Shine On: The Charm of Lab Grown Diamond

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Diamonds have been a symbol of love, loyalty and timelessness for centuries. Historically, these are natural gemstones which slowly extract from the Earth under several millions of years of enormous pressure and heat. Nevertheless, this is with the changing shape of the diamond industry that now has arisen lab-grown diamonds. Are these feats of human creation a true substitute for the real thing or perhaps just another passing phase?

Science Behind Lab Grown Diamonds

Lab grown diamonds are carefully created in distinctly controlled lab-like settings As a general rule scientists use technology such as CVD and HPHT to recreate under laboratory conditions the circumstances that create natural diamonds deep underground. The lab grown diamonds are identical to their naturally harvested counterparts in all physical and chemical properties such that they fool even the most sophisticated gem testing equipment.

These Lab grown diamonds are every bit as brilliant, fiery and sparkly as natural diamonds. You can slice them into multiple different shapes by cutting the stone and polishing, from round cuts to pear or emerald shaped whatever your taste is. Elegant and dazzling, lab-grown diamonds are ideal for all types of jewelry purchases: Fancy or simple and also give guidance on how to design a solitaire engagement ring.

The Moral Choice: Sustainable Sparklers

Growing Worries About The Environmental Impact Of Diamond Mining This is a major boon for lab-grown diamonds. Because they are produced in a controlled environment, their environmental footprint is substantially smaller. One of the best things about choosing an all natural, lab grown gemstone, is that you can cherish a beautiful stone to mark important life milestones without adding guilt to your new purchase by encouraging diamond mining and environmental devastation.

Furthermore, Are some Diamond mining practices unethical? This is completely remedied with lab grown diamonds. They are so ethical as a unique symbol of your love and commitment. Trust us, going for a lab grown diamond is an ethically and environmentally perfect choice!

Decoding the myth of Value Proposition

Accessibility: The biggest advantage that lab-created diamonds bring is their cost/fwlink to source. Using this production shortcut, lab-grown diamonds mining identical in size and quality can be produced at a 20-40% discount. This allows diamonds to become more democratic gemstones that can be enjoyed by more people. An opportunity to celebrate your anniversary, engagement or simply pamper yourself even more thanks to disruption originating from the use of lab grown diamonds.

Higher Quality: Lab-created diamonds are more uniform and as a result, have lower inclusions. And in turn, this could lead to a higher percentage of Very Clean or Color diamonds coming your way and generating more bang for their buck. Lab grown diamonds are easier to get that perfect diamond clarity and sparkle that everyone wants.

The Future of Lab Grown Diamonds

Even though lab diamonds and mined diamonds are one in the same from a physical sense, some aspects of its investment potential are questionable. Arguably one of the only remaining assets that can claim to be a real store-of-value due their rarity and desirability, mined diamonds have been around since the dawn of time. All the same, the ground-harvested stone may face competition from an unexpected source: lab-grown diamonds.

Price of lab grown diamonds in future: Lab Diamonds Price However, their price and ethical nature make them a formidable force in the diamond market. Gains from lab-grown diamonds: Increased awareness due to improved technology could make them an asset class in the future

Selecting the Perfect Diamond

When it comes to lab grown vs mined, that is ultimately a choice based on what you value and of course personal preference. Also, lab-grown diamonds give away a message as they are more sustainable and ethical but on the same ground mined ones come with history and legacy. Both are equally timeless and visually stunning but the main difference between them is.

Lab grown diamonds might sound like an attractive alternative, especially for those looking to make the most ethical or cost-effective choice. This enables you to commemorate your life achievements with the shine of an important stone that will possibly represent what is most valuable for you. But for those who do value the provenance and possible resale of diamonds, mine-produced stones could still be the way to go.


Lab grown diamonds also herald a significant advance in the diamond trade. It gives customers a stunning and guilt-free option to choose from. The transformation of the diamond industry by lab-grown diamonds is a promise no one can say for sure. That being said, their increasing presence and the development of high tech around them are telling us that this story will forever change the history of diamonds. This makes lab-grown diamonds a viable option for thousands of years to come as they are projected to represent one-third of the global diamond market.

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