業率預期,但快速的降息速率將有助失業率觸頂 3.未來幾個月經濟數據將繼續轉弱,經濟復甦的時點或是 1Q25 季底附近
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    影片來源:DQPA住宅消保會YouTube頻道 辛辛苦苦買了房子,無非希望有個屬於自己安身立命的小窩。在裝修階段,是逐漸拼湊心中最接近家的模樣,更能看得出屋主的品味。 再過一個月就是新春假期,市面上充斥著各種形式的詐騙案件,就連裝潢市場也不例外,裝潢蟑螂的行徑,上網一搜劣跡斑斑。
    今日勇士眾將造訪白宮。庫里發表演講,並向美國總統拜登與副總統卡瑪拉-哈里斯贈送了定製版的球衣。據悉,贈送給拜登的46號球衣代表“第46任總統”,贈送給哈里斯的1號球衣表示"頭號球迷"。 第47任美國總統庫里向大家介紹造訪白宮的前總統拜登 哈里斯:1>46 追夢在活動中調侃,庫里也許未來能夠參選美國
    老實說,這部由台灣導演李建成執導的最新紀錄片《再會啦 白宮》。並非是那種看完會令人嘆為觀止的絕世佳作,它也沒有什麼特別高超的表現技法,但就是因樸實道地而意外的好看動人。尤其是影片的那份「真」與「誠」,源自於受訪者們的談吐對話與互動交流之中,成功捕捉到最真實的反應,以及紀錄者很單純的拍攝動機和義無反顧
    當地時間6月7日,世界銀行最新發佈的《全球經濟展望》報告,大幅下調全球經濟增長預期,並警告稱全球經濟可能陷入上世紀70年代式滯脹,許多國家存在衰退風險。 在其最新的報告中,世界銀行預計今年全球經濟增速將從2021年的5.7%降至2.9%,比1月份預測的4.1%低1.2個百分點。
    重點摘要: 1.9 月降息 2 碼、進一步暗示年內還有 50 bp 降息 2.SEP 上修失業率預期,但快速的降息速率將有助失業率觸頂 3.未來幾個月經濟數據將繼續轉弱,經濟復甦的時點或是 1Q25 季底附近
    近期的「貼文發佈流程 & 版型大更新」功能大家使用了嗎? 新版式整體視覺上「更加凸顯圖片」,為了搭配這次的更新,我們推出首次貼文策展 ❤️ 使用貼文功能並完成這次的指定任務,還有機會獲得富士即可拍,讓你的美好回憶都可以用即可拍珍藏!
    影片來源:DQPA住宅消保會YouTube頻道 辛辛苦苦買了房子,無非希望有個屬於自己安身立命的小窩。在裝修階段,是逐漸拼湊心中最接近家的模樣,更能看得出屋主的品味。 再過一個月就是新春假期,市面上充斥著各種形式的詐騙案件,就連裝潢市場也不例外,裝潢蟑螂的行徑,上網一搜劣跡斑斑。
    今日勇士眾將造訪白宮。庫里發表演講,並向美國總統拜登與副總統卡瑪拉-哈里斯贈送了定製版的球衣。據悉,贈送給拜登的46號球衣代表“第46任總統”,贈送給哈里斯的1號球衣表示"頭號球迷"。 第47任美國總統庫里向大家介紹造訪白宮的前總統拜登 哈里斯:1>46 追夢在活動中調侃,庫里也許未來能夠參選美國
    老實說,這部由台灣導演李建成執導的最新紀錄片《再會啦 白宮》。並非是那種看完會令人嘆為觀止的絕世佳作,它也沒有什麼特別高超的表現技法,但就是因樸實道地而意外的好看動人。尤其是影片的那份「真」與「誠」,源自於受訪者們的談吐對話與互動交流之中,成功捕捉到最真實的反應,以及紀錄者很單純的拍攝動機和義無反顧
    當地時間6月7日,世界銀行最新發佈的《全球經濟展望》報告,大幅下調全球經濟增長預期,並警告稱全球經濟可能陷入上世紀70年代式滯脹,許多國家存在衰退風險。 在其最新的報告中,世界銀行預計今年全球經濟增速將從2021年的5.7%降至2.9%,比1月份預測的4.1%低1.2個百分點。